Chapter 9: The Great Wall, and the 4 points.

It has been 3 days since we began the construction of the wall, I wonder why I had never thought to build this wall in the past.

We had never been attacked, apparently that unconsciously gave me a security type, which made me ignore a fundamental fact in which I am currently.

I am no longer in modern life, I am not in my old world, where you did not run the risk of being assaulted by enemy forces, with the intention of killing you.

Serious assaulted, if you neglected and walked the streets yes! Maybe.

I am in a Pre-Historic world, where most are enemies, if they are in the same area in which they live, and compete for resources, the most likely is that there is some kind of confrontation, and with it lost.

More than our territory, it is very fertile, although still most do not know how to grow, in the future things will be different.

When they begin to see how productive it is to grow, to feed themselves, people will begin to congregate in those fertile places.

And at that moment, or coexistence, or the appropriation of the land by force, we must be prepared for that.

I hope not to get to many of these groups, I really do not hate violence, but I do not like it either.

I know that to do some things you need violence, that's why I do not oppose it, but it's not something I like.

Anyway, I'll think about that when the time comes.

After having given the instructions, of how I wanted to build the wall I went to help with the instruction for the new riders, I have been doing this for the last 3 days.

I help and supervise that the construction goes according to plan and I return to help with the riders.

Two days ago we got fingerprints, from humans in the vicinity of the mountain, when I think about it I remember that feeling that someone was watching me.

I get upset about having ignored that feeling, my father always told me when I was little, that the senses could save my life, so never forget that feeling when you feel it.

But, as I am so used to thinking like a modern person, I forget that the awake senses that I have in this new body, have not deteriorated through constant generations of people who have lived their lives in the safety of large groups, losing its primitive instincts, which gave birth to the survival of ancient man.

After I find out about the tracks, I have them inspect every exit and entrance of the mountain. Then send it to be surrounded and watched in all directions constantly.

Because I send to do that ?. Simple that is a good location to get information from our village, which is very uncomfortable to reveal that information to the enemy.

I have planned to build a base here, on the mountain. Build an elevator to move things from top to bottom and be able to finish it quickly.

That construction is still waiting, we have not finished the wall yet, I guess it will take about 8 days or more to be finished. (Tl: Sure?)

After that, I continued with my early routine I was going to observe the construction, if there was an error I sent it to correct before it was a permanent damage, in the afternoon I would see the work again after leaving the riders to rest, in the night I would think and refine the details for the creation of the weekdays.

In this world, it does not seem to follow the same patterns of my past world.

I'll have to think a little more about that, and how many days will it take a month since I still had not seen the full moon or should I say which of the 2?

If there are 2 moons in this world, that also worries me a little, since I had many plans to create a naval fleet in the future, but if the waters are unstable, for the extra moon, I do not know what changes that factor brings to the stability or unstability of the tides, I do not know if the waters are possible to navigate, I prefer not to risk my men and men in something that probably brings my death.

Well let's leave that for later

I remember that more than 15 days ago there was a full moon, but since I was not counting the days then, I did not pay attention to that, it was an oversight on my part not to check the heavens.

As I know that I am 20 years old simple I have been every day since I was born and I have 7398, I have 20, and 3 months, a week and 1 day, of course, counting every day if I give 30, as I still do not know how many days a Month in this world I use that standard pattern of 30 days a month of my past life to make the accounts more precise and round.

That's why I know I'm 20 years old, although it made me a bit uncomfortable, it did not cross my mind to implement the days and months since I had become accustomed to the time they used here.

The warm and rainy days haha.

Well the next day, I continued with the daily routine, inspected the construction, trained the riders, inspected the work, did exercises in my house after ordering my ideas and writing them down on plates.

That was my routine for the next 30 days.

He had already been able to establish a pattern of the time it takes for the moon to be full.

40 days, I do not know if it is constant every month but until now it is an advance, a month apparently has 40 days.

After the wall was completed in 33 days, much longer than I had imagined, but that was a mistake on my part to believe that someone who is not familiar with this type of construction could do it in a week, it was exaggerated my part.

The construction took 3 days to complete.

While we were in that we created 4 doors, East, West, North and South, the 4 cardinal points.

Apparently, it still works because I made an improvised compass, I used a piece of rock that my father had for a while ago apparently did not know what it was but when the ax he was carrying fell near the rock that was on the floor of his house He clung to the metal.

I understood that it was and I had given it that was a while ago, but as to make a compass I needed the magnet (it is a fragment of magnet natura), A natural magnet is a mineral with magnetic properties (magnetite). An artificial magnet is a body of ferromagnetic material to which the property of magnetism has been communicated. A permanent magnet is made of magnetized steel.

Which would work, to make a compass, then I went to the herero and asked him to make 2 needles, the blacksmith did not know what he was talking about so I had to explain what they were,

After 4 days trying to create 4 needles, it is frustrating, but in the end I was able to do 2, although they were longer they will serve.

The first step that must be done is: First of all hold a needle by the eye and rub it gently 6 times with a magnet. Always move the magnet in the same direction.

After that comes the second part: Then rub a second needle in the same way, here I would have to use paper but since I do not currently have paper, (I need to invent that is very necessary to write) then I use a sheet that I found in the forest It is very rare this sheet feels like a paper but I do not think I can write it, I'll try it later.

Apparently it is unique, in this world this kind of leaves since I had never heard of them in my other world.

There are many varieties of plants, I have never seen or heard of before, from the shamans who told me to use them.

I fold the strip of the sheet, in two halves and attach the needles to it with a bit of wisdom I had to use since I do not know where I could get duct tape, whatever. Both needles must point in the same direction.

After that I continue with the final step.

Third step is: After pushing a third needle into a small pile of clay use I had to use play dough but I do not know how it is done. Balance the paper on top of the needle so it can rotate. Mark one end of the paper with an S and the other end with an N.

"And there is a compass in the house"

Anyway I wrote down the addresses I had and I marked them on several signs and I put them on each door, east west north and south.

I have to get an easier way to make a compass, it's exhausting like this.

The days passed, I was aware of all the work and the construction of the wall, we also placed some towers in them.

After many days of work, and the constant training with the riders, he exercised physique with my father and planned the next projects, like the construction of the fort, and other ideas that he had in mind to develop.

Let us finish the construction of the Great Wall, it is majestic.