Chapter 12

The weekend had flown by so fast, she got into the office in the morning as per usual. "Morning Clara." she greeted her.

Before she could head into the boardroom . "Morning Hailey, boss wants to see you in his office."

"Now?", as she looked back in shock.

"Yes as in now." as Clara seemed to start to get impatient.

"Do you know what it's about?" she asked.

"Why don't you go find out Hailey?"

"Okay." She nodded.

Hailey went and knocked at his door.

"Come in", Valerian's voice boomed from inside.

She walked in timidly. "Take a seat " as he motioned for the chair in front of me. She did, and he also sat down. "So you wondering why you are here, I'm sure" he said looking straight at her.

"Yes, Sir" She replied.

"Well I have a big business merger in Maldives, and I will need you to accompany me for a week."

She was at a loss for words, she would see Maldives and go to the beach! She wanted to squeal so badly with joy. "Don't look so excited yet, we are going on a business trip, not a holiday so snap out of it." He replied sternly.

"Yes Sir." she tried to sound serious but failing miserably.

"We are leaving tomorrow morning, so you can take the rest of the day off to go and prepare and make sure you are here at six in the morning sharp, you may go now!"

"Yes Sir!" she saluted,oh wow did she really do that? how embarrassing. But she saw Valerian chuckle. She quickly walked out the room and leaned against the door, and there was a huge smile plastered on her face.

She was walking back to her workplace, "Hailey." She turned and saw Clara by her desk. "what did he say to you?" as she looked at me. "I'm going with him on a business trip." She saw jealousy flash quickly in her eyes.

"Why you? no offence, you are like the most inexperienced one out of all of us and I mean you are new!" as she was fuming with rage.

"I know Clara, he is just making me tag along cause I have to gain experience at some point."

"You are right, but don't enjoy much, but I highly doubt you will have time to enjoy" as she sneered at me.

She went to fetch her things and then she went to her apartment and started packing formal clothes, casual clothes, and some beach wear.

She took my phone and dialed Matt's number,He answered on the third ring. "Hey Hails, what's up?"

"Hey Matt, I need to take the week off from work."

"Sure, but are you okay Hails? Did something happen?"

"No Matt, I'm accompanying Valerian on a business trip." She was greeted by silence on the other side of the line.

"Matt are you there?"

" Yes I am Hails" as he sighs. "is it going to be just the two of you?"

"Yes it is" She replied.

"Its not a good idea Hails" as he responded.

"Don't worry Matt I can take care of myself" as I reassured him.

"Fine Hailey, but if anything happens call me alright". as he replied.

"Yes I will, don't worry Matt."

Finally she hung up after chatting with him some more. She checked her things that she had packed. Hailey was so excited and this day was taking forever to finish and she just wanted to go already. She watched t.v for the rest of the day and finally night-time came.

She had a hard time sleeping. She woke up at four in the morning after only getting thirty minutes of sleep. She showered and prepared. She ate her breakfast and at five in the morning she left and got to the airport at half five.

She was by myself and she wondered if they had left her?but it was not possible. She waited and thirty minutes later she saw Valerian arrive and his driver come with his belongings. He motioned for her to come towards the check-in.

She went over and they checked in his jet. He had his own private jet! We got seated and the air hostess got in and greeted us. "Please put on your safety belts, we are about to take off." she said as she was gawking at Valerian. then she left.

Hailey looked out the window, "Did you get any sleep Hailey?" as he was staring intently at her intently.

"Nope." She quipped.

"Why?" he replied.

"I thought you were going to leave me" as she was yawning and closing her eyes,

"I would have not left you behind." She heard him lightly say.

Hailey fell asleep.

Valerian went and sat next to her, her lips were slightly parted. How delicate she looked, and how he longed to hold her. She shivered slightly and he took off his blazer and covered her. Hw pushed back the dark tendrils of her hair from her face.

We landed and Hailey was still passed out. He picked her up swiftly and went to the car waiting for them. He set her on his lap and cradled her. she was light and the smell of cherry blossoms filled his sensations.

We got to the hotel and checked in to the pent house suite. He and Hailey will be sharing a room as he wanted her close by, He didn't want her far. He got to the suite and opened the bed cover and put her in. Then he went and took off his shirt and he was left in his boxers.

He opened the sheets and climbed in the bed and pulled Hailey close to him and he fell asleep with her in his arms.