Chapter 29: Unification Part 2

After discussing the details between the 2 for hours the time came for the meeting with the Aqua clan.

When we arrived at the great hall and the leader of the Aqua clan was waiting for us, she was sitting at a large table, this table was beautifully carved by the hand of one of our best wood carvers there is.

Beside her were her two daughters, Erza and Zhona, who were related to this matter in question.

"Greetings Chief of the Aqua clan, May the god of Water flood you in his blessings." Said the Chief of the Gaia clan.

"Greetings Chief of the clan Gaia, May the goddess of nature purify you in her happiness. The leader of the Aqua clan responded.

This is a custom, when two leaders meet they have to greet each other according to the god they serve, with a compliment or blessing from their god.

"Greetings Chief of the Aqua clan" I respectfully wave my hands together in the form of a pyramid and bowing my head a little then lifting it.

Then I do the same with the others present in the room, apart from my father, and I place myself in the right position of my father.

The leader of the Aqua clan nods and her two daughters greet my father in the same way I did, then they place themselves on her mother's right contemptuously.

Each place has a meaning, so nobody sat on the left, then the formalities that all wait for the two leaders nod their heads and sit on the long and beautiful rectangular table in the middle of the room.

The truth is that this is the meeting of the most elegant tribal chiefs who have attended both, because the standard meeting for a meeting is almost the same but without the education that we present today.

The truth is that when two clan leaders meet, and their future leaders are present, a brief ceremony of respect is held.

So up to this point it's fine, but since I wanted things to change a little bit several years ago I had talked with my father, and I improved the meeting standard a bit and that made the meetings in the future evolve, rather than a simple nod with his head.

The part where clan leaders greet each other, that's still intact, but the kind of atmosphere and the greetings that are given to others, and to the boss and it's something new and in my opinion it looks much better, than the rustic form in which someone should be directed towards others.

They just say hello and that was it, I wanted to change things so I decided to give it a little more class by taking it out, one of the most polite ways to greet leaders or people of status, like the traditional Asian greeting, in my world previous, and for close people and friends the western greeting of giving my hands also I have been scattering in my clan for a long time.

Well after the formalities the leaders sit down and then the rest of us sit down.

"Well, I would like to know more than you think Chief of the Aqua clan, I had already sent a report with your emissaries yesterday, I would like to know what you think of my proposal." Asked the head of the clan Gaia.

My father had apparently sent his proposal yesterday with an emissary who left with the representatives who came to discuss the issue of the alliance through marriage.

The head of the Aqua clan looks at my father before answering, "If I received your message, the truth is that I do not see how that can work, in your letter you expressed that it is very difficult to achieve that, I do not believe that by uniting our peoples no problems arise, remember very well that has been tried many times in different generations of our ancestors, nobody has been able to unify the tribes without problems of death arising from conflicts, and then dissolve again, having lost their places of origin and a stable place.

"Yes, in fact it is very difficult to last for a long time, but that is a very important factor." My father said, sounding a little mysterious.

The head of the Aqua clan looks at my father, with his questioning face, anticipating his next words.

"I want to ask you a question. Tell me what the problem is? What separated the tribes by creating large tribes that serve different gods? "My father asked in a serious tone after asking that question.

"What separates the tribes, is an impartial leader, the reason according to our ancestors is that a leader of a tribe tried to unify several tribes around him, I do not know what place or how long ago it will have been, but in the end He was able to do so because of the lack of impartiality, with respect to his religions, giving priority to the religion that was that of the unifying leader.

Because of these problems, they have been dissolved for a long time, but no one had thought of making different altars or monument to worship their different gods! "Said my father in a serious tone.

The truth is that it is such a simple answer, but I have begun to think that it is because of anticipation of things.

You can not unify several tribes and make everyone worship the god that you serve because you are the leader, if they do not have the same faith, it is useless to force those who do not worship your god to that path.

The answer to your question is very simple, we put different altars, for the different faiths and different gods. "My father said finishing explaining his point of view regarding the unification.

The truth is that I want to unify our peoples to avoid problems that arise in the future, you never know if one day one of our descendants could create a situation, in which they will be forced to act because of the other, that's why I would like have your opinion about this.

Looking at the Chief of the Aqua clan, my father waits for his answer, the truth is that this did not believe that it was going to pay off.

"If we achieve the unification that you say, how would our people receive treatment, how would we treat the family of the previous leaders?

"There is also the fact of the previous problems, I know that the idea is quite interesting, it would never have occurred to me if you did not mention it today but how do you plan to build several temples?" Asked the head of the Aqua clan.

"The truth is that it is something really simple, as I had told you if each town has a god other than the one they worship a temple is created in their community, this is a part in which most of them reside in the center of that a temple is created for them to worship him.

So I do not think there is any problem, with regard to religion since in that area it would be solved.

"And with respect to the other issue, about how your family will be treated after the unification ..." he said looking towards where I was sitting Smiling my father had thought that he already had the fish in the hook.

"My son has a pretty peculiar idea." My father laughs and he mentions me in his conversation, after that he urges me to talk about the idea I had told him in a casual conversation years ago.

"Come on, Nathan, tell him what you told me about something called the kingdom," said my father, smiling at me.

And to think that this old man has such a good memory.

"For a simple description A Kingdom is the grouping of different areas covering a large amount of land, these lands make up the domain of a kingdom, the kingdom is governed by a family, which will be called the Royal family, or Dynasty, this The royal family has all the military power in the country, to prevent incidents in the kingdom such as riots or betrayal. "I said smiling change a bit changing some things so that they do not have ideas in the future of wanting to acquire military power, because it would be a problem to remove them later "I said thinking about the correct terms that I should use.

"As one of the first clans to accept being part of this Kingdom you will be granted the title of nobility, of course if you accept" I said while looking at the head of the Aqua clan.

After giving a very little explanation to the head of the Aqua clan, he looked at me for a while and then turned to talk to my father.

"I will accept your proposal, of course until our children are married, after the ceremony of alliance, are the preparations and I will talk to the elders of the clan to prepare everything." Said looking at my father the head of the Aqua clan.

"Of course it is not necessary to dismantle the houses and that because in the future that point may be necessary to build another citadel in that area," said my father, stealing the words from the tip of my tongue.

It is an important point to expand to other areas, in the future I would like to build a fort in that area, I know that beyond the lands of the Aqua clan there are many clans, so a strategic position in that area would be necessary for expansion.

After wandering through my thoughts I do not hear what my father and the head of the Aqua clan ended up discussing.

"Well I would like to prepare the ceremony for 1 week" said the head of the Aqua clan

After saying goodbye I got up and walked with my father to another room in the great room.

We talk for a while about something and I go home.

In the whole meeting Zhona looked at me out of the corner of my eye and I turned around, I do not know what's wrong with him or that he would have seen me is something funny on the side of my face?

Well, ignoring that issue, I continue to my house, review some issues that I have pending and I start to make and advance other things.

Since I have time I will check the calendar.