Chapter 28: Unification Part 1

After a brief fight with Trinux, although I thought it was going to be a challenge, it was not much in fact, I had not fought in a long time, but I always follow my training routine, when I get up.

During all these years, there has been no one to win me in combat, here in my previous world, I do not fight, these memories stayed in my mind and when I put them into practice, it is as if my body had been practicing them for years.

Nobody of my age could beat me, when I taught this to my father I was younger and my body was not developed, he won me easily when he learned it, but over the years that advantage disappeared and my body became stronger , and my muscular reflexes helped me to be the best fighter.

But the fact that I do not like to fight, had not changed, make no mistake was not a pacifist or anything like that, I would fight if someone challenged me to a fight, it's something essential in the discipline of a warrior, that's what They teach us all boys from an early age in the clan, I find fights that are not absolutely necessary a loss of energy and effort.

The truth is that there is no one who can be useful in training, although sometimes I give some lessons to the juniors, so that they develop a greater desire to practice and so one day to challenge me, it is still early for these people to appear, so let's let the people develop more, sure that geniuses will be born who may be my opponents in the future.

I do not feel uncomfortable about the fact that I'm going to get married, but because of the fact that I do it with two women, in my previous world only in some cultures you could marry two or more women but I was from a monogamous culture, in this world, on the contrary, there are no such rules.

That for my opinion in my past world is not that I care much, but I do not like it either.

I go to the biggest house in the town and enter entering ceo to several people gathered around my father.

He is with his wives, my mothers and my biological mother, there is also my sister.

They are talking about something when I arrive they look at me, all intrigued by what they say, I approach a little but they did not keep talking about it.

"Hi, how are you?" He asked, seeing them act in a strange way, everyone is watching me except my father who always carries a smile on his face, in this kind of situations.

"Hello brother, good and you? I found out that you are going to commit yourself to two daughters of the current head of the Aqua clan, is that true? "Asks my little sister Silvia, she was looking at me with an interrogative face, as if she had committed high treason to the state.

"If Sigi father has promised me with two daughters of the Aqua clan," I say to him and I stroke his head.

My father looked away seeing my sister's eyes, but he did not say anything, his wives were laughing beside him, two of the wives of the current clan chief are pregnant, waiting for the next sons of the clan chief .

"Hi, Nathan, you're already so big, I still remember when you were in balls running around the village when you had a down-on-your-shoulder, remember? That time when you were pooping in the bush behind the little hill, "said my father's second wife.

"Hello, second mother, if indeed I have grown up, congratulations it seems that I will have a brother or sister soon" I greet and congratulate her on her pregnancy

She is very affectionate. Her name is Nagumi, she was the daughter of another clan head who has had a relationship with my grandfather's clan head, she is my father's second wife, she is one of those who is pregnant.

He has always treated me well, he is a good person, the other who is pregnant is the 4 wife.

The truth is that I've never known how to do my father's wives well, it's strange to call more than one woman a mother, since he only had one.

After greeting everyone present, I called my father to talk about other matters and my parents and sister went to another room.

We went into the meeting room at his house and started discussing the matter in question, I did not want to do it yesterday for the people in the great hall, and I did not want to give the impression of disobeying the boss's orders, so I decided to wait a bit for Ask him why he had done that without consulting me before.

"Father, because I did not see that you were going to propose an alliance with the water clan, you made my plans run out of course, you could have done it after my return, it would take a year to return again, now I do not know how much time I have to stay here again. "I said a little exasperated by my father's decision to make such a decision.

"Haha, I know it bothers you but it is necessary, you told me it is necessary to unify all the clans near us either through force or alliance and as the future leader of the Aqua clan, the eldest daughter Erza is a good prospect for marriage, it is simple I want to make the people of the Aqua clan, who join ours so we will not have to be worried that a future problem may arise, not now but in future generations.

I have learned from you that it is better to be safe than sorry, to make decisions that could be for a greater good than a decision we could regret.

"Think about it, we started negotiating with the Aqua tribe recently, but that's just the beginning, with all that you call technologies, that we have in our town if we share it with them, they will also grow, now is the time to assimilate them Peacefully and without complications.

"It is one of the issues that I want to discuss with the head of the Aqua clan, in the afternoon meeting, I am going to propose a unification of the two tribes, and as your eldest daughter is going to marry you, the future leader of the clan does not believe that there is no problem, "said my inspired father, telling me his plan and why he had done that.

"The truth is that several days ago we have been discussing the matter of marrying Erza, but recently the leader of the Aqua clan wanted her youngest daughter to marry as well.

"I do not see any problem, and my informant tells me that she is a beauty too, so I do not see any inconveniences." My father said with his giggle on his face

I know it's a beauty, I've seen her when I went to her clan a few days ago, if in fact she's beautiful, she has blue hair and she's pretty cute I thought to myself when I remember the shy girl when she arrives at the Aqua clan.

"Well, it's fine changing the subject, surely the head of the Aqua clan will agree? Remember that we worship the Goddess of Nature Gaia, they worship the God of Water.

Thinking well if they worship the god of water do they should live in the water ?? I thought to myself.

"I do not see any problem, we are not like you used to know, remember what you said a long time ago? Why do not we join all the villages? "I think you were about 10 years old at the time, I told you that we could not live together with all the tribes because each one of them worships a god and that is problematic since they have always tried to unite Several tribes in the past the problems originated thanks to the different beliefs in the gods.

My grandfather had tried to live in a tribe that long ago but could not in the end ended up separating all those clans because of the differences.

And you answered me, because they fight to have different gods? Can not separate the places of worship of each god and let each one of them pray to their own god?

"It was such a simple answer but nobody ever came up with that idea, you know? "Asked my father looking at me,

I never thought it was complicated in my previous world I do not know how many religions there were but I know that in the modern era a consensus was reached, I do not know if it was voluntary or if it was accepted with time, I do not know much about it but they left that everyone should pray to their god, or at least in many countries, it was done, in others it was not so accepted that to let everyone pray to their god.

"A lot of time has been running through that idea in my mind ever since, and when we started annexing the other clans, I do not plan to have them serve the goddess Gaia by force, but not the god of war. "Said my father thought.

"If you want them to integrate, you have to stop judging their beliefs, you know? It does not matter if the fact that they serve that god is foolish or not but they serve him, if that makes his uneasiness cry out well.

The reason is that I do not understand why a clan serves the god of violence, I do not understand what it means.

You can begin to change the meaning of your belief little by little in different areas, according to what I know that until now what it is to follow the god of the previous clan's war is violence, arrogance and pride, but I am not sure that or where those ridiculous ideas arose.

According to what I understand of the god of war is to participate in wars, I do not know why arrogance and pride are included in that context.

For now we will eliminate those unstable factors in their beliefs and shape them in what really means war, warriors, combat, battles.

If my idea is correct, those will become brave warriors, in the future.

"But the religion that will dominate here will be that of our clan."

Then plans were made to create an area to erect a monument to the god of war.

It was commanded to separate an area for the water god but it has not yet been built.