Chapter: Exploring as a Demon

(Hi everyone it's the author here. I just want to tell everybody that I'm not really good at writing but I'm trying my best. Writing is just a hobby I just picked up a few days ago. I'm just a student so release schedule can be chaotic but by next week I will release chapters faster due to a school break. We'll I hope you enjoy, feel free to give opinions and what points I should improve)

[Skill: 'Interracial Communication' Acquired]


There are plenty of powerful and cool choices but I just can't let this useful skill go. Based on the information shown to me in heaven, most of the races don't communicate well. Only those who are educated are most likely to know the language of other race. So I guess powers have to wait for now.


I found the exit of the cave! I ran as fast as I could so that I could see the outside world again. I'm pretty much set to take on this world. Alice thought me how to use skills such as the 'Divine Storage' and gave me some useful information about this world. The 'Divine Storage' is what you would expect an RPG hero to have, an endless storage. Alice explained that unlike the skill 'Storage' and 'Spacial Storage' this skill doesn't have limits.

What came into my view is a big forest near the foot of a mountain. The mountain was huge, which explains why I took so long to exit that cave. Above the cave entrance there was a sign with symbols I saw for the first time.


But because of the skill I got from Alice, I somehow understood it clearly. It's as if the knowledge about every language is embedded into my brain by that Blessing. I praised myself for making such a good decision.

After walking around the forest for an hour I saw life for the first time in this world. It was a slime, jumping around the grass. The curious one I am, I followed it.

*Boing* *Boing*

I have been following the slime for an hour now, thinking of what to do. I want to try to kill it because Alice said that monsters give EXP which makes me stronger. Yeah I will try killing it, but the only weapon I have is a rusty pickaxe I picked up in the cave.

The bouncing stopped. I saw the little slime digesting berries from a bush. I took out the pickaxe from my 'Divine Space' and tried to approach it slowly

[Passive Skill: 'Stealth' Lvl 1 Acquired]

That seems useful, I notice my footsteps having lighter sounds. This is the first time for me to know that skills have levels. My 'Night Vision' skill didn't have a level so I guess it's already maxed?


I hit the slime with the pickaxe as hard as I can, but it just went through him. He's mad, he's definitely mad. *Thud* the slime tackled me. It hurts, I actually feel pain from this soft body.

[Passive Skill: ' Physical DMG Reduction' LVL -

1 Acquired]

The new skill I got helps in reducing the pain but its still painful. The slime kept on tackling me. I need to get out of this situation. I need ideas.

I then noticed some kind of ball inside the slime the size of a coin. I used a fraction of my remaining strength to try to give myself distance. Once I have made enough distance I hit the slime as hard as I can using the pickaxe, targeting the ball inside it.


It cracked, I then see the slime's movements have stopped, and it melted into the grass.

[LVL 2 Acquired]

[Active Skill: 'Heavy Blow' LVL 1 Acquired]

[Passive Skill: 'Speed +' LVL 1 Acquired]

I leveled up! I then received two skills which were both level 1. The weakness and pain I got from the slime had been treated a bit after the level up. Maybe it gives some health back after leveling? I picked up the cracked slime core and deposited it in the storage. I also gathered some of the berries the slime was supposed to eat and also placed it in the storage.


It's been hours since I killed the slime and it was beginning to get dark, so for now I will have to make camp. I gathered more berries and fruits from the surrounding forest and filled my storage with it. While walking by the forest I discovered something cool. There was these orange colored rocks that are the size of a ping-pong ball in a bag that I picked up. Other contents of the bags are a water bag and a some currency which I don't know where I can use. I placed both of them in the bag


This was the cool thing I found. These orange stones, when thrown hard enough or create enough friction, they create fire. I will call them 'Fire Stones' for now because I don't even know what they are. The dark won't be a problem for me because I have 'Night Vision' but Alice said that most monsters are scared of fire so it's better to have insurance.

I created a simple campfire for me to stay the night with. I then also discovered something strange, when I placed my hands on flames, it hurt me. It was a surprise for me because I though that Demons are immune to fire, in my previous world demons live in hell. Turns out I was wrong. I didn't get a resistance skill after getting burned so I don't think getting skills are that easy in this world. I slept soundly that night, away from monsters and was at peace.


I woke up to sounds of footsteps

[Skill: 'Increased Hearing' LVL 1 Acquired]

I guess that's a useful skill so I'll gladly accept it. The footsteps are getting nearer to me, so I climbed a tree, trying to hide from the intruder. I made less sounds thanks to the help of 'Stealth'. I sat there on the top motionless, trying to look for what was getting near my camp.

['Stealth' LVL 1 ---> LVL 2]

My skill leveled up, but I still don't know how big the difference is after leveling up.

Sounds of metal armor can be heard as it approached my faintly burning campfire. It was a Knight a Human Knight, I was scared because he looks strong and I know that humans and demons don't actually get along.

"I smell demon kin in this place, I should report this to the Outpost for the subjugation. I could probably hunt the demon myself, but finding it seems tiring."

Yeah, they would kill me if they saw me. So I tried to carefully climb higher on the tree, hoping to not get noticed by the Knight who was trying to scout the surroundings.

It was a quiet few seconds but it felt like an eternity, but then suddenly,