Chapter 23: Preparations Part 2

The pumice stone is a stone of volcanic origin and of different forms, almost always elongated or angular. Its components come together during the cooling of the high viscosity magma. It is usually white and is resistant to cold, fire, outdoors and is free of water soluble salts.

"And ready the parchment is ready for use," I said after explaining the process, with those who were in charge of doing it watching, they got down to work and began a process of creating scrolls like crazy.

Since they had the knowledge that I had given them, they started with their own and I went to do other things.

In our territory very far there is what seems to be a murto volcano, not very close to there is a very deep scream was created with the passage of time, I use it to throw the waste of the people in the village.

On the giant crater side, I thought it was a dead volcano.

I remember I saw once, a program that talked about a volcano in a certain country, when a volcano dies, it creates a hole as big as the volcano, sinking deep, but around there were many stones of this type, so I gave them a use, and the slaves that we captured from the green tribe are taking charge of sacrificing those stones.

After that I sent other artisans to investigate and how to create the paper, I had intension to use the paper later, but the truth is that I do not remember how to make the paper so I used a bit of my memories to start the research, I suppose that this research will last, years to complete, I never thought I was going to die and remember everything I once saw or heard, so it gave me a little regret not to remember more things, and much of what I remembered, it has no use currently thanks to the lack of technology.

I started to think and I only remember some things like mescladora, and other things that are useful to create the paper but not as it creates itself.

I gave them instructions on how to create the necessary tools to start developing.

Let it be a long-term task, that while so many can use parchments, and write on it if they want to make some progress, and send me to write down my instructions on how to create paper on scrolls that had just come out of my work, so that It breaks like clay bricks, the moment I leave.

For my trip I'm working on how many people I should take, mmmm 15 Warriors and 5 hunters, more Alden, Trinux and Absolem, and I would of course be 24 people in total.

Absolem, and Trinux they do not know how to ride horses, so they have to learn as fast as they can, I asked Alden to help them when they arrive with their respective clans and send them to their designated areas, and I'm going to Do some other things pending after reviewing my itinerary that I had forgotten I realize that I still have many things to do.

After a few meetings with the best craftsmen, architects, blacksmiths, and naval builders; I leave a few projects waiting to see the light.

In the meetings, there were a few people writing down everything they had just said, I asked them to make several of those copies and after that I passed them to the scrolls, and I want them to replace the library contents, with scrolls since I do not want to happen what happened a while ago.

A bookshelf broke and damaged a large number of templates, which took a while to fix as you did not know how many were damaged.

The good thing is that I had sent to make several copies of the contents that were being stored in the library, in a safe place made of stone only so that nothing bad happens.

That's why I decided to accelerate the creation of the scrolls, and the role for in the future not to be in this type of problems. Unless it catches fire, but that's another question.

I asked them to go with The Chief Pergaminer Thist, which they looked at me surprised, because they did not know that profession, after an explanation they looked at me ecstatically, after my explanation about the new material to record, I told them that the ink was made from a very simple way ...

I finish all that and go to sleep since it was about 7 pm, depending on the position of the sun, I need a watch.

The following days I continue in the same routine, I inform of some projects to the respective people.

On the 15th day after their departure, the 2 Absolem and Trinux came to the territory with their respective clans, and explain the situation, to avoid future conflicts we place them in two separate areas, not by them 2 but by their former members of the clan.

I told them that I intend to separate them little by little by mixing them with my people after they have adapted a bit to the new environment, in order to disintegrate their original populations, and not create sides in my town.

First to adapt, Second not to create conflicts between the two parts of the WarGod Ex-clan, which now lived together again so I ordered them to locate in two separate areas, doing this hard for a whole month.

At this time, Alden had been teaching Absolem and Trinux to ride horses, which they did well since it only took them 10 days to adapt and another 10 to understand and ride well on horse, the other days spent training horseback riding with Alden and other warriors, while I finished my preparations for the trip.

After that and all my preparations are ready, my father sent to inform with warriors that he wanted to talk to me, he sent me to call the great hall

It surprised me a little because he called me to the great room whenever we talked informally, he called me at his house, so he must be with someone.