Into the Mountains

Kavira and the group slept among themselves while Leena rested with her companion, Lucky. Throughout their conversations, Kavira couldn't help but think back to what Kizuato had said to her, "I was expecting you to be the worthy one."

It brought fear into her heart, she had no memories of her past but this Leena person felt more like a leader than she did. Kavira clenched her fist, there was a way for them to find out whom the real worthy one was. She reached into her pouch taking out the Dragon Elder compass. Linx slept next to her but he hadn't wrapped his arms around her like he usually did so she stood up without a problem and marched over to where Leena was sleeping.

Leena had an internal alarm, if anyone were to be near her she would automatically know and be ready to fight. Her eyes lids flew up to see Kavira standing over her, there was something in her hands and although she had a calm expression she could feel the turmoil within her. "I didn't mean to wake you, but there is something I have to know."

Leena was about to stand up but Kavira knelt down instead and handed a box over the her. "Open it."

Of course Leena was confused but she did was she was told with caution. She opened the box, it was a compass with the hand pointing west. "What do you see?"

"It says to go west." Kavira's face fell, the shadows darkened even further along the lines of her face. Her expression was remained calm but there was a change in her demeanor.

"So you were the one he was waiting for." Kavira stood up and went to her bag taking out the jade dragon staff, Yùlóng. Leena wasn't sure what was going on but she watched as Kavira strolled back to her with a weapon on hand. "Hold this."

Kavira handed the staff over to Leena and just by a simple touch the staff turned from a white aura to a red. The symbols on the staff also began to radiate an orange red color similar to lava, the dragons jade eyes were beaming bright and the dragon opened its mouth.

Leena had never felt so much power before, this staff was a magical weapon, in her world there was no such thing as weapons that held power. "How unfortunate."

Kavira smirked. "This whole time I was taking an adventure for someone else." Leena could see past the smile, there was sadness in her eyes.

Leena stood up with the staff and compass in her hands. "I don't understand, what were you doing for someone else?"

"How long ago did you say you woke up from being a stone statue? A couple of weeks?" Leena agreed to Kavira's calculations. "A couple of weeks ago this dragon staff called Yùlóng heated up and started to show these symbols. Nothing I ever did seemed to work, so I decided to seek out answers to questions. I was told that the Dragon Elder would know what these symbols mean. My friends and I traveled from the Dark City, to the Fairy Domain, to Keero where we received this compass. The King of Keero believed that I was the worthy one and gave my this compass after I spoke to the talking crystal."

Leena didn't understand, if the talking crystal said she was worthy then why was she acting like she wasn't? "But everyone's efforts seemed to have been in vain... You were the person who was really meant for this. That is why you can use the compass and why Yùlóng reacts to you."

Kavira had spent so much time believing that she was destined for this but never would she have imagined that it was someone else. "Kavira... I am not trying to take anything from you." Leena tried to give back Kavira's items but she refused and stepped back. "My only goal is to find my cousin and friends, live a peaceful life. You're a Fiena just like me, you are worthy."

"I don't believe it works that way. You see, I don't have my memories from before I woke up about nine months ago. The only way I can get my memories are if I find my dead body." Leena listened to the girls speak about how the body she was in wasn't her own, this girl was taken from her family at the age of two and was killed, her soul was the only thing that kept this body alive.

"Do you think this Dragon Elder will be able to tell us the answer to questions we are asking?" Leena wanted to know what was really going on here, she wanted her cousin and to live in peace but these people needed her and she wasn't about to let them down.

"I don't know, but it's the best chance we have."