Chapter 5: The capture of the 1st Clan of wild horses.

Well, after everything was ready and done we went to the place where the horses were, I had already given them the name the day before so now people were getting used to the new and shorter name than quadruped fast.

After seeing how many horses there were, I was really surprised because there were almost a hundred of them.

"If I could catch them all would be perfect," I thought to myself.

There were different types of colors of horses, but there was a horse that worried me, he was watching us from a distance, while the other horses ate and grazed.

It was a beautiful and very large horse, I calculate according to my distance, which would measure about 2 meters, if I remember correctly, that is the height of a racehorse.

Well, ignoring the strange look of the beautiful black horse, with a long black mane, the other horses also have a height almost to that of the black horse, it seems that all these horses are pure.

Perfect, I hope everything goes according to plan, if there are no victims in this raid it will be perfect.

I thought that everything would not come out in the best possible way because, nothing goes as you always want, or not at all.

After observing the place where we were, we separated and went to the places we had agreed in advance.

Three days ago, in addition to the people who were building the 2 corrals, there were also others building several caves, in the places where we were going to make the ambush and the replacement plan.

Since we knew that we could not beat the horses in speed, we created a strategy of substitution in several points, by making the horses lose us for a second, another person would leave a hidden place far from the place where the previous person hid , so as not to be hurt by the horses.

It's a very simple idea but I do not think horses discover the smell of the one that is hiding, because it will be made up with a variety of plants used by the shamans of this world, to hide the smell and apparently it worked ...

After having positioned all the people who would do the strategy, be in their places, we started the plan.

"The general idea is to try to capture a horse that is only with ropes, after that surely, I'm not sure, that we will attract the attention of the rest of the cavalry and with it that of the horse leader, so we will only leave him tied to the tree in which it will be tied and the first one will run to point 1, after that, the one that hides in point 2, plows noise to attract the attention of the horses, and that of point 2 will run to point 3 empty, when the point 3 is in place will be the point 4, and so we will attract the horses to the place where the corral will be, the good thing is that the horses do not know that it is a corral and will not be attentive to a few branches together Let's go, "I said after I finished explaining the plan.

After having explained the plan one last time to all, we started, this plan we have been practicing these last days, so that there is no problem, at the moment of truth. So he trusted and I hope everything goes well, and there are no wounded in this raid.

The first one came out and grabbed a horse that was alone near the tree. The first one tied the horse to the tree and made something for the horse to neigh and attract the attention of the other horses.

The black horse launched like a fury towards the villager 1 who was already at the corner of the hiding place.

It hid to perfection and that of point 2 came out and made noise.

"Hey little horse here Come if you can!" Said this mocking horse that proboco his anger and began to follow him.

Behind the black horse came the cavalry, and they all followed the black horse.

The villager 2 hid in point 3, after that the villager came out.

"HEEEEY littttttle horseeeeeeee Are you blind or what?" "COME IF YOU ARE QUICK" and started to run, the horse followed the trick and also began to chase the bipedal stranger who can only run on 2 legs and was insulting him by yelling at him.

After villager 4 hid in his spot villager 5 came out and did the same

"Little horse, You're not faster than me, you're as slow as a tortoiseeeeee" Said villager 5, who ran and hid in shelter 6 ...

"The horse was furious, he did not understand, how these inferior beings could run more than he, the all and dominant leader of his clan of horses.

Nobody was stronger and faster than he, he did not understand how this 2-legged being could escape from view and appear further away.

After repeated trickery we managed to herd the black horse and his group to the prepared corral.

They did not know that these tall wooden structures were, and did not pay attention to them, when all the cavalry were inside the corral, the black horse felt something strange and neighing causing the running horses to stop.

When I looked around I could not see the exit, through which they had entered ..

"Hahaha, it went perfect I did not think it could be so perfect," activate plan 2

Soon there was a noise from one side of the corral and the black horse as head approached the noise.

*** Point of view of the black horse Head of the cavalry ***

After that a path opened, the black horse thought it was the exit, and ran quickly making others follow him, but when the black horse stepped closed the entrance to the corral. Leaving the head of the other horses separate.

The black horse, had not realized that now he was completely alone in another corral, when he looked to see his cavalry. He did not find any.


But in the distance I could see a human with blond hair with blue eyes who was looking at him with curiosity and strangeness.




"FLACUCHO, Buff," the horse said angrily, realizing that he was now locked in some strange and evil place by this strange, evil, two-legged creature.

I could not understand how this happened, it was very strange, first someone tries to kidnap his son.

Then that person runs. When I was about to grab him, he appeared many trots from his position, but when I was about to catch him he appeared even farther, I did not understand what trick he used, but I was about to catch him when suddenly I found myself in a strange place surrounded by trees without leaves, stacked one on top of the other, I do not understand.

Suddenly when I see the exit and I run to her, my clanmates disappear ...

Soon I shut up and start thinking but I hear something ...

Hiiiiiiiiiii, hiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiii "Chief here there is food, where are you?"

Hiiiiiiiii "Are you okay? Well well then be careful "said the black horse

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "Do you have food, boss?"

"If you do not worry, eat calmly,"

híiiiiiii "Is this asher there?"

hiiiiii'liii híiiiiiiiiii híiiiiiíiii "if I arrived a while ago do not worry boss the 2 legs brought it with something in the neck."

híiiiiiiiii híiiiiiiiiii "Well vena if you can take it off with your teeth, do not leave it on" said the black horse

híiiiiiiiii híiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiii "Ok boss do not worry" shouted other horses in the big pen

uff less bad they are good, apparently they have good food there, that's good has to feed well. He thought the horse

After that, he searches the area and gets food and begins to eat.

*** End of view of the black horse Head of the cavalry ***

"What a strange behavior this black horse shouts in a horrible way" I thought to myself when I heard the neighing of the horse leader when I first entered the second corral

Hiiiiiiiiiii, Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Hiiiiiiiiiii, Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Hiiiiiiiiiii, Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Hiiiiiiiii, HiiiiiiiII


"Hahaha, it seems that you are a little annoying, no?" I asked the horse in a mocking tone.

"It seems that I bufo this black horse". I thought when I hear the Buff

After that, I call the boss and ask him "How did the operation go? Somebody hurt? "Ask the boss

"No one was hurt, the plan was perfect, this horse is very temperamental, just kept following the lures until I enter the corral, apparently never suspect a trap.

Well, let's leave them like that for a few days, give them food for a few days while they build other pens, we have to separate them more, there are many, we agave what we did with the black horse, we agave other corrals to be able to domesticate them, the form that I had told you will serve tame them

I will take charge of tame this black horse after continue giving him food every day.