Chapter: A Quick Battle

Who is this guy? He looks young but I still don't know how he got my name. The only people I know who knows my name are either Alice or Loki.

"You should relax, I'm not one of those that you think I am"

This presence I think I should run away.

I sprinted away from the man as fast as I can to try and hide in the darkness of the forest.

" You should have followed my orders [Short Recall]"

As I was about to reach the safety of the dark forest. I was transported back to the place I sat upon the tree.

"Running won't be any fun won't it? Why would a lowly demon like you defy a being like me? "

The man showed a menacing grin as he looks upon the demon

I tried to run again and again, only to be returned to my location by his spell.

" [Summon Blessing: "Emerald Torment] "

A small green dagger materialised from his hand and he slowly approached me.

*cut* He performed a small cut on me, but the bleeding was intense. It hurts, I feel like I'm being burned from the inside out from the cut.

" Its better if you just listened to me awhile ago, we could not have reached this situation if you just followed my orders Ryu. "

I need to get out of this situation, I need to run away. I need to do someth- - - - - - - -

The Demon fell unconscious on the floor, probably from the effects of the Blessing.

" This is the first prey I got in awhile. I waited 3 years for you so you better satisfy me.

The man looking happily at what he regards as prey smiled like a mad serial killer.

" Then it's about time I return home with my prey. 'Summon Gate' "

As the man was going to pass through the summoned gate whilst carrying the unconscious Demon, a beam of 'Holy Light' hit him.

" Damn it, its probably a god or a goddess, I need to escape quick"

As the man hurried to pass through the gate another 'Holy Light' intercepted, it only grazed him in the leg but the pain he experienced is similar to a gunshot.

" Fuck it, I guess I'll have to hunt this one another time, [Quick Recall] "

As another 'Holy Light' was about to hit the man he vanished from the meadows. Dissapearing to somewhere unknown.

' Good job Kiba, you protected the boy from the Fallen God, that boy is special.

' Should I protect him throughout his whole life here on this world? '

' No, I do not wish to ask you of that. But I simply want you to monitor the movement of the Fallen Gods.'

' As you wish '


I woke up in the meadows, not feeling any pain nor suffering I endured before.

Was it all a dream?

I checked my body for any wounds or cuts, only to find out there were none. All my previous wounds from the slimes were also removed. That was a strange dream.

Well I think it was just a pointless dream so I should probably ignore it. But I still need to be cautious of the guy I saw.


I was walking through the meadow and a cool message appeared, indicating that I received a new skill.

[Blessing Acquired: "Blessing of True Vision"] [Skill: "Appraisal" LVL 1 Acquired] [Sender: Loki]

It's from Loki again, I don't know why he keeps on giving me Blessings, I thought Blessings were supposed to be rare or hard to get?

¦ This will be the last Blessing that I will give you for now, We'll definitely meet when you're stronger. So you need to survive ¦

That voice, it sounded like it came telepathically. Could it be? Loki?

I don't even know what I did to deserve this kind of treatment from a god.

[Do you want to activate 'Appraisal']

Yes please?

[' Appraisal' Activated LVL 1]

I see white light flash before my eyes, blinding me. What the heck is this?!

I crouched on the ground due to the intense headache that I got from the skill. It happened for about four minutes.

When I opened my eyes an interface is shown in my vision. When I look at a nearby flower on the ground it displayed some information about it.

[Grande Daisy]

It only displays the name for now, but I think other information will be unlock if it has a higher level.

I then looked at myself

[Demon - Ryu]

[Level 5]

As I expected, some other information are not visible, I hope I could level this up. I think this will be one of the most useful skill I'll have.

Yosh, this starts my journey of survival in this mysterious world!


(Blackstone Palace, Rain Hills, Underground)

" Master I'm very sorry but my target got away"

"You do know this will not go unpunished right? As my spies told me, that Demon already possesses two Blessings. That Demon is regarded as someone special by Loki "

"Two Blessings!? Indeed it is a rare prey, we could get divinity from it that could last as for 10 more years. I will set out again to find the Demon, farewell "

" Don't talk your way out of this, you're not getting away out of this, your punishment is waiting for you, I hope you understand better that I despise incompetent subordinates"

" But it wasn't my fault!!! A god intervened! Even you would have a hard time when you get hit by their Magic"

" Is it my fault that you didn't use your Divinity in the battle? If you used it you may have escaped with the Demon. But no, you were greedy, so a punishment is only right for you"

Two bigger men then arrived inside the room

"Take him to the Torture Chamber for Divinity Extraction. Suck him dry till he only has a quarter of what he has now."

" You can't do this to me! I spent years accumulating that Divinity"

" This conversation is over, kindly get along with the torturers,"

In that night painful screams can be heard along Rain Hills

" One day, I'll catch that Demon. I will extract all of its divinity and use it to punish this foolish leader of mine, just you wait "


[Level 6 Acquired]

['Mana Operation' Acquired] ['Fire Magic Affinity' Acquired]

['Weapon Mastery' LVL 1 - - - > LVL 2] ['Heavy Blow' LVL 2 - - - > LVL 3]

I got a magic affinity! I was set on using magic in this world. I have only used Combat Arts up to this point like 'Heavy Blow' and 'Demonic Kick'

Oh yeah I leveled up after I killed three more slimes. The other one was red in color and gave me a bigger core.

I'm beginning to be used in combat, though I do need a more detailed guide from an expert I think the skill 'Weapon Mastery' really helps.

Another thing that I want to point out was I have a voice now. I still look young though, like a thirteen year old boy.

" Time to cast some magic, [Fire Magic]!!! "

Nothing happened, is that not how you use magic?! I do have Mana Operation so why doesn't it work?!

" [Fire Magic] "

Again nothing happened.

" Well this fucking sucks! You got me all pumped up and then you give me this?! "

As I was out in the open forest complaining I heard a familiar sound above the branches.

It was the monkey creature that I saw in the battle with the Knight

" Hello there Mr. Monkey I don't mean no harm so I'll just head the other way and you can no longer see this red demonic face of mine again here"

I tried walking away but I don't think that's gonna happen. The monkey leaped from the tree to my location, I bet he's gonna try and latch onto me like the one with the knight.

*Slash* I dodged as fast as I could, but his sharp claws still managed to slash my arm.

It wasn't really fatal, but this will inhibit my movements and combat for awhile so I'm a bit worried.

The monkey charges at me forward, not giving me time to think

" [Demonic Kick] Take this!"

I used Demonic Kick and hit him as hard as I could as he approached me. I hit his head, but as I expected it wasnt enough to kill it

[Gray Mountain Beast]

[Level 9]

So it was four levels above me, I'm obviously at the disadvantage.

He tried to charge me again but I managed to dodge his strike on my knees, it would be the end of me if it were to injure me badly.


The fight has been going on for twenty minutes. Both me and the monkey are showing signs of tiring. I manage to inflict many damage to the monkey with my 'Demonic Kicks', but the same goes for me with its slashes.

As the monkey approached me again, he wasn't that energetic as he was at the start. So I then used my most powerful skill for now.

" [Heavy Blow]"

I hesitated using 'Heavy Blow' because I couldn't hit him before. He was very fast at the start of the fight. And Heavy Blow makes the weapon I have heavier.

It hit

As the monkey charged at me, I sidestepped to the left and luckily hit my sword on its neck. It's now decapitated

[Level 7 Acquired]

[Level 8 Acquired]