A Cause for Celebration?

Kavira had been anticipating the events that would occur today. She had completely forgotten what sleeping was for the night, her anxiety kept her up which then kept Linx up who looked like he was going to fall over any second. The sun was up and it was early, Kavira had decided to give everyone a well rested day, not just because it was her and Lucas's birthday but also because they could see the outer rim.

It was about a mile from where they were, no one doubted that it was there. Burnt trees and dark dirt on one side of the image and a perfectly green grass field on the other side, the boarder between the land within the rim and the outer rim was very evident. They had set up a couple of small tents the night before, many hunters decided to still sleeping.

Linx walked over to Kavira wrapping his arms around her from behind, the wind was fresh and cool this morning making the day that much better. "I know I already said this, but happy birthday beautiful." He kissed her blushing cheek, grinning at his girlfriends adorable reactions to his affection. "What would you like to do first? There's a lake to the east if you would like to take a quick bath."

Kavira was in a dire need of a bath, lucky for her Nyla and Brenda were available to come along with her. The lake was a short distance but you couldn't see the camp from here. The girls spoke a little here and there, Nyla confessed to kissing Lucas, although it was odd for Kavira she was happy that Nyla was letting go of her tough exterior and finally opening up to her. Brenda mentioned that many hunters had shown interest in her but she didn't reciprocate any feelings.

She continued to talk about how this journey has really brought her to appreciate the nature around her and that she would like to wait for that one person that made her feel like blossoming. The pixie had broken a cardinal rule against her people, was ultimately betrayed and to her, she was just now healing from all of it. "I'm really glad I met all of you. I have grown in a big way even though I am older than all of you, I see now just how wonderful everything really is."

The girls dried themselves after their gossip with rags and changed into a new set of clothes before heading back to the camp. Many hunters were still asleep but those that were awake had already started celebrating with some Ale. "Hey ladies!" Dalton, Clain, Lucas and Linx had just finished up sparring when the girls returned. "All fresh and clean. I guess it's our turn.. Come on guys let's go bathe." It had been two days since Kavira removed Dalton's necklace, she finally felt like she didn't need it, she trusted him enough to give him his freedom back.

Dalton was the first to start running but Lucas stayed behind to whisper something in Nyla's ear. She was pleasantly smiling with a gleam in her eyes. Linx also decided to give a long kiss to Kavira before bidding his farewell to go bathe with the guys.

The girls sat around the golden tent with a barrel of ale that Bort dropped off as soon as they reached their tent. One by one they filled up their copper cups enjoying one, two, three cups before the boys eventually showed up to joined in.

"Now, now, you're both eighteen. What do you all wish for? Make a wish and we'll drink to it." Linx was so happy to see his girlfriend enjoy herself. Kavira and Lucas closed their eyes, Kavira took a lot longer than Lucas to come back to them. She thought about what she wanted, knowledge about the prophecy but most importantly her past memories were what she wanted. Finding her souls body was the wish that asked for, it was time that she learned about herself.