Chapter 17: Invasion

*** The Green Tribe of WarGod ***

This tribe was the third part of the divided tribe, was commanded by the boss's favorite son, but he was the youngest, he was as hardheaded as his father.

They did not like to think, just said that those who take a long time to take action are cowards, who do not deserve to be the boss.

Like him, there were many who respected the previous boss, saying it was simpler most of the men, warriors of the Wargod tribe, but he had not been able to beat his brothers in these years, as they always surprised him by places he did not think They would attack, causing him to retreat, and lose several fights thus losing many original warriors.

But still there were new recruits every year, like a flood of imbeciles who infect others, with their stupidity.

He had heard that the Aqua tribe had captured many animals, and was taking them in the direction of Gaia territory, so he was planning to wipe out the Gaia territory, which had killed his father.

Literally it was they who left their father to die because of the war.

But he ignored, selectively, this fact to justify himself.

After that he organized his warriors and left in the direction of Gaia clan territory.

100 Warriors of the Green tribe of the WarGod left their territory and entered the territory of Gaia.

After arriving, they did not understand why they did not see anyone, only a gigantic wall, they did not know where the town had gone, according to reports it is this place where their father and the previous head of Gaia had fought.

They thought they had made a mistake, but soon Tamal felt a murderous intent and a lot of danger, ran and hid behind one of his warriors.

The warrior did not know why his boss was hiding until he also felt the danger quickly wanted to run, but Tamal was holding him tight he could not move, the next second a rain of arrows fell on them.

Screams and cries were heard everywhere. Tamal did not save herself, an arrow managed to penetrate her knee, when she was leaning she stood out and was pierced by a random arrow, in less than a minute half of her warriors were dead or crying on the ground for help.

No one could save them, "REMOVE, EVERYONE RUNS" was heard suddenly and everyone ran, but a third wave of flecks fell on the enemies who ran.

Another wave of crying and pain ran on the battlefield, or should I tell you at the slaughterhouse?

They never had the opportunity to do anything! They could not see the enemy but it was above the wall.

After a while men began to ask for mercy, and one shot his gun, seeing one do this caused a chain reaction, others also threw their weapons in succession.

They follow the god of war, but they do not want to die, not even.

After a moment they left a few guards of the city moored those who surrendered and are not injured, and those who are injured but not serious also tied them and separated them from the group.

Those who are wounded in vital places, and there is no salvation, ended them so that they would stop suffering.

After only 30 minutes of action the invasion was over, the enemy was not shown, but they could not do anything either.

* End of point of view of the green clan WarGod ***

* Chief Gaia's point of view **

A few days ago we met some spies in our lands, I knew that the northern clans were preparing to make a move, we had received that the Aqua clan had seen several scouts on their lands as well.

Although, the guards managed to kill 3 1 managed to escape, that happened right on the border, when the exchange was happening.

"I sigh, I guess problems are coming." The boss said a little annoyed that his peacetime ended.

"Prepare the warriors in a few days to open problems" I said a few days ago when I found out that there were explorers from the north in our areas.

I knew that they do that when they intend to attack a clan, even though they had kept the WarGod clan at bay years ago and my father did too. Times change and idiocy in that clan seems hereditary at least some.

Several days ago no one left the village, which is not necessary since the wall protects them from all invasion the fields of crops are inside and the corrals and animals too.

The truth is that my son knew how to make good plans to keep the clan safe.

The wall extended around the whole town (clan), around 2000m2, covering large areas of free land where our animals grazed, goats, sheep and cows.

Tl: I'm going to start calling it town, since being called clan does not resonate everything that can express the word exactly.

The town is very well attended, my son said that diseases, also spread by lack of hygiene, is something I never would have thought, said that the accumulation of waste, creates pollution, that in turn procreates germs that are incubated in animals, then diseases leave there, and other things that I do not remember ...

But you have to throw the waste somewhere else, then it was decided to create an area specifically for that, my son decided to use an area that is not suitable for cultivating so as not to waste fertile land, and places where there is nothing important, such as groundwater or anything like that.

A place far away from the village, In that place the rubbish is thrown every day, the villagers have to collaborate when going and throwing those rubbish in their place, so that there are no diseases.

The place is a natural place is a great heard was like a dead volcano said my son when he saw it and said it would be perfect.

And the animal said it can be used as a compost, it's something I did not know, he said that it helps plants grow faster, but it has to be processed, and I order some people to prepare it, mixing rest of fish, some food waste and I do not know what else creating what is known as fertilizer.

After having prepared all the warriors on the mountain, they sent a signal, then they climbed the elevators, so that no one else would go up. Leaving the entire area deserted.

An hour later they had reached the north wall, there they were standing without knowing where the people were I was seeing everything from above

I ordered the first wave of arrows to rain on the enemy that dares to invade my lands.

A second later I can see many of his warriors die, and others get very hurt.

I see that those who were not affected began to run, under my hand and the second wave of arrows falls.

After having lost many people all surrendered a few escaped but most either were on the floor crying or were giving up by throwing their spears to avoid dying.

After thinking about it a little I decide not to kill them.

Capture them, I have a plan that came to my mind thanks to Nathan, he said and I sent the men and the door opened, little by little all the prisoners were tied up.

I sent for handcuffs, they are an idea that Nathan gave me a few years ago, when making them out of wood, there are two lakes planks with holes in each edge of the two woods, to make them more practical and small each table measures 40 cm long and 40 so they can walk.

I had sent many to build, I do not know why, he never told me but now they were necessary.

I think now I understand why he had sent so many of these wives, so he gave him the name, I do not know why ...

After fixing the problem of the very injured, I sent them to the prison, it is another place that did not understand its use since there were very few who would do something wrong in the village and a simple reprimand was necessary, since in the village all they collaborated they had their own thing and they never needed to do to harm someone,

Problems always arose because of ridiculous things, as I do not run faster or I am a better hunter, I have more skill cultivating etc.

Simple things.

Now I understand, because there have been no problems like when I was young, once one of our clan killed his brother for grabbing his meat rations, that was when we were migrating out of these lands, I was young I was about 13 years old at the time , that was long before finding those lands.

Now I understand everything that has changed since those times when my son was born, illuminated by Gaia.

He blessed us by sending such a treasure to our clan.

I'm thinking about giving him the boss seat before and relaxing the rest of my days with my wives and my happy family, the boss said to himself.

After leaving his thoughts the chief hand to heal those who were injured and hand a messenger to the Aqua clan, to inform Nathan of what happened.

After seeing the messenger on horseback, he began to organize the prisoners.

His son had given him a very strange concept a while ago, to capture hostiles and turn them into slaves, these slaves would be trained, in order to eliminate all testosterone that could make them reveal themselves, or violent.

I did not know what it was for that I had never thought until his son had sent him to do a very violent wolf that we had in the village, the wolf bit everyone, he ignored it so we used it to show what my son said, indeed, after doing that to the dog long after he recovered, he began to heed, he no longer tried to bite anyone.

That was valid what I had said, and we were prepared to do this to the slaves that we captured, that's enemies and they attack us first of all, and to the cannibals, those have castration assured.