Chapter 4: Some new ideas, The 3 S

It's been 20 years. Since I came to this new and until now unexplored world, through these years, the state educated a number of "doctors" and "people to help in the village", for the case of the sick and all that I want, I can not be attentive, as was life in my past life, and I had learned a lot from my father to make myself easier and easier to read, and find the right ones for the right job.

With the knowledge I have of my past life as a doctor, many diseases and cadences of man, although the sea superficially and I do not have a laboratory to do the tests and all that, I managed to know what were the diseases suffered by the people in the clan.

It has been 5 years since I came of age and I am 20 years old, in these years my town or village should say, it has progressed a lot.

Without constant hunger, and the need to hunt to survive on a daily basis, we have settled perfectly and achieved, we managed to tame several species, which made our lives easier.

What had not happened to anyone before.

When I proposed the idea of ​​taming more animals, he looked at me strangely, but since we already had a wolf, he understood the quick concept, and we started.

We managed to get wild sheep, wild boars, goats and domesticate them we created several corrals far from the houses, since I said that they brought diseases that animals and people lived together.

After that, we established places where the people of the village would defecate or throw and deposit things, which also causes diseases, which surprised many.

And when people stopped getting sick after putting into practice these hypotheses that I had, I started to believe more in my word, and the plan was an application that I had, which made things easier to use.

For a while, I had already implemented the study of words, and the concepts in the town too, what I considered the first structure of literate and rather well-spoken people in this new and primitive world, according to my opinion so far, were the smartest in this world.


What I did not know was that, when I did this, for some reason sapiens all over the world, they began to discover little by little some things that I had re-created in this world, I had advanced what it would take a thousand years in a few decades without anything happening around the world.

Unknown to all this was happening.

Although they would not reach me in knowledge, the concept was awakened in some individuals, who were the ones who would bring a change to the species, in various corners of the world.

But, not everyone would be lucky to implement them as our Mc, since he knows the risks and volatiles that humans can be when someone tries to overcome them.

If they were intelligent and achieved their goals through different means, other than by force if they are weak, they could succeed in achieving it.

The good thing about Mc is that he was born as the son of the head of his clan, and the next head of the clan and did not have the ambition to usurp the power of his father ahead of time.


After having several people of the same age educated in the clan, everything became easier for me, since I did not have to deal with everything, so I delegated the works and the teachings to others.

And to several other positions, such as livestock, fishing was also developed along with my opinions. We lived near a large river, the good thing is that there were no water predators near the river we were in.

We created small boats, and teaching how to create it to the carpenters thus creating a new profession in this world the creators of boats, I told them about several other models of fishing boats to develop them later.

With my guide we managed to create the first fishing boats in the world in my opinion.

I believed that as I was a reincarnate, and if there were no others like me I would have an advantage over others, at the time of a conflict.

With the abundant amount of resources, which we managed to acquire thanks to my knowledge and guidance.

Our population grew without any problem, women who were pregnant, could not do anything heavy, or rigorous work, and that became a rule.

That increased the life rate of women who gave birth and those who died declined.

It was improved and the knowledge regarding the labor of the pregnant women, with my help and teachings I managed to entrust this work to some women, the most capacious and delicate in the village, and that helped a lot, and deaths due to hemorrhages decreased, lose too much blood

After having instructed several doctors in the clan, there were no deaths as before and a minimum number of people died for other reasons in labor, the clan continued to grow and grow, Now our clan has 450 people and most they are children and young people of my age, thanks to instilling this knowledge since childhood, many lives have been saved, and that is leading the clan to grow.

After that, I managed to create the labor specialization, some people are dedicated to carpentry, these in turn create furniture and houses and other wooden things such as chairs etc.

There are the blacksmiths, these were instructed by me, we had to find a natural mine outdoors in our territory, thus creating our first metal tools.

The shepherds, masons, craftsmen, fishermen, and tailors, creating and defining all these infrastructures cost me a lot, since I was not specialized in this in my past life but I once read something that contained this information at least the basics and I'm recorded.

Mining, was one of my companies in my past life so I knew enough about the subject.

*** Started from the Mc Flas black ***

And with the construction of boats, when I was a child my father took me to one of his factories, it was created specifically to satisfy the personal desire of some elites in the world interested in some specific issues, which led my father to create a company that was divided into different types.

