A Blessed Mystery (6)

"There's nothing in these books." Nyla was done skimming through the sixth book and nothing, everything that was written in these books were already said by Cindy. Any human born with magic would also be born with a mark to state which clan they belonged to.

"I found something. I don't think it's helpful but it's connected." Linx dropped the text on the desk where the other three were sitting skimming through the books. "It says here that there were six magical clans, each with a unique power. The Irrang, capable of flying and controlling the wind. Grocan, the ability to turn their body into flames and burn anything they touch. Lokath, the ground they walk on is their domain, they can use leaves, vines, roots anything that it part of dirt nature to their will. Minsho, the people of the mist, they can transform into a cloud of mist and disappear into another realm only to reappear at will. Mertas, water beings that bend water to come become water and also manipulate it. Last but not least, Fiena's, a female being that possesses every single one of these powers. They ruled for thousands of years with peace and prosperity until the day they disappeared."

Kavira concentrated on Linx's words, she must be a Fiena but what does this have something to do with the dragon's eye on her right arm? "There is one more thing, many unique people with magic are know to have something called a Binsho. An uncommon power that no one else possesses, it doesn't change the clan they belong to but it is a secret power."

"So according to that book, my dragon's eye mark here means I am a Fiena, correct?" Kavira needed to know for sure, she had to have been born with this mark in order to carry these powers. The others bare no mark, so what was the connection?

"Yes, the dragon eye was the symbol of a Fiena." Linx looked up to face the rest but his eyes only lay on Kavira's concerned face. For someone that didn't even know her birthday, she had some much weighing on her shoulders.

"Well, I guess we now know what we are. I'm a grocan, you're a minsho and Nyla is a mertas. Does it say anything about training these powers?" Clain wanted to embrace this new found power now that keeping it secret wouldn't do them any good.

"No, only that the clan temples were very secretive of their training. Every person was to be inducted with a ceremony at seven years of age to their clan and swear on their life to die with honor, to never reveal the secrets of the clan." Linx wasn't at all impressed, as a warrior dying with honor was a privileged, anything else would not do.

"I believe that this is the most we will be able to learn about magical beings in ancient times." Kavira's expression lacked satisfaction but she didn't have time to waste, hunters were looking for them and if they weren't quick then the Fairies would be in danger. "Has anyone found anything on the dragon staff?"


"My Lord, we have found the men that Dalton took dead outside of the Blessed Forrest. There was no sign of Dalton." A dwarf presented itself, his brown beard nearly covering half of his chest.

"Is that so?" Lord Yoru's dark silhouette didn't show his expressing but the Dwarf could hear the irk in his voice. "Bring me a Pixie. We must go into the Fairy Domain, Nyla will surely be there."

The dwarf quickly bowed. "Yes, my Lord."

In a tavern not too far north from the hunters camp was a small frame, a lavender pixie with light pink hair and turquoise eyes. Pixie's are being that were once fairy's but because they wronged the community in some way they were banished from the Fairy Domain and had their wings clipped off, never to return.

"Brenda, the Lord wishes to see you." The small dwarf had rode a caravan and had been running as fast as he could just to reach the pixie, she was the only one he knew since not many fairy's would defy their home rule's. The dwarf was trying to catch his breath so he didn't watch as the pixie walked past him in an annoyed attempt to rid herself of him.

It wasn't until he opened his eyes once again that he saw he was standing alone. He turned to look for her and ran to her location in the tavern. "Brenda, please. This is urgent."

The pixie turned around swaying her long silky dress with her body. "What does your Lord need from me this time?" She wasn't interested in helping the hunter but she was willing to listen.

"He need's you to show us to the Fairy Domain."