Series of Unfortunate Events (3)

"I don't understand. How is that possible?" Nyla was certain that this must be a cruel joke/prank by the people who went out to go scout the land.

"I don't know but whatever is going on we have to figure it out sooner rather than later." Dracon wasn't sure what to believe, this felt more like a dream than reality. Even during this time three thousand years ago, he wasn't even born yet. By the time he was born King Jax was a long spoken Legend, the Guererro family's prided eldest son. He was a top Minsho, he held many powerful secrets of his own power that not many people knew or could even achieve.

"We have to put this all into a vote, Are we going into the kingdom or are we going to stay out here waiting for Leena?" Kavira wasn't too happy about this possible situation but even if they wait for Leena they might not meet her here. Linx was against leaving from the start, he wanted to wait for Leena she asked him to trust her and he did but there was still doubt in his heart.

"Vote of hands of anyone who wants to go." The group may have been quite but they raised their hands one by one with the exception of Linx and Clain. Kavira was a bit surprised to see Clain hadn't raised his hand. Kavira furrowed her brows.

"Don't give me that look. There's something about this world that doesn't feel right. If there is anyone that could help us, it would be Leena. The rest of us are barely gaining control of out powers. If we get into trouble, which, we usually do. What will we do then?" Clain didn't know how to use his powers effectively yet but he had read about this place from the portions that existed. These people trained in temples at a young age, there was no way they would be able to defeat them even if they wanted to.

"She isn't here. Who knows if Leena will even meet us here or in the present day Lost Realm. The best we can do for her is keep moving." Dracon reached for his belongings and swung his weapon bag over his shoulders before walking off, following everyone else who raised their hands.

"Sorry Linx... There was no stopping them." Clain wanted to pat him on his shoulders but Linx walked ahead in stead without saying a word.


"What was she doing at our wedding Kreighton and how do you know her?" Kreighton wasn't sure how to explain this situation. He wasn't even sure how that guest found out she was a Fiena or where she even went. As much as he hated fearing the repercussions, something like this was incredibly serious.

"She's a friends from a few years back. Remember when I came to you and asked you if the Ilba were secretly asking the Irrang to do some side work, You informed me that a lot of Irrang had run away." Clarine wasn't following, this didn't answer any of her questions. "That's when I first met Leena. My parents had heard of a secret Fiena, the daughter of Zekora Shawe. We brought in a woman named Amira whom we thought was the Fiena but it turned out that she was her cousin. Leena was Zakora's daughter but instead of bringing her to my parents. I helped her escape through the Door of Viaje."

"Why? Why would you help a Fiena escape?" Clarine knew better than to distrust her husband. Even as a noble, he had an honorable heart. He wouldn't just help anyone escape like that, especially the wrath of his own parents.

"She was young then, thirteen, and she was scared. But after seeing her from all those years, I am glad I made that choice. She's really becoming something else."