
" uhmm excuse me? May I ask your name?"

He's awake and I was actually glad that he was safe.

" You're awake that's good, my name is Ryu and I'm a traveler you see?"

I casually made up something, I wasn't sure how he would react if he had learned that I was Demon. Worst case is he would turn hostile and try to attack me. Its better to make sure for now

" My name is Keel, I'm actually an adventurer who was tasked in investigating the forest. But as you may have saw it didn't turned out well."

" Yes you were attacked by those bandits, it's a good thing I was there to save you."

I handed him his equipment and his money, I only counted his money but I didn't take any from it.

" My wound is gone"

" Yes it's gone, I had treated it immidiately after you fell unconscious."

It is as he said. The stab wound he got from the bandits were gone, whats left of it is a scar that seems impossible to heal. Its better than dead tho.

" Here. Eat. You have been unconscious for a long time, and you haven't eaten. You should gather your strength"

Hearing what I said, he stood up but didn't have the power to do so. He lacks energy and is probably very hungry.

I gave him some berries and some deer meat I had. I had also confirmed that those berries are a high source of energy and health when eaten. Thus I gathered many of them and placed them on my storage.

When I say many I meant a lot! It seems like it was harvesting season for them so I had spent one day a week before just collecting these berries. Placing them in the storage I know that it wouldn't rot or decay.

- - - -

It was noon time, knowing the boy was a human I quickly bid farewell.

" Wait! the forest isn't safe, many monsters roam here, we should probably go together"

I had already expected this reaction from him, but I just can't stay with him.

" I'm sorry but you should probably go back where you came from, I have been traveling this woods for awhile now so you shouldn't worry about me"

As I walked away from the cave Keel hurriedly ran up to me.

" I'll take you to Asda, we can travel there together. My grandpa can help you with supplies"

It's obvious he wants to thank me. But I'm a demon, I can't just go to a human settlement casually.

But I do have a hood on, the robe I made easily hides my demon horns.

" I'll go with you if you promise me one thing"

" What might that be?"

" I don't want to get the attention of anybody there, if I'm just gonna meet your old man then we must do it quickly."

" Yessir!"

Keel was happy from those words, but still, a human town huh.

Clothing wise I think I am fine. I had learned how to make some casual clothes due to the [Crafting] skill so I hope I can blend in.

" Lead the way"

End so we headed to the mountain town of Asda.

- - - -

Keel was a boy with some long hair similar to mine, but mine was definitely longer. It had reached to the point where it covers one of his eyes. I think it's not a bother tho because he could still see clearly without obstruction. He wields a dagger just perfect for his size and his clothing are also very light.

But there's one thing that I had noticed about Keel that seems strange.

His movements were a bit feminine.

Yes I know he is a boy but looking closely at his behavior and movements it a bit like a girls. His voice also, seems too high for a boy.

But I guess that's how humans work in this world? I wouldn't really know, I had just arrived here in this world.

Anyways we continued the walk along the forest.

We talked about many things as we went by. Keel is actually very friendly, maybe that's why he immidiately trusted those two bandits. But it's clear that he shouldn't walk around with that mindset.

Humans are very greedy individuals. Many of them would do anything for wealth. They would do anything just to get what they want, that's why Keel should learn how to distinguish people's trustworthiness.

" If I hadn't been there, you do know you would already be dead"

" Yes I know I'm very sorry for the trouble"

Keel bowed his head towards me, similar to us Japanese people.

" It's fine, but you should be very careful next time. It's not always that there will be someone to save you"

" I understand"

Keel faced down feeling sorry for his weak self. He shouldn't actually be contemplating with these things, he was just a kid.

He(she?) is still at the point where he could still train to become strong.

" Well it's okay as lo-"

[Danger! Multiple targets are approaching. Detected. 5 Gray Blood Wolves.]

" Shit. Kid we need to hide. Gray Blood Wolves are approaching"

Fear suddenly erupted on Keel's eyes as he heard the name of the monster.

" We need to escape mister! We need to get away!

I don't know what's the connection between him and Gray Blood Wolves but it seems that they are very dangerous monsters.

" I heard this in town. But they said that even 5 iron class adventurers cannot take out one of them. Its an embodiment of fear!"

I don't know if he was just exaggerating or not but I guess I'll trust him this time.

It looks like an opponent that even I can't defeat. This is hard.

Hikaru, what's the best course of action?

[Answer: Activation of Demonic Aura and hiding is suggested]

Am I able to take them out?

[Answer: Chance of subjugation 2.46%]

Yes that seems nice, it's close to impossible. I probably can't survive this so I'll just listen to Hikaru for now.

" Keel, when I give you the signal I want you to close your eyes and try not to think of me"


Demonic Aura, its a powerful utility skill that can plant fear and pressure in the hearts of the enemy.

[Activate Demonic