Chapter 16 .: Movement of one of the clans of the North. Part 2

*** The White tribe of WarGod *** Asolem

The White Tribe of WarGod, This tribe was one of the 3 that separated from the original WarGod tribe, was led by the first son of the former WarGod tribe chief, was smart and liked to strategize before putting a plan into motion , but this did not look good to the liking of his father, this one, who was someone who valued more strength and courage, but he believed that caution was a weakness.

When the son said that they would lose if they attacked as the father proposed, he scolded him and ignored everything he had to say.

In the end when they left losing, or someone would get hurt for doing what the boss had said, he blamed his first son, for infuriating his god, who was not satisfied with his actions.

N.A: Bone the previous WarGod boss, was just a muscle head, which incidentally blames him for his failed actions. He did not think before acting, he had been victorious, so many times against small tribes that he forgot that the brain was used to think and he only cared to carry. And when he lost, he blamed others because the gods did not support him because of him.

That's why he did not want the eldest to be the next boss, postponing naming one of his sons, but this only made the competitiveness of the other two sons of the boss for power burn.

That caused that the clan was divided in three factions, one that supported the actions of the first prince Asolem, the second prince was also like first, but it did not show it abiertamente, it is called Trinux, being the First Asolem, and the third brother Tamal, who was as stupid as his father.

He had been fighting with his brothers in a conservative way

He only entered into conflicts that he knew he could win or did not enter, he always kept attentive to tactics and strategies making his brothers lose many men, in these years they have only fought 4 times, but this limits their movements when someone wants to put their hands in one territory, another gets an excuse to fight, so they have not been able to expand much in these years of war.

A few days ago, he received the reports of a cannibal clan that entered his lands, towards the Aqua clan, but he did not order anything and simply observed the situation from afar.

He knew he could not face the Aqua clan, and his brothers at the same time, so he decided to wait and see how things worked out.

Everyone wanted to attack the clan because several days ago their scouts had seen that they had brought many animals to their clan and that is food, but they did not want to be attacked from behind by their brothers so they decided to wait, at least 2 of them were They learned about this information.

Let's wait and see what comes out of waiting and see how it all turns out and if you can get something out of it.


"Boss, there is someone who wants to talk to you is one of the scouts who went to Gaia clan territory" said a guard of the boss.

"Chief, we were reviewing the frontier of the Aqua and Gaia clan, when we saw the Aqua clan exchange large animal heads, for 2 big things dragged by fast quadrupeds." And there was a member of the Gaia clan that is in the gap of the fast quadruped, and it does not fall or is thrown by the fast quadruped. "The explorer said with his face surprised even by what he had seen 3 days ago.

I almost did not manage to escape, the explorers of Gaia saw me, they killed the 4, Jonn, Carmaz, Triun and Mali all are dead all those who went with me but I managed to jump over a cliff and hide after entering the river. " explorer still with red eyes.

"So swim down the river, after losing sight of them I left and surrounded the Aqua territory, that's why it took so long to get the news." Trying to resist the urge to scream with rage in the presence of the boss, the explorer said.

"Do not worry, your families will be taken care of until your children are older, it's quiet" said the boss, trying to calm down Emmir, this was the name of this young explorer

After listening to the boss's promise he relaxed a bit but still maintained a hatred for Gaia's clan, for having killed a brother and three friends, who gave him enough time to escape.

Carmaz, was his brother had two daughters and 3 males had, 3, 4 and 6 years each of them

His daughters were 12 and 16 years old.

The others also had a son each of 10 years would take another 5 years to become adults.

After having solved the problem of the other dead explorers, I ordered that this be done with the families.

After that he began to think about what to do next, although it is a valuable information, how could he tame the fast quadrupeds? Was that possible? If possible, I want to know how he did it.

After a while of thinking, he wondered what those quadrupeds were carrying?

How interesting, I want to meet the head of the clan of Gaia.

"Send an explorer to observe all the situation that happens in the southern lands, I want to know what happens now, at the moment of a movement send someone to inform me and that another is watching the changes," said Asolem one of his guards in the store.

After giving the order he remained thinking about what he had just heard and how he would do something about it.

The order was delivered and 4 scouts went directly to Gaia territory.

2 days later a man came sweating, he was drenched in sweat, apparently he had not rested, even in these cold lands he was sweating.

Asolem was near the entrance so it was quick, to receive the explored.

Boss something strange happened 2 days ago his brother the head of the green clan attacked the clan Gaia, not hard one hour the fight, and almost all were killed only a few with his brother escaped, but someone left in the direction of the Aqua clan. Half a day later the same man came back in the fast quadruped, which Emmir had mentioned.

After that many came out to fast quadrupeds of the Gaia clan, towards the territory of the Northern WarGod green clan, we followed him from afar, we did not dare to be in his sight so we hid ourselves a bit far but we saw the whole clan being taken back to Gaia territory, men women and children all tied up.

The head of the WarGod Green clan was also being dragged, I do not know how long it took, when we were arriving they had already finished tying them all up.

They took everything there was in the village, dried meat skins everything. "Said the agitated explorer

"The others stayed to continue observing the situation, send someone else when something else happens" finished giving his report the explorer fainted from exhaustion, had been running for 2 days eating and resting very little to get there as soon as possible and give this news.

Arrive on time.

After hearing that, I was surprised.