Many elites of the world have a few exotic tastes, some of them were European and other Asians, they liked the idea of ​​collecting these relics of the past, and a company was created that is in charge of the construction of old warships, ships I refer to ships, from different parts of the world, and from various ages, such as the first Viking ship to the first Spanish galleon and the flagship of Admiral Zhen He.

Like many other boats, when I was young, my father would put me to memorize those things since one day that would be mine to manage, and I had to be familiar with the company from an early age.

Several years passed thus learning from the companies of my parents, my father was one of the elites of the world. I had friends in all corners of the world with slightly strange tastes in telling the truth.

Of that group of people there was one who had a collection of boats of all kinds on a private island.

It was an island in Japan, apparently the person had great power in Japan because no one could approach that island without an escort, I remember once I went with my father and saw a lot of wooden boats in a museum collection especially large that contained them.

According to my father he was one of those who commissioned models of boats of all ages and had the world's largest collection of ancient warships on an exact scale of the world.

There were others like him but with different tastes, such as the creation of planes and prototypes of cars that I will talk about later.

End of Flash BACK

After having delegated some activities, I went to see my father, I had heard about one of the hunters, that a large beast that runs very fast, and is difficult to hunt, was in the clan hunting grounds.

They are very cunning and timid, but they are also aggressive if you bother them.

They are always kept in wide and open plains, they almost never walk alone and are never unnoticed, so it is very difficult to hunt them.

In fact our clan has never hunted one, since they almost never see them, when they saw them they were far away, and when trying to approach them they fled, it was very difficult to catch up with them.

After asking for a description of the beasts that the hunter was talking about, I was happy and went to talk with my father about it, I had an idea of ​​what animal it could be and if it was right, that would be very useful for me and for me. the clan.

When I arrived at the boss's house, I asked him to tell me what had happened when they found those animals, which were quadrupeds that ran very fast, I asked him for a more accurate description of what he had seen, when he was with the animals. hunters who inspected the territory and found those wild animals.

"Boss, could you tell me what the wild animals were like, what they found today when patrolling the territory?" I asked the chief to understand and if my assumptions are correct it is a pure wild horse.

"Ho, hello son, time not knowing about you, if of course, it happens, you should say hello to your mother, you have not talked to her in a while she is a little worried about you" said the boss with a sarcastic tone, as I speak more with my mother and not so much with my father.

My mother goes to my house, almost every morning with my sister, to teach them new things, she said it as a joke.

"Oh that, if there were 4 of my men to look for if I found a good prey to hunt, and not consume our pets, but we heard those strange howls, and we went to see what it was that produced them."

"When we arrived we saw many of the fast quadrupeds, which we have seen from afar on several occasions, but we did not approach, we did not want to scare them away so we returned to the village"

"I want to domesticate some of those quadrupeds, I need your help, if we succeed in doing so we can do many things with them, and it will be easier for us to monitor the territory without the danger of being attacked suddenly by predators, among other things. "I said in a serious tone, I wanted a horse.

I asked him to help me capture some of them, I thought of a way to set them up, but I needed the help of many people, so I could guide them to the place, but it would take time to achieve that.

"Well, we'll do that, I'll gather the people when the preparations are finished,

After having planned with the boss how we were going to capture some of those horses we got going with the plan.

First we were going to create a large corral, very tall, so they can not escape when they are inside.

First we cut some trees in the tall forest and we took them to the village, after that we started to build a fence long enough and high enough to house many horses. I had the intention of creating an area suitable for 40 horses if possible more.

After that, I began to organize the workers as we need this work, I asked almost everyone to help with the construction of this giant corral.

The height of the fence will be about 2 meters, to be thick and resistant defense, as support we will put 3 barrier of logs in succession lll == lll lll == lll lll == lll

one behind the other, in the whole fence, is a precautionary measure so that they do not escape, if one of the trunk manages to fall in its onslaught against the fence when doing it.

After making the preparations and guiding them all and working for 3 days in a row since the sun rises until it sets we are able to build a large corral and one smaller but just as tall as the other.

After having achieved it in these 3 days we gave ourselves a break, tomorrow we will attract those horses to an ambush and we will capture one, which will provoke the wrath of the other horses.

If my guess is correct, these horses do not fear humans, and that gives me an advantage of being able to create an ambush by provoking them enough to make them ignore us as a threat when they lower their guard against us because of the anger, to capture one of their own, and that leads to persecution, but as we can not run more than them ....

"Thinking" ***

After that I came up with the perfect plan.

After having made all the preparations and everything was underway, the people rested and ready to test my plan.