Chapter: Reborn as a Demon

[Author here, this is the first time writing something so please enjoy! In writing this I hope I can get happier and cure my depression but anyways here's chapter 1. There won't be an upload schedule I think until about chapter 15 so the next few chapters will be posted randomly.]

I woke up and I can't seem to know where I am. Everything is blurry and my body feels weird. It's dark and I can hear the drops of water dripping in this cold place.


I can't seem to talk, it's as if I don't have a voice yet. I feel small and weak, am I a baby? But babies aren't supposed to walk or move like this. If I remember correctly I asked Alice to make me reborn as an elf. Aren't elves located in a forest? I have a feeling I'm in a sort of cave.


I've been in this place for some time now, and somehow my eyes are slowly gaining vision. It's still pitch black in here but right now I can somehow see some figures in the shadows.

[Passive Skill: 'Night Vision' Acquired]

After a while I heard a voice in my head, then I can faintly see my surroundings shortly after the message.

After looking around for awhile I confirmed that i was indeed in a cave. Nothing really changed much since I woke up here, I was still the same size and I don't feel any change other than my vision.

"-! -! -! -!"

I tried to scream in surprise but as I expected no voice came out. The reason I screamed because when I inspected myself, I found out something wrong. My skin was a color of light red and my hair was grey when I plucked some of it out. This is confusing.... I was actually expecting myself to be an elf, but right now I don't even know what I am. That dumb goddess must have done something wrong.

'Your words hurt you know!'

I heard her voice. But still I don't see her in this dark cave. I haven't even seen signs of life either.

'I am communicating with you telepathically so you can't find me there. Soooo a couple of things went bad and I just wanted to tell you that I'm very sorry'

Yeah, I should be angry. What the hell did this dumb goddess do? Once I get back to the heaven realm I'm surely gonna punish this mistake.

'Sorry! But the device I gave you malfunctioned and instead of an Elf you were reborn as a Demon'

A Demon huh? That makes my life shit! In the device you gave me it is said that the Demon Clan is often at war with the other races. Well so much for a long life. I guess i can't complain about something already done so I might as well just accept my fate.

'Yes I have recognised the problem as the smart goddess I am so I will now let you choose a Blessing'

A Blessing? What's that and how is that supposed to help me live long?

'I'm glad you asked, because I did said I will support you and it is somehow my fault for making you reborn as a demon, I will give you more choices of Blessings to choose from'

'Blessings are gifts from us with divinity to mortals that we want to help. For example if you choose the "Blessing of the Blood Clan" you will be getting an affinity to blood magic.'

Hmm so there's magic in this world I don't know yet if I can be good in magic, but being able to use magic sounds cool

'A blessing can also be a spell like when you choose the "Blessing of Harvests" you can make a plant grow quickly with the [Quick Harvest] spell.''

So there are spell types of Blessings. I think these spells can only be learned from these Blessings.

'The final types of blessings are those that are material things. For example you chose the "Blessing of the Fire Snake" you get "Firefang" a sword with fire powers. I hope that explains everything to you did you follow?'

It was confusing but I somehow get the glimpse of Blessings. If these Blessing are very rare as Alice said awhile ago, then I should at least get a good Blessing. Still I'm disappointed I was reborn as a Demon.

'By the way if you were to live here in this world, you will feel like as if it was a game. It will feel like an ArPeeGee?(RPG) I don't really know but that is what Loki said, the one who governs this world'

So that explains the voice I heard earlier. Its like an RPG game... I'm not really knowledgeable of those games because I'm not a shut-in. And I should remember the name of the god who governs this world "Loki" to not cause any misunderstanding or problems later. I'm also confused because since coming to this new life I haven't eaten anything or drank anything, Alice explain that.

'Oh that's simple, when summoned from a magic circle the anyone or anything summoned there is immune to all status, kind of like a grace period for one month to avoid summon killing, Loki said that summon killing is a great and unfair way to get EXP so implemented this to his world'

So that god Loki is smart and kind. I hope to meet him someday. I think he's cool for giving that immunity to prevent killing to satisfy greed for EXP

[Blessing Acquired: "Blessing of Space"]

[Active Skill: 'Divine Storage' Acquired]

[Sender: Loki]

I got a skill! I think he liked the praise I gave him. So I guess he was listening to me and Alice talking to each other. Alice can I talk with Loki as well?

'You are lucky, Loki was said to hate transfers in this world but for him to give you a Blessing. Loki might think of you as a special person in this world. And I'm sorry but I can't connect you with him. By the way are you ready to select a Blessing? '

Yeah show me the list and after that can you kindly teach me how to use skills?

'Sure I can help you with skills so for now I will project your choices, so choose wisely, I will simplify the choices so you will only know the benefits it gives you'

[Water Magic Affinity] [Blood Magic Affinity] [Summoning Magic Affinity]

[Lightning Magic Affinity]

[Quick Harvest]] [Ground Ravage]

[Time Stop] [Interracial Communication]

[Acid Storm] [Summon:Hydra]

[Crystalline Helmet] [Never-ending Bag] [Ruby Snake Wand] [Firefang] [Death Ring]

These are all good choices so but I'll have to go with this one