Whatever It Takes (4)

"Me? I basically just point my hand out and think about what I want to do and it happens." Kavira couldn't tell if this girl was serious or just messing with them. Leena hadn't caught on to the annoyed expression that Kavira and Nyla had displayed, to her she had answered the question they asked.

"So you're a Fiena? Who were your parents?" Brenda was the most interested in learning about this girl, after all, she was always fascinated by magic wielders. Leena's expression became distant while she was cooking some vegetables and passing them around. "I don't know my parents and sorry, my name is Leena. I completely forgot you asked me who I was."

"I see, were you kidnapped from your family too?" Leena raised an eyebrow to Brenda's comment, the other Fiena must've had a tragic story like her growing up. She gazed around the circle and realized that everyone was waiting on her answer.

"My parents were killed and I was raised by my cousin, the one that I'm hoping you all will help me find." Leena continued to cook and asked if anyone wanted some rabbit, a human boy with dark brown hair and emerald eyes raised his hand along with the red fur faun. "So how about we do an ice breaker game? Everyone tells me there name and a fun fact about themselves."

Leena wasn't sure she wanted to tell them about her travels into their realm so she decided to test them by putting this childish game out there. The group looked around, it sounded like a pathetic game but Benda understood what she was going for so she spoke up first. "I am Brenda, I am a pixie. A fun fact about myself is that I enjoy nature."

Leena acknowledge Brenda's response with a genuine smile. "I am Dalton, a faun. A fun fact about myself is that I was first ordering to capture Nyla and her friends before I came their friends." "I am Lucas, a Lokast with a mark. Fun fact, I enjoy growing flowers." "I am Nyla, a Mertas without a mark. Fun-"

"This is ridiculous, why do we have to do something like this for someone who won't even say what she's doing here." Clain rose to his feet, he didn't mind sharing things about himself with the people he trusted but she was no one they knew.

Leena understood his thoughts, she was on the same boat. How can she trust them and how can they trust her. She needed to find a common ground with them but what she had to say may be more than they could handle. Leena had finished cooking and placed everything back into her bag. "I understand, I was ultimately trying to learn more about all of you before I went ahead and discussed about myself."

Leena stopped looking around at their faces and just stared into the fire that continued to burn. "I am not from this world. You are right Kavira, you and Lucas were the only ones here born with a mark, although I don't know how the rest have magic.... Anyways, I was born in a place called Botus, it is a different world a different time than here." She knew they wouldn't understand her, she continued to restrain herself from looking up to meet their eyes, especially Linx. "Where I am from most people have magic, the humans that don't usually live normal lives and..."

Leena thought about her mother and her female ancestors before, how they died because of greed. A single tear fell from her face but she never changed her calm expression. "Fiena's were killed where I'm from, I was the only one left from an extinct magical race. I came here trying to find peace, but when I woke up the mermaids told me that I had been made of stone and left on the Coastal Woods waterfall for sixteen years."

"How did you get here?" Kavira was asking a pretty standard question. She came here looking for peace but instead she was turned to stone for sixteen years.

Leena had tried to divert from trying to answer that question but it can't be helped. If they don't trust her then she will never be able to save her cousin. "There was an ancient portal from my world called the Door of Viaje. My cousin, Izak, myself and a boy named Eric were being hunted by one of the noble houses. In desperation to complete my moms wish of me finding peace, I went to a fortune teller who gave me a map to find the stones that would open the portal."

"Were you and your cousin the only people that came through?" Linx was sure he wasn't the man she was looking for, this so called Izak, but he was curious why he would look identical to the man she spoke of.

"I don't know. Right now my cousin is imprisoned by some guy in a red mask named Kizuato."