Chapter 24: Arranged Marriage

I went with the warriors and went directly to the great hall, waiting there I saw some envoys of the Aqua clan.

I respectfully greet the envoys and I sit next to my father, after some talks I understand the Quid of the matter.


"Nathan, I have arranged a commitment with 2 of the daughters of the Aqua clan, and with this union, it is possible to unite the two tribes" said my father to whom I was looking.

* I sigh again *

I knew that this would happen when I saw the emissaries of the Aqua clan, when I returned to the clan, but I did not think it would be so fast.

It seems that I will have to wait a little longer before leaving.

After a time of long conversations the envoys were satisfied with the meeting, and I stayed with my father looking at him, waiting for an explanation!

"Khahahaha. "He started to laugh, I looked at him, it seems that he had done it on purpose, rightly I felt that there were more people than usual around me, it seems that they were my father's informants, apparently they had instructions to tell my father when I was ready to leave.

In order to retain myself for more time on purpose in the village.

"I know you're going to leave for a while, but I did not want to bother you with what you were grabbing, apparently you created another good thing, I'm glad" said the head, reassuring himself a bit of the long laugh he had made recently.

"If you had not laughed like that, I would have believed you," I said looking at him * sigh

"The Erza girl you like?" Asked my father as he calmed down a bit with a smile on his face.

"Yes, it's cute" I said indigent on the outside tuck tuck inside, soon my heart starts to accelerate.

It is stupid the truth I had never thought about getting married until now, I was always involved in improving the quality of life in the town that I did not pay much attention to this issue.

But when I saw the girls for the first time I had a good impression of Erza, she has black hair, and blue eyes, she is taller than most of the women in town.

But what caught my attention was her interest in learning, the truth is that only some people in the town liked to learn more things, those people I was in charge of teaching them a lot of things and the rest I wrote down and I left it in the library so they can learn it in the future.

Well to the point if I like Erza, When I saw her for the first time in the great hall, I was impressed, but I had not thought about it carefully, always for different reasons and what made me distract myself from the matter in question.

"Yes, I like it, is it one of which is this compromised?" I asked to know if she was one of those who would be my wife, to tell the truth I do not know how I should react due to the situation.

I do not know if I should be happy, or angry to be practically forced to marry, although being angry is ridiculous ...

Nt: haha ​​already understand ...

"If she is the eldest and the future leader of the Aqua clan, so if the head of the Aqua clan and I will meet tomorrow here to make the appropriate preparations in person"

"Who is the other one?" I asked, intrigued only talking to Erza and Mina and it seems that she does not like me, haha

"The other daughter of the leader of the Aqua Clan is called Zhona, she is the youngest of her daughters, I do not know why she would promise the youngest of her daughters, when there are 3 more in front of them but she is also a beauty according to the envoys" my father.

Zhana, is not that the shy girl, who was behind her? Must be about 17 years old ..

Mmmm in some cultures would be illegal, I'm thinking here is another world, good either way.

Now I'm engaged, after talking a little with my father I'm leaving, tomorrow I have to meet again with my father and the envoys or the head of the Aqua clan.

After going to my house I went to bed for a while and in the afternoon I continued doing some other things, like I do not know how long I would have to wait now I told the others to continue practicing.

I start thinking about what my father had told me, what I'm going to do from now on! My father told me that after I make the trip he will give me the position of the boss ...

I feel strange thinking about being a boss (king of my own life) in my past life I never had this feeling, being president of several companies and having thousands of people working for you is different, it is not the same, at least here I feel that It's different, it's like taking responsibility for the lives of hundreds of people.

I do not know how to explain this feeling that I have, but I do not feel that it is bad, rather it is like ...

Soon I see something on the floor and an idea occurs to me coming out of my train of thought, I walk in circles in my room and start writing something on a clay board that was next to my bed, I have not modernized the process yet. time before I have scrolls, so for now I have to use this.

I write the idea that came to my mind, I put it in a box and call a guard who is in the entrance.

"Take this to my father, tell him it is urgent that he read it and send me an answer," I told the soldier the instructions and he hurried away to take the contents to my father.

After that I start writing other things, so they do not forget me and I abstract myself from the world until the soldier arrives with a message equal to the one he sends.

"Ok I'll talk about that with Chief Aqua, tomorrow do not worry, it's a good idea." He said in the message I received.

The next morning Trinux with Alden and Absolem were at the entrance of my house.

Trnux wanted to fight me, said he had to beat him if he wanted to follow him, Absolen and Alden were watching him from the side, Absolem did not care to follow Nathan in his travels, but Trinux did not want to follow someone weaker than him.