Chapter 37

Hailey lay on the bed and thinks about the night. She takes her phone and texts him. "Did you get home safely?"

"I did thank you."

"Night, sweet dreams Sir. Xxx"

"Night, my angel."

With that, she falls asleep. She wakes up the next morning with a lot of sweat and her nose is blocked. She feels drained and tired.

There is so much light streaming in. She walks over to the cabinet and takes some painkillers, but her head is killing her. She shuffles her way back into bed and falls asleep, She wakes up when she hears a knock by the door.

She sees it is dark out, wow how long was she asleep for?

Hailey walks towards the door and opens it, She sees Valerian standing there. He immediately walks in. "You don't look so good, Hailey."

She sniffles a bit. He picks her up bridal style and he walks back to her room and he places her gently on the bed.

"I will be back." With that, he leaves, and she falls asleep again. She wakes up when she hears Valerian calling her, "Come sit up and eat something."

She sits up and sees that he bought chicken soup. He scoops some and he holds it to her mouth and she eats some.

"Why didn't you tell me you were ill, I would have been here much sooner."

"I fell asleep for the whole day." as her voice comes out groggy.

"I see."

He gives her some medication to drink and then he lays her back down, she already felt so much better.

"Where is your laptop? I bought movies too."

"under the bed."

He feels for it and finds it. "that's a peculiar place to put a laptop."

"I don't want it to get stolen."

He switches it on and puts a disk inside. "move over."

She moves a bit and he takes off his shoes and tie, he gets into the bed next to her. "aren't you afraid of being sick?"

"Not quite."

He puts his arm around her and she uses his shoulder as a pillow, but the medication is also making her feel a bit too drowsy.

Hailey wakes up when the sun is streaming in. "You finally woke up."

"How long have you been awake for?"

"For two hours but I didn't want to disturb you, so I let you sleep."

"Thank you" as she smiles at him.

"I better get going, I want to go freshen up and change."

"Okay." as she walks him to the door.

"You seem a lot better, I will see you later then."

"Bye." as she waves him off. She definitely did feel a whole lot better and she had enough energy to clean up and tidy the place. Then she bathed for a long time because yesterday she couldn't manage to bath herself.

After that, she realizes she doesn't have groceries. She hears the doorbell ring and she opens it. "You back." as she smiles at him.

"Yes, I have been gone for three hours you know."

"I need to buy groceries."

"No problem, we can do it online."

True, why hadn't she thought of that. They order the groceries and they arrive. They put them away and she makes a mental note that she owes him.

She starts to prepare dinner,

"Do you need help?"

"No, but you can set the table and get the wine."

After she finishes cooking, She set it on the table and they eat.

"This is not bad for our second date." as he sips some wine.

"No, it isn't."

When night-time comes, "Its time for you to go."


"We have work and I am not the boss, unlike others."

"I could give you a day off you know."

"No, get out Sir!" she points to the door.

"Fine, fine." as he leaves.