Chapter 13

Hailey opened her eyes slowly as the light seeped in. She turned to see on the bed side table there was a clock and it was nine in the morning which felt weird. She exiled, as it hit her they were in Maldives. She sighed and giggled in excitement.

"What are you so happy about?" as she was bought out of her thoughts by Valerian's voice. She yelped and fell off the bed. "What are you doing here?" she yelled at him.

"Sleeping in our bed." he responded in an amused tone.

She got up slowly rubbing my backside, "What I mean is that why aren't you in your own bed? Or why aren't we in separate rooms, you psychotic bastard!" she glared at him.

"I thought it would be best if you were close by and I could keep an eye on you." he responded.

"Couldn't we have had adjourning rooms?" she replied.

"We could have, but I chose not to" he replied in a cajoling voice.

"But what's the point, can't I still get my own room?" she pleaded.

"Enough Hailey, I'm now tired of answering your bullshit." he responded. He then got up and she noticed he was half naked. "I'm going to shower, do you want to join me" he said, looking at her seriously.

"No, Valerian I don't want to shower with you." She responded through gritted teeth.

"Suit yourself." as his voice was dripping with sarcasm as he walked off and closed the bathroom door. Was he really expecting her to shower with him just because they shared the same room.

After Valerian was done in the bathroom,she went and showered under the warm water and it felt refreshing and then got dressed.

They went downstairs to go have some breakfast. We were sitting opposite each other during breakfast and Valerian ordered oats and fruits with a cup of coffee.

when his phone rang, and he got up to take the call. She ordered her food and when Valerian came back , they had bought his coffee and her juice. She cleared her throat, "Is everything fine Sir?" She asked. He just nodded his head, up and down.

Our breakfast had finally arrived and they set it down and Hailey saw Valerian looking at her plate, and he scowled. "You sure ordered the whole place." He said sarcastically. She didn't know how to respond and she looked at what she had ordered.

She ordered bacon, scrambled eggs, croissant, bagel, ham, and rashers with a glass of strawberry juice. Her plate was full. She just shrugged and began to eat. She washed down the food with the juice.

The waitress came and asked if they were fine or needed anything. Valerian responded saying he was fine. "Wait," she told the waitress and her mouth was slightly full. "Can you please get me more bacon, eggs and a croissant please."

"Coming right up." the waitress responded.

Valerian looked at her with a bewildered expression on his face, the waitress bought her the side dishes she had ordered, she thanked her then commenced eating. She finished her whole plate and she felt replenished.

"You should slow down when you eat, I almost thought you were going to choke for a second there." as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry sir, I'm used to eating like this so it isn't a problem." she responded cheerfully. "Who said I was worried about you?" as he chuckled.

"Whatever." she scowled.

"I'm going to a business meeting, you can go and swim at the beach, I will join you later." said Valerian.

"Really!" she replied.

"Go before I change my mind." he responded.

She ran to their suite and changed into a bathing suit, then she went down to the beach. She had sun bathed for almost an hour, when felt a shadow cover her sun.

She took off the sun hat of her face, and she was ready to give someone a handful when she noticed it was a guy with bleach blonde hair and sea green eyes.

"I saw you laying here, and I was wondering if you would like to play some volleyball?" he asked. "sure" she responded, as Hailey got up. He took a hold of his hand and they went to play volleyball. She hadn't had this much fun in such a long time.

They were many good looking guys, and they were very charming. They would wink at her and lightly hug her. Which she wasn't complaining to at all.

We played the whole day, she had learned how to surf a bit and she was a bit good at volley ball. The guys name was Alex, and he was very charming. She looked at the time and she realized she had to go. Hailey gave him a hug and darted off.

She got to the suite and Valerian was on his computer, he looked up and he told her to get dressed for dinner. She to go get ready. The dress that was waiting for her was a black dress and she clipped her hair back and wore black heels.

She came out the room and looked at Valerian, when she saw him look up from his laptop and he really gazed at her for a long time. "you look decent." he murmured.

"Um, thank you." not knowing how to really reply, was it even a compliment?.

He shut his laptop and she saw he was wearing a tux and he really looked good, but no way in hell was she going to tell him that. We went down to dinner and we watched a fire breathing performance.

A five course meal was served which she enjoyed fully and felt content watching the performance. So many girls came up and complimented Valerian, which shocked her because couldn't they tell that he would just play them? or the fact that he had his main girl, Charlize.

A girl named Lindsay came, and she was sitting next to Valerian and they were having a long catch up session. It looked like Valerian knew her very well and the way she was comfortable touching him meant they were way more than friends.

Hailey sat there and she felt invisible, until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"would you do me the honor of dancing with me?" she looked up to see Alex, he was well cleaned in a tux with no tie. She got up, excited to see someone she knew. She hugged him, and he twirled her around.

"Of course I would love to." Hailey responded, as he lead her to the dance floor and his arms were wrapped around her so tightly. She could feel his warm breath on her neck, which was nice. The music was really soothing and she was getting lost in it.

They danced to so many songs and when she felt tired, he lead her back to the table. He opened her chair and she thanked him. Alex sat besides her and she thought her imagination was running away with her as it seemed like Valerian was angry, cause he was giving her and Alex subtle glares.

He was still talking to Lindsay. Hailey and Alex were deep in conversation about their likes and dislikes.

"Let's go." Valerian said curtly.

She turned to Alex "goodnight, I had a lovely evening."

"You are welcome." he responded, as he ]gave her a tight hug.

Valerian and Hailey got into the elevator, and they got to their penthouse suite. She went to the bathroom to remove her makeup. When she got in the bathroom, Hailey felt hands go around her waist and she started.

"what are you doing?" as she looked at him.

"Claiming what is mine."