Chapter 15 .: Movement of one of the clans of the North. Part 1

Clan WarGod.

This was the only large clan in the north, in the time of Nathan's grandfather, and the current father of the Gaia clan.

Alone, the clan from the north could make the boss back down, since the boss of that time was a muscular brain, he only thought about fighting and fighting, and he did not consider the losses he suffered.

That in the end ended up causing the previous boss Gaia, to wound him in a way that the wounds were, Mortal, making the attempts of the North der clan to enter the southern lands, stop.

They did not cease to exist because the previous clan chief did not like to massacre others, or they opened up annexed to that clan from the north.

The WarGod clan was big, and Gaia was too, Gaia at that time had about 200 tribesmen between men and women and children.

Tl: in comparison as they are now, I am not talking about a very large scale, but 100 people is a large scale, since at that time resources and hunting to keep many people, is somewhat complicated.

*** The Red Tribe of the WarGod ***

This is one of the three clans that exist in the North region, on the other side of the valley from the current position of the Gaia clan, and east of the Aqua ones.

This is one of the factions that separated from the WarGod clan from the time of the grandfather of the mc.

A few days ago, some explorers from the lands in the east returned, they said there are many animals in that area, but two great clans govern that area.

They are very strong, a few days ago a cannibal tribe attacked a party of hunters, in the territory of the Aqua clan, those from the north had seen this and followed them in secret, they did not interfere only they wanted to see a show, or how the Aqua clan would react , by orders of the leader who had sent them to explore, that territory.

What they did not expect to see is that after they left the area with 3 wounded and one dead, they did not leave the matter in peace, they followed the fleeing cannibals, and exterminated them all, men, women and children, saving several people who were in captivity, ready to be eaten.

They did not leave anyone of the tribe members alive, they just set fire to their bodies, and they left with everything they had gathered here in the cannibal tribe, who had attacked other tribes outside the Aqua territory, and had stored many skins

"So the Aqua tribe is bestial, and vengeful." A man thought upon hearing the report of one of the explorers. Understanding why they would kill those bugs, that they eat theirs without needing food, since they can very well hunt in the area where they live.

This man was Trinux, he is the head of the Red tribe of the god of war, they worship the god of war, violence and pride.

In ancient times, the previous clan of the WarGod, specialized in hunting the other clans, and removing their homesteads, were violent and only did what they believed was right and was proud of their god.

The previous clan specialized in taking things away from the weakest clans, if they resist, they kill them and take their women.

Many clans in the past that resisted, were exterminated by him and the other 2 clans.

Killing baron men and boys leaving only women.

But after separating into 3 Part 2 of which did not follow the old ways of the previous bosses.

"What information do you have about clans from beyond?" The man asked a little thoughtfully with the information he received from the explorer about the Aqua tribe.

We can not attack them head on, they are also a big clan, although our numbers are bigger, it is because we have many women, in our clan and many children, we can not have a direct war with them.

"Boss, there is a clan that is stronger than the Aqua tribe, it is a relatively quiet clan, but it has many warriors and its lands are very well maintained, almost no movement of the clans around them escaped, we could not enter in their lands. "The explorer said a little scared to report that they had not been able to get important information from their exploration of enemy territory.

"Do not worry, I will not do anything to you for not being able to get that information, it was very difficult to get some information from that clan, for many years ago too.

"So that you are informed, for the future," said the man tried to recover a part of his memories.

"That clan is called Gaia, my father fought with the previous leader of that clan in his time, they are not weak at all, the good thing is that they do not want to expand, they settled in that land about 20 winters ago" said the head of the Red tribe of the WarGod, immersing themselves in their memories

At that time he was 17 years old, he was not yet clan chief, his father had not decided who to give him the position of boss after his death, so he postponed it.

After several attempts to invade, the chief was seriously injured, that caused an uprising in our clan, Caused by me, and my two brothers, We were a big clan, but that was also one of the reasons why it intensified the dispute because there is not much food.

And since we had not hunted in some time, the rations were running out, so each one of us, with our followers, divided the northern territory and our scarce hunting grounds.

In the end we decided to separate, there were many conflicts that were created in the 3 factions that had been created by the different opinions of each one.

And as the previous boss did not leave an heir to die a few hours after arriving at the camp, there was friction between who would be the heir, the oldest by right had to be the boss, but the third brother faction, which were not He agreed, this faction was the faction of the previous boss who supported his third son the most, although he did not have time to say who would be the boss.

Time after that incident, they ended up separating in 3, now they are not what they used to be.

But they kept fighting between them, occasionally for food and for anything.

They were a very big clan, but that also caused that there is not much food.

After that problem his two brothers, similar in age to him but other mothers, also wanted the power of the boss, so they gathered their brothers and fought against each other, thus making what is now known as the 3 Wargod clans of the north.

They have been fighting for a long time, although each one grabbed a piece of land from the north, they did not stop fighting during all these years, and they stopped trying to invade other lands.

I did not want to take action, but the supplies were running out, for years there were no clans in the north apart from the 3 of them, the animals did not like to live in this area so I migrated to the south and east where it was warmer and There was always food.

He decided to wait and see, he did not want to take such a risky action, he wanted to try the waters first, he would let one of his brothers take the lead to see what happened. Then I would do something about it.