"You're saying that there is another girl with this same pendant that was here not too long ago..." Leena wanted to make sense of what this man was saying, he had told her a weird story that she wasn't sure she believed. "So you're saying a little girl killed a bunch of these bad guys, what did you call them... Dead army, five years ago and she was asleep for five years?"
Damon nodded, he wasn't sure if there was any connection to them but he had a gut feeling that this girl was the answer to many questions he had when he first met Kavira. "This man that proposed to you, where is he now?"
"I don't know." Leena was afraid, back in Botus, Fiena's were hunted down and killed for the sake of power. In this world magical people were extinct, how is it possible that her mother believed it would be peaceful here?
"Is there any way of you contacting him?" Leena shook her head, she had used her one opportunity of using the special mirror to find Amira. She was sure that heading north was the right way to go but she couldn't just run in there and demand that man in the mask to give her back her cousin. She didn't know anything about him, this world or what the situation is like in general.
Queen Irene had very little knowledge, she was only called once every ten years into the main land to join the Royal Summit and speak on behalf of her people. Her best advice to Leena was to head to the Blessed Forrest. "Queen Irene informed me to visit the Fairy Domain and read a couple of things in the ancient library, she said they would be expecting me and would be able to provide me with the information I need."
"Mmmm.. So you know the mermaid Queen. She doesn't walk into the coast very often, how is it that you met her?" Leena looked around the tavern. Her and Damon were in a pretty dark corner by themselves but she still couldn't be too careful, anyone could be listening through the walls, through the air.
She focused and quickly made an air barrier that was invisible to anyone on the outside, if anyone tried to listen in they would hear nothing but a distorted conversation. "I'm not sure if I can trust you, but you have given me a lot of information and I have no one else to confide in so I'll tell you."
Leena looked around the tavern again with a nervous expression. "You don't have to be scared, people here don't really believe in magic because all the magic wielders disappeared three thousand years ago."
Leena turned back to face Damon. "That's not what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of people knowing that I am not from here, I come from another world.. Another place called Botus."
"Oh come on!! It's barely dusk, we can have a few more drinks!" Nyla was complaining, Lucas was trying to hold her back from getting even more drunk. He had only taken one drink, three was his limit and he didn't feel like embarrassing himself like last time just as Nyla was beginning to do. "Nyla, I really think that's enough."
Lucas took her copper cup away but she immediately made the saddest face Lucas had ever seen and he couldn't resist. They had agreed to keep their relationship and affection to a minimum but he just swooped in and kissed the girls pouty lips. She had been giving him a puppy dog face and was now smiling, wrapping her arms around Lucas's neck.
Everyone turned away and tried to ignore the couple who was displaying such public affection, even though everyone knew that Linx and Kavira were together they kept their affection to a minimum in front of everyone. Clain couldn't help but look over at Kavira after the whole scene and Kavira glanced over at Clain. Their eye contact was brief, Linx wrapped his arms around Kavira's waist and Clain took another swing at his drink.
Brenda, Dalton and Clain continued to drink while Linx excused himself with Kavira, he asked for her to take a walk with him and she complied following after him. "I know I already apologized for not being able to give you a big fancy party or a very nice gift but I wanted to just spend time with you... alone." They were strolling down the field under the darkening sky along and subtle gust of wind.
"I need to tell you something Linx." Kavira couldn't hide it anymore, Linx was such a great guy and he had done so much for her. "A few weeks ago.. I started hearing Clain's thoughts in my mind and I told him about it... I just-."
"Don't." Linx stopped in his steps and his face carried a grim expression, a dark shadow. "Don't tell me. Whatever it is.. I'm sure it will not affect us."
Linx took Kavira's hand and remained silent for the rest of their stroll.