Chapter 7: An unknown Clan

I walk little by little, crouching down and I manage to hide in a mini hill with bushes near a meadow.

In the distance I can distinguish a large number of people, I see men women and children, all gathered in large groups, and their houses simple but stable, that means that I am in the territory of another clan.

I try to observe more, and I see that in the distance some hunters come with some wounded men, apparently they had an altercation with others, since those wounds are not made by animals.

One of the wounded still had one of the spears that was thrown at the stuck leg, if it was removed he would bleed.

I keep watching to measure the situation, and understand what happened to those injured who these people are and how long they have been on this earth.

Drawing my own conclusions from the environment, and the aging of the houses there are, in my opinion they do not have many years here, since the structures I see are not very old.

According to my opinion and memories, these people must have at least 3 years in these lands.

I want to see if they are, friendly with strangers, or they are violent and dangerous.

I continue to observe the situation from afar, I begin to assume that they are not a peaceful group, apparently they attacked another town and they defended themselves by killing some of them and managed to escape.

Or it could be the other way around maybe it was they who were attacked by other clans, first I have to go back and report this to the clan chief.

Maybe he knows something that I do not, so I can understand a little more and better the situation.

I continue to observe the situation to find, and see how advanced these are of my tribe when I come to this world.

They have dogs, not other domesticated animals.

I guess they still do not know that animals can be domesticated, well that gives me another advantage in this world.

I see a group of women from the biggest store.

To my surprise the head of this clan is a woman, the warriors who were sent are men, women are the heads of this clan.

How do I know who is the boss? Good:

I see a woman with black hair and a hat With feathers of eagles, in her hair, I soon realize that this woman is the head of the clan because?

The men, have their body painted following 6 women one at the head and 5 more behind her.

Mmm I guess the first one to see if your villagers are injured would be your boss?

Tl: those are the ideas of the mc

I look around me, and I see a group going to the location of my horse, I bend down and go out little by little so as not to attract the attention of hunters, lookouts and their dogs.

But I had no luck, when I had just left a dog he saw me or smelled me, I do not know but he started barking, and everyone looked at my location, I started running, and stealth was unnecessary, if they grab me I'm dead. I thought

I run as fast as I can to my horse, which is not far away but is well hidden.

The amount I take the reins, in a fast way and I go galloping to everything that gives of the place.

*** Point of view of those of the unknown tribe./***

About 2 minutes later

5 women arrived with 10 men armed with spears of bones, and on their bodies a white and red paint, half of its face was white and the other red respectively right and left.

All men had the same paint on them, their bodies were painted red and white.

Women on the other hand, had the lower half painted white, and the upper half painted blue with their eyes highlighted in black, and natural black hair.

They looked at the curtain of dust the intruder had left, his eyes half closed, looking in the direction I had gone.

"I want trees to be cut, we are going to create a big fence, which covers the entire village, this must be ready for today" Said the woman who stood out among the 5 present to the men.

Another woman looks at the one I talk to with consternation and asks

"What's wrong Erza?" Asks the woman

"In that direction lives a strange clan, we have never approached to talk to them but when we tried to move to their territory we were repelled violently, I remember that was what mother told me."

"Several of the warriors were very injured that day, and we did not try to return to those lands because they are very strong."

"My mother had forbidden to mess with that clan, I did not want to form problems and we had retired to another place, only 2 years ago we returned to this land because of the abundant animals that live here. And also because of the snow this winter "

The group that had come first a year before had prepared everything for us to settle here for a longer time this time.

"But I smell problems, that cloud of dust was not made by a person, and the person who fled was barely discovered, not a person with good intentions since the first thing he did was run and not talk."

"Shona, Thina, fence I have reported this to mother, Mina accompany me, I want to see more closely the clan that we had been forbidden to see, from a closer distance."

N, A: The 5 sisters are daughters of the leader of the unknown clan, the eldest is called Erza, the second sister is called Mina, the third is Shona, Fourth Thina, the fifth sister is Zhona.

"Zhona I want you to organize a group and try to keep at bay the clan that attacked us when we hunted, I want to know who they are, and where they are located, according to where the attack came from they have to be in the north."

"Create a group and explore the area with care. When you have some information or are discovered, go out there and I do not want any more dead."

"If you feel there is a danger nearby, leave immediately even if no salt is discovered, do not take unnecessary risks. Believe in your instincts and do not ignore them that has kept us alive until now.

"Tell the mother to explore the area more, but do not worry, we will run if we find any signs of danger.

After that we set off, we followed the tracks left, and the dust cloud, after walking for I do not know how long.

We had lost sight of the cloud but there were still traces of footprints, so I knew what animal it was.

"It's incredible that they have that violent animal, as a mount" Mina said when she saw the traces of that animal also assumed that they had tamed him.

After that they followed a path different from that of the tracks and soon they came to a place with a good position to see more from afar. It had separated from the road and now they were in a high position that could see the whole valley.

When they reach the chasm, their mouth almost falls out and their eyes come out of surprise when they see the Guild Guild people. (Tl: Exaggerating)

They looked with their eyes open, which for them was practically impossible to achieve, They saw in the distance a lot of houses, but not houses like those that had them that were made of wood, and straw on top, very easy to be torn down.

These houses were different, since they were square and you could see that they were very solid, I was also surprised, seeing large areas with a lot of golden brush, being harvested by the villagers.

"I do not understand why they pick up the golden mountain," said Mina

"Do you remember what Mother told us, what Grandma had told her?" Erza asked with a thoughtful face to her younger sister.

"No, he said a lot of things, to the point, please, it bothers me when you do not say things fast," Mina said a little exasperated by her sister's know-it-all.

"He said that in the west beyond the mountain range there was a tribe that did, something edible easier to chew for some people, with a golden undergrowth, I guess that golden weed that he talked about is what we are seeing.

"Ahhh yes, but he said that clan had very few and could not exchange it so I let it go.

"It seems that this clan is very rich, look over there" Erza said to her sister, who immediately looked at the place where her sister pointed and was surprised.

Why was he surprised this time? When I saw he saw hundreds of animals grazing, all these animals were goats, sheep, roof racks and boars.

All these animals were separated in different pens, but they were very wide pens, they were not tight and there were many. In the distance there was another corral but this one was much bigger than the others, I could not see what was inside these pens were in an awkward position, and could not see them.

After that, I concentrate on the houses in the village and see the biggest house.

There is a man coming out of that house, and outside the house there is a fast quadruped, after that the man had left, another burly man of middle age emerged.

He began to shout some things and others, I could not hear anything because it was far away, the men who were in the vicinity of the screaming man began to move, I suddenly felt danger and grabbed Mina and we reclined to the floor.

After looking at the young man who was looking at this location I got nervous, "We're leaving here as fast as we can, we have to warn our clan and leave these lands."

We went down the hill and slipped away from the Guide territory without being noticed ..

I could not believe that we were just beginning a conflict with these people.

- First there are many there are at least 2 times the number of people of our clan

- Second they have fast beasts as mounts.

- Third I saw that they had better weapons than ours and everyone is with something arched in the back, I do not know what it will be but I feel it is dangerous.

*** End of External View ***