Chapter 36

She smiles at him, as he kisses her hand. The waiter comes with champagne and he pours it for both of them.

"Thank you." as he fills their glasses.

"So, Hailey, what is your favorite color?"

"Well it isn't considered a color, but black and you?"


"Your favorite dish?"

"I like pizza and you?"

He clears his throat "I would have to say any pasta cuisine."

"Ohh fancy aren't we?"

Valerian laughs, "really now.."

"My turn, how many girls have you slept with?"

Valerian looks puzzled by her question, "Why?"

"I'm just curious." as she bats her eyelashes. "If you find out the number then what are you going to do with it?"

"Nothing, why are you avoiding the question?"

"Fine, I would say three."

"Three, how is that possible. I thought you would say you lost count."

Valerian lets out a laugh which is something she rarely saw. "Hailey, I do have many women who pursue me but doesn't mean I sleep with them you know. Only if it is serious then yes, I do."

"And you Hailey?" and she sees he is mocking her.

"I might have one for now, but it will accumulate, don't worry."

"Don't you dare Hailey." he gives her a stern look.

They eat their food talking about general things about themselves. A sweet song comes on "would you like to dance with me?"

"I would love to." as she takes his hand and they start moving slowly to the music. She feels content, he twirls her around. He dips her and picks her up.

His body odor is so intoxicating, and she pulls herself closer to him. They dance the night away, at one in the morning, they decide to head back, Valerian takes off his blazer and he drapes it around her.

"Thank you."

"You welcome."

As they head down, she feels drowsy and she falls asleep. She wakes up when Valerian strokes her hair. "we are here."

She rubs her eyes and she feels exhausted. Valerian walks out, and he opens the door for her. She climbs out, and she takes her roses.

They got to her front door and she unlocks it. He turns her to him, "I had a great night Hailey."

"Me, too. Thank you for everything. It was truly magical for me." as she shyly smiles at him.

He pulls her into his arms and he places a gentle kiss on her lips first and then he starts to deepen it until he pulls back.

"I want to go home Hailey." as he grins down at her.

"Huh?" as she is left in a daze.

"This is our first date, remember. Nothing else but that."

He places a kiss once more on her lips and she melts into him, but he pulls away.

"Get in, so that I can leave."

She nods and before she goes in she places a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you again for everything." He smiles down at her. "You welcome."

She walks into the apartment and she finds a vase, she adds water then the roses.

Instagram: tanz.v