Chapter 18: Conquering another tribe.

* Point of view of the head of the green clan WarGod ***

I do not know what kind of weapons those were, but I'm sure of something, I'll never attack that tribe again in my life.


After receiving 2 waves of arrows from the enemy, I ordered the retreat, I did not know how their small arms could be launched so far. Tamal thought to himself as he ran.

He ignored the fact that he had an arrow in his knee, but still managed to run with his warriors for a great distance.

Then they stopped to rest thinking they would take some time to reach them.

I did not know what kind of weapons those little spears were that were thrown at them, but they were something that was deadly.

I should not have attacked them, this clan is very strange, I know because father died because of them.

# Again selectively ignore that they let their father die for the position of the next clan head #

After getting a place to rest a bit, since everyone was tired of running for hours, some with arrows in their arms and other non-fatal places, their wounds were taken care of, and the leader with the arrow in the knee, the He pulled out and started to bleed, grabbed dirt, and sank it into the wound, causing the bleeding to stop.

This way of treating wounds, is something wild, but they had no other method, not at least for now that they were running and escaping from the enemy.

After having rested for an hour, they continued on their way to the WarGod green territory.

All the time they ran, they were aware of everything around him, he had already suffered situations in which his brothers tended ambushes, and he would be very wounded, but he did not see anyone until he came to his tribe, he was happy to have arrived safely. , but it did not last long.

The time it takes to get to the Gaia territory of the WarGod Lands, is 2 days, They lasted Almost a day to arrive since they were running, they did not stop except to rest and keep running to the tribe so they reduced the time to almost 1 day, but two hours after arriving in the territory I hear something in the distance, I bend over and send everyone to silence.

After giving the order some warriors shut up the people in the tribe and start to hear, vibrations on the floor.

"A herd?". I know what sound comes from, a pack does it when running, flock or group of animals.

I try to hear well to identify what animal is the sound.

"Fast quadrupeds?" What do these animals do in these lands? Normally they like to be in green places, not in ice

After thinking about a report that was given to me by someone who was close to the Aqua border, he said that he had seen fast quadrupeds carrying something, they came from Gaia's address when they returned without the animals.

After thinking of an idea, the green wargod leader's face went pale.

When I was going to tell everyone to prepare to fight, I heard the voice.

"Clan WarGod, they are surrounded, surrender and nobody will die, do not give up and it will be the opposite, at least those who fight will be killed.

When the wargod green leader looked in the direction in which the voice came, his jaw almost fell when he witnessed such a terrifying scene, there were more than 200 warriors of which more than 40 were in fast quadrupeds.

There were many, they could not do anything, only had about 15 warriors of which 5 were in the village, and the others were the few who survived the rain of arrows.

After hearing those words I wanted to surrender, but the men who follow me did not want to look at me with intent to battle, are they idiots? Tamal thought to himself, but before he could say anything they ran out to the gaia soldiers.

Before they were even 20 meters from them, a wave of arrows fell, creating pin cushions of arrows in the last 15 guards of the Wargod clan.

After witnessing that horrible scene, everyone in the tribe, both young and old, were very scared, the children of those men who died in front of their eyes, looked at the Gaia Warriors in a strange way, and with hatred in those looks , the women were only afraid that it would happen to them now.

These women were not loyal to the god of war, that the clan followed they were from other tribes, and they worshiped other gods, but they could not do it in the wargod tribe, since it was forbidden to talk to other gods here.

These looks of the children, did not go unnoticed by some of the Gaia clan veterans, the looks of the boys, it was resentment, hate.

Some wanted to kill them but the boss stopped them, the orders were to take them alive, the boss would solve that later.

They kept talking about the raid when they suddenly turn their eyes.

They saw the Wargod Chief, walking towards them with a club in his right hand, when he was approaching he started to run straight towards Alden, alden was the one who had spoken and given the order to shoot the arrows so he took it as the target of his hate.

Alden looked at the actions of the wargod tribal chief, and chuckled.

He got off his horse, to give the wargod chief a good fight, and walked about 10 paces, before stopping, and watching his movements, after observing him for a second.

He knew what moves he was going to make, since he had been trained in combat observation, it is a skill that lets him know what movements a person is going to do with watching their feet for a few seconds.

He took a left lateral step and leaned a little and ...

* Suin * (Sound of Mass move at a great speed)

Having dodged that blow, Alden simply turns his right foot, causing Tamal to stumble and knock him to the ground.

After that, Tamal tries to stand up, but he can not, he feels a weight on his back, he tries to turn his head to see what is in the chasm, when doing that movement he feels something in his neck, that cold object in his jugular he gave a death feeling, if he moved a little he was dead, so he stopped his movements, and waited for the other to speak.

"Do you give up or do you want to meet your God?" Alden asks the fallen WarGod leader.

Looking with rage at Alden for winning, Tamal was going to say he was going to keep fighting when he feels dizzy and fainted.

"What nonsense are you talking boy?"

"The boss said he wanted him alive, stop giving options to others when they do not have it," said a veteran loyal to the boss on his horse.

"Capture everyone in the village, the cars are in the back, send someone to bring them and so you can get everything out of this village, leave nothing and do not let anyone escape, children, or anyone "I command the veteran.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Roman, I got carried away by how Nathan acts," said Alden a little embarrassed by receiving his uncle's rebuke.

Roman, is the second in command of the village forces. His brother is the one in charge of directing the hunters, this new structure was created by Nathan, the hunters not only dedicate themselves to hunting but to document, the locations of the herds of animals, most places with water, and possible dams and other things like trace traces etc.

His brother is called Thekal, he is the father of Alden and the Captain and chief of the hunters.

"It does not matter, I just hope you better that position, if you were a little slower, I would have ripped your head off your neck.

When we return, you will go through an infernal training, it is something that the boss has been practicing recently called, taekwondo.