Chapter 8: The Aqua clan

On the other hand, Nathan had successfully sneaked out of the territory of the unknown clan, and returned to his village, had to tell him what he had seen the clan chief.

After having escaped, and being almost captured or murdered, he thought that he did to give the dog the opportunity to discover it, after turning the subject around he lit up, if it was his smell, he did not hide it when he left the clan.

He could not be making those mistakes in the future, this time he was lucky, because the enemy was not guarding that area, and besides that he had a horse.

If by some chance the enemy were equal that he would be a very serious problem.

I had been distracted by other things, and I forget how useful those mixed herbs were against animals.

From today I will always have some of those herbs with me, you never know when they may be necessary.

After several years had appeared 2 other shamans in our village, if apparently the shamans are like priests, messengers of the deities, all believe in gods in this world apparently.

My clan believes in the Goddess of earth and nature, fertility etc. Gaia

Well, at once I followed my path to the clan.

After having escaped in a hurry for a while, slowed down when it approached our territory, I felt even more relaxed, the security provided by the union of a clan is incredible.

After a tour, through the streets I came to the house of his father the boss, I got off the horse, then I tie him on a stick that is in the entrance and step.

Before leaving again, I have to fix some things, then I will continue exploring the neighboring territories. After having lost myself in my thoughts I arrive at the entrance of the boss's house.

"Hi Boss, I just went out to explore the territory, and I saw a tribe a few kilometers away from our lands, about 300 people are almost our population."

I started telling him what I had seen the boss, and my opinions

"When I was watching, I saw that they were coming with some wounded, it seems they had an altercation with another clan."

The boss looked at me with a soft smile on his face, while I continued to narrate what I had seen, outside the territory

"What do you think, have you heard from them before?" Ask with doubt, to know more about that clan

"If they are the Aqua tribe, they believe in the goddess of water, their base is on the east coast, they only get to those lands when, winter comes."

"They migrate to these lands every winter to spend the winter, they have done it for at least 23 years. "

"We had, been traveling, when we got this place for the first time, after that we had not gotten with the Aqua tribe entering our lands, my father still did not want to establish himself until he ran to his enemies from the surroundings.

It was at that time when we confronted each other for the first and only time, they had retreated to the conflict, they did not want to suffer losses and neither did we, so they stayed on their side and we in ours 2 years later we settled in these lands, and a A year later you were born when we were returning from a migration.

"My father had died the year before your birth, you would have loved him."

"Good apart from that"

"We only had conflicts with them once, when my father was a boss but after that they did not follow the matter, and we left it like that, that's what I know about them, they once talked about their gods to my father and he told me about they. We would not get involved in their affairs, and neither will we in ours. "

"There was also no interaction between our tribes, so you will not be told much about them."

After listening to the boss's information, I can draw better guesses, if what the father says is true, they are not a violent tribe, as I thought, that means they attacked them.

"What other tribes are there that are dangerous?"

There are 3 tribes to the North, they are very violent tribes but they keep fighting with each other so we have not had any problems so far, we do not know much about them since we do not want to attract the hostility of any of those violent tribes "said the chief

"We have lived well here for a long time, if they do not mess with us, we have no problem with them, I am not a person who likes conflict, at least not start it."

Thinking about what the boss told me, I do not know how they are so relaxed, it is a constant threat to have a violent enemy around, even though they are far away, who takes away and gives them to attack our village?

After thinking about it a bit I made a request

"I do not trust the north and I do not want to be at a disadvantage. It is better to be safe than sorry, I want to create a great wall around our town and to do it as quickly as possible.

"I do not want to start a war with other clans, but I do not want to be with my pants down when it's time for a fight."

"I have some ideas, so no one could cross a wall and now is the time, how to make them more resistant, wider than 3 people could walk without problems, better than we currently have, but, I need your help, I want you to organize everyone those who can work on this project. "

"Of course, I will gather the young people who are old and the others who can work as well, you tell me what you need, I will also send the men to cut more trees, so that it is better than missing, and it will also be easier to get all the necessary resources in the construction. "

"If you do that, I'll get in touch with the masons and make a good wall."

After leaving the house I felt something strange, as if they were looking at me, I looked around but I did not see anything. After that I thought something and look at the mountain.

I stared at her, thinking of one thing for a while and it occurred to me, "Boss see that mountain," I pointed to the mountain and said "There is good, to do an outpost, if we can control that point and see the whole valley from there it will be easier to react in houses of an invasion "I said pointing to the big mountain away from the village.

It is a good place to set up a control post and to get down we could make an improvised lift and improve it so we would not have to go down the long mountain and then go around it.

"Well, let's get the wall first, then we'll get going to do that," said the village head smiling, thank goodness that this genius was born in my village and also my son.

At least when I die, I know that the village will be protected.

After solving everything I had to do, I went to my own house and began to think about the changes that the wall was going to make first.

I began to write down some things in clay tiles that I had in the house, as a reminder.

I started planning some things for later samples I was writing my itinerary for the next few days.

Then there is the construction of the fort on the mountain, there is also the teaching of new riders, if there is a war they will be necessary to win the enemies unnoticed by our secret weapons.

After having recorded everything, what I was going to do in the next few days, I went to bed.