"What do you mean I am about to die?" asked Drake as he freaked out.
"The thing is, you entered dimensional space without body tempering. So your body is currently begin destroyed on a subatomic level. By the time you get to the coordinates this dimensional ball is taking you, you will be died"
When Drake heard these words, it occurred to him, that he has just been using the elemental energies to do everything and never really took the time to work on his body.
"I guess death is my reward for recklessness…*sigh*… I accept my punishment"
"HAHAHAHA…" laughed the system A.I, "there is no need to get all serious, I diverted the dimensional ball to the closet world where you can recover and find a solution to your body problem… that is if you are smart enough."
Drake sighed, he was not about to die which is great because, he still had a lot of plans such as to solve the mystery of the one piece, to find out if Nico Robin and Boa Hancock are virgins… so much to do.
All so a sudden the system A.I spoke, "Okay user, we have reached your salvation"
Drake braced himself for what new world a waited him.
There was a flash of light and Drake appeared in a new world.
The first thing he heard when he appeared was skid sound as vehicle swerved to the left to missing him and the hit a rail.
The car was now hanging on the edge about to fall over.
It's at this point that Drake released that he had appeared on a giant red bridge and the car was about to fall off the side.
"HELP, SOME BODY HELP" came the calls of the couple in the car.
Drake immediately shoot towards the car and held it just as it was about to fall over. With easy, he lifted it and put it back completely on to the bridge. Ripping the passenger and driver doors open.
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to put your life in danger" he apologised to them.
Drake understood were the man's anger was coming form, he was having a nice day and an idiot appeared almost getting him and his woman killed.
He was about to apologise again when the woman spoke up, "Honey the man who was able to pull the car form the edge and rip the doors off with such easy says his sorry… *she turned to Drake*… it's okay and thank you for helping us"
The man was about to ask his woman why she let the idiot off the hook when her words rang in his head, he looked at the rip car doors and released, this man can do the same to him. So shut his mouth.
"Again, I am so sorry" said Drake one more time.
He looked around the bridge and released a crowd of people were gathering and they were pointing cell phones and the wreckage recording.
"Am I back in my home world?" he thought to himself.
Then in front of the couple and 20 something recording cell phones he lifted off the ground and flow off into the sky creating a gust of wind blowing every one back.
All that witnessed this sight had their mouths open in shock, the internet later would blow up with a video of a flying man.
The woman suddenly released that the man who caused the accident was actually very handsome.
Now a few feet above the bridge in the night sky, Drake was investigating this world. He noticed the sky scrapers, by the bay of a wide river and the red bridge that passed over it.
"It looks like the golden gate bridge… Am I in San Francisco?" he asked himself.
Drake flow down towards the bay and landed at a harbour. Ever since he came to this world, he would run out of natural energy so fast and he finds it hard to replenish it.
As if reading his mind the A.I spoke "It's because you are suffering the drawbacks of dimensional travel, so you are not at 100% but worry not, your body is recovering slow."
"Finally some good news, but it means nothing if I can't leave this dimension. Tell me where I can find the solution to my body problems."
"I can't, it's your path, so forge it yourself" replied the A.I
Drake sighed and walked in to the city.
It truly was like his home world, the sound of auto mobiles, the lights, the buildings, the technology etc.
As he walked by an electronics shop selling 4K giant screen TVs, a running news story caught his attention,
"…..and in the news, big hero 6 stops a monster attack over the San Fransokyo bay after their return form teaming up with the Avengers and later we look at footage of a man rescuing a car on the San Fransokyo bridge and then flying away, is he a new hero, find out …"
Drake eyes expanded with pure excitement, big hero 6 and the Avengers. This could only mean one thing, he was on Earth 616, the setting for Marvels comic book universe.
A light bulb came on in his head, a solution to his body problem.
"I need to find Hiro…." He said as he walked away from the electronics store window.