Chapter 6: Exploring new lands

After doing everything I had to do, I went to sleep although I did not do anything physically, I'm mentally exhausted.

After a hard day, I went to bed and fell like a rock.

The next morning, several villagers came to ask me for advice, how we could tame those huge animals, explain that it was not easy to do it, and that I was going to instruct some people how to tame horses, and I told them to be careful and Do not approach these wild horses, do not let them ride by anyone, and they could get hurt if someone tried to mount them beforehand without the protections and the preparations beforehand.

In addition they can not yet be assembled, first you have to create the chairs, to be able to mount them without falling and split the neck when riding them, so you have to wait to tame them with the saddles will be much easier.

After explaining things opt for the soft mode, first earn the horse's trust and then try to ride it. With the majority at least, I know that with the head horse, that will not work, but it does not matter someday I'm going to tame that stallion.

But as it is still early, several pens are being built to put them a few inside, that way we can take them out one by one when we try to domesticate them.

Today I am going to take charge of teaching the carpenters, to create some chairs for the horses, I told him the measurements of the observations I made, when observing the horses yesterday in the corral and now I have the exact measurements, of how much should be the width and length of a saddle

After gathering some carpenters, and some tailors to help me design a chair, I started, talking about the functions of the chair as I was, I explained that it is a bar, The bars are the basis of the distribution of the weight of the chair; the part of the saddle that leans on the horse and supports you. There are two 'bars' that distribute the weight evenly on both sides of the spine. If the chair is properly adjusted, the horse's back will be in contact with the full length of the bars.

I had to explain and demonstrate, which is a rear sweep: In a saddle, the sill is the rear section that acts like the back of a seat; It leans up a bit like a chair. The bars are connected to the flange at the bottom, which holds the entire saddle together. The borren is a term that refers to both the English and Western chairs.

Explain what a fork is and what it's for: the fork of the saddle. In a western saddle, the fork is the section on the front that holds the bars together. It is under the horn and has the appearance of an "U" in reverse. There are two main types of forks, one polished and the thickened. Polishing is the most popular and is recognized by the sides of the right angle to the horn. A thickened fork is recognized by the thick curved edges that go up to the horn

In the Search of the throat: Search the throat. A very important aspect when fitting a saddle to the horse is to make sure that the throat fits well.

The throat refers to the empty spaces between the bars of the saddle. When the chair is placed on the back of a horse, the adjustment can be examined by looking at the throat from the front and back.

No one doubted what I was saying, it feels a bit strange, I had never experienced this but since I came to this world they seem to accept what I say about some issues as if I was the one who created them, well at least in this world I'm creating them but it feels strange ...

Well after explaining to the carpenters and the tailors to develop a saddle with a good skin and a wood that is not as uncomfortable for the horse as for the rider. I set a full day to help them do this.

At nightfall I feel exhausted, for all the work I did today good I get tired more to explain everything to others but I hope and it serves my effort ... we made an advance in the creation of a chair, but I guess that It will take me a few days to finish it.

As it had supposed, it took us 5 days to finish a good prototype of a chair now what is needed is to try it, and it was time to domesticate a horse.

Not the black horse chief, I'm not going to tame him yet, he's a very strong and arrogant horse, he will not let himself ride no matter how hard he tries, I'm going to try another good younger horse.

Summing up the constant mistreatment of the mc, when falling off the horse and being persecuted several times, I manage to make the horse tame on day 8 of its initiation to domestication.

The horse was already tired, he was not given food during these days just a little water so he would not die but neither to recover his strength, so the horse at the end of day 8 of his training, was domesticated, but there was still try it

On the 9th, he fed a bit and put up resistance at the beginning when trying to ride it, he did the same thing that had been done before, we took him to the hall of the corral and we got him from there, after that he was so tired and he gave up and It was domesticated successfully.

That day I spent training my horse, with the horse in the new corral, is a corral made for horses already domesticated.

Through my example, others began to try this process of taming, when I had already finished taming my horse.

After having made some adjustments of the chair, with which we were working, we managed to acquire better measurements of the horses and their chairs, we made the adjustments of the chair and the next day I went out of the territory.

It had not left our territory during these 20 years, I wanted to see that there is beyond our lands, now that I have a companion to help me go quickly, it will be much better and I practice walking great distances on our way.

I left at dawn the next day, thinking that there is no way to measure the days here, it occurred to me after I returned that a calendar was created.

So it will be easier to do several things, such as harvesting and measuring the days of weeks, and the activities, and functions that plow some people of the town and days off ...

Well, whatever we talk about later with the boss, I suppose I'll approve it, so I have to plan everything before proposing it.

After setting off, I headed towards the unknown outside the territory, when I had already traveled a great distance from the territory of our clan, I began to see the tracks of humans, I got off the horse to smell them and to taste the earth and so I could know if they were fresh I touch them and I see that they are from 1 hour ago, I guess I can reach them but I do not want to alert them that I am here I want to see who they are.

Not all sapiens are good people, there are bastards who are bad, they attack other clans and they kill men leaving only women, who rape and keep them as reproducers, these bastards have no humanity.

My father's father met with a clan of these in the past, they had a fight since they attacked them when they were migrating. On one occasion, what those bastards did not know was that there were many warriors in the clan, and they were better armed, and they ended up killing them and letting one flee, they followed him and found their lair.

The subject did not notice the others simply went into his hut and began to play with the women inside.

After the man had arrived at his camp, my grandfather arrived with his men and they killed all the men and asked the women if they wanted to stay or leave.

They all decided to leave with my grandfather and his men and welcomed them into the clan.

It was a story they told us when we were little so that we would always be attentive to strangers who are not from your clan.

That had saved our clan since then on many occasions of ambushes, made by supposed friendly migrant men who were alone, but it was just a ruse to make them lower their guard and attack from inside and outside.

My grandfather never allowed anyone unknown to enter the clan, if they had any interaction with other humans was commercial and from afar nothing but not allowed to approach the clan or women or children.

My father had learned that from my grandfather, and I from my father but my mind was much more open from the beginning than they, I know that without interaction with other tribes it is impossible to trade, to learn about news, but that is for later ....

You have to be careful, since there are clans that eat men are cannibals, you can differentiate them by their hands and their teeth and gums.

The ones that shake their hand a lot are that they have eaten a lot of human flesh and some rare ones too, the gums are another informer for these bugs.

After riding with Chimuelo, I stopped and tied the horse in a comfortable position in case I have to run, but not in sight in case someone wants to go too smart.