Chapter 10: Construction on the mountain, and some other issues.

After they informed me that the Muralla City project was finished, I went to see it immediately. I was currently in the horse pens.

So far we have managed to tame 26 horses, it is an incredible number, some are more stubborn than the others, so we have decided to tame several at once, leaving them hungry, then tiring them when riding them.

A process that lasts a few days to tame a horse ... they are wilder than I had thought, but after turning the horses of my old world, I understand one thing.

The wild horses of this world have never been tamed, that's why it takes more time to tame a wild horse.

In my other world I do not think there are pure wild horses, those in Africa and other places are probably descendants of domestic horses that escaped into the wild.

After the construction of the wall was finished, I went to see it.

"Magnifica" I thought to myself

The truth is that, it is better than I had imagined, it took a lot of work to make this great wall.

We use a lot of compacted earth, trees plus computed earth and clay bricks calcined at high temperature, to create a brick, good and resistant besides the bricks, the earth and the trees as a base, they made a good structure, firm and stable.

Take out the idea of ​​the construction of the great Chinese wall that I saw in a documentary in my past life.

That was a great piece of art, although many people died building it.

But mine was a small scale, so no one was harmed in any way, the workers would be replaced every day, so everyone had time to rest.

After the construction finished, I went and observed this great wall of about 15 meters high, I was very satisfied.

In this world, there is no technology I can with this wall so I was more relaxed.

The doors were being made while we were building the wall. 4 large sets for her were created, all placed respectively in their places, she had ordered to paint the doors so that each one gets used to the directions.

This, Soft

West, Yellow

North, Black

South, Blue

Those were the colors we used to paint the doors, not the entire door but the top of each door.

After having fixed everything, that took 3 more days to put them and rest, soon we would start another super project, this would be more strenuous, than to build a wall.

I wanted to build a fort on the top of the mountain, to do that I would have to level the top of it, and that would take a while, if we had to do it with primitive tools more or less since we had created several age tools modern

To explain the tools that would take a few years ago, we had already begun with the search for minerals and that, after teaching them how to identify minerals, such as iron and copper, everything turned out almost perfect.

Abeces asked me why everything goes so well? I am afraid that suddenly everything will go wrong and ruin everything I have worked for these years.

I did not want to lose anything.

Well after having instructed the blacksmiths how to make and refine the minerals, I explained to them several things that I had heard about.

After that, I drew several sketches of some tools and weapons, the ax and the two-handed sword were the weapons that I showed them, I explained some things to them, and I told them that the rest would find out and improve themselves.

I kept explaining some basic concepts, I was not a blacksmith so I did not do them, but I had seen "challenge over fire" many of their seasons so I tried to give my best, but since I do not have the polishers, the cutter and all that essential mechanism I had I do it little by little but I leave it to the blacksmiths to do it, I gave them the general idea, I gave them advice and so far they have produced some results.

I told him not to use water when hardening the blade, since that damages the metal if it is used for combats and that since the water creates fissures in the metal.

Instead I told him to look for oil, at this moment I can not hunt whales, but when I can I will try to make whale oil for this case.

For now, we will use the one of an animal that comes out in the river, it is big and we have already married 3 I have not seen much of them but it serves to make a few metal weapons, for the warriors in the village.

After setting off with the new construction, the days went by and there was a group of riders in the village.

So far 18 people without including me have learned to ride and to link with ropes, I intend to use these horses to capture more animals, which can be domesticated.

We only got 5 roof racks was a process and some luck since these roof racks had been caught in our traps.

I had dug several holes in the plains, and we were going to see what animal fell inside, then we would link them and we would enclose them.

These wild racks are something bigger, than in my old world, they are not as docile as domestic cows ... for some reason they are wild daah.

After catching more animals it will be much better, we already tamed these roof racks with an earring on the nose that I had seen in my past life. This makes them more obedient, and less wild, they are used to plow the fields, and bed, as there are still few I do not want to kill any of them.

After we catch more, it could be considered to kill some of them, but as it is not necessary at the moment, we will only put them to reproduce more copies.

After everything was done, I went to the mountain where the workers started digging and taking the land from the place we were going to use at the top of the mountain where we were going to build.

It will be a little complicated to do this since the mountain has many rocks, first we will concentrate where we are going to put the elevator.

The elevator will be something simple at first we will only use it to raise and lower some objects.

I began to think about how I was going to build an elevator that could do what I wanted to do in the abyss of the mountain, so I started my meditation days and trying to remember how an elevator moves, although it sounds stupid and you know how the process of raising and lowering something works, it is really complicated to translate it into an image, and there is also the fact that I can not draw on paper to capture my ideas more clearly.

After many laps I managed to create a basic sketch of what a simple elevator would look like. Use a 1 meter long little plate to be able to come up with this idea through a clean slate and start over.

The first for this elevator is the floor base, after that I did not know how I was going to do it.

Tl: You have seen the scene in which the fox fights with the light captain in the good mine if you have not seen him go around. From the mask of the fox ?, here I leave the link that I got:

The elevator, will be to raise the materials and lower the soil that is removed from the ground, so I need to create a good elevator if necessary two or more would be essential, because there is the question of weight. I can not load much on them since they are not so efficient if I manage to destroy the materials, by damaging the elevator.

The elevator will be about 2 square meters, with a height of 1.7 meters.

A box with floor and ceiling, in other words, well fastened and nailed to the places that have to be nailed, to raise and lower the elevator I have to build a tower, so that that is what I acted as, support of the rope and So we can take the materials to the tower.

It is a very rigorous construction and I do not want to go into many details.

It is to raise the materials, if in the future we can fix the instability factor, I would like to create one for people to move from the mountain, to the village and if I can create a cable car, it would be great, but I do not believe I can fulfill that I dream at least not in this life.

Hopefully the technology advances faster if possible, I would like to develop more advanced technologies.

After having planned everything we started the construction of the tower, after 15 days we were able to finish the tower, it is a wooden tower, with a big nose, that in turn allows to pull the ropes that raise the elevator and when the elevator, which is uploaded by people when turning a plate that winds the rope into a mooring mechanism.

When the elevator reaches the level of the shore, it is tied by someone who pulls a rope and is hauled to be tied, after that process the process of grabbing or climbing the construction materials or the residual materials of the flattening work begins. mountain, those who are taking to the village are rocks and dirt.

The land may be useful later for another project that I have in mind, so as not to have to be destroying precious land that is very fertile, for the crop I decided that I would use this land for that purpose.

Barrels loaded with dirt and rocks that are removed from the mountain to be leveled, and taken to the village.

While I was still doing that, I was planning what would be the strength with the masons and others in the project, I decided to use stones to create this fort too.

As this mountain had a lot of stone. I decided that it could also be used for this purpose.

Of course this also became a quarry, to take stone for other things such as reinforcing the wall and more comfortable houses etc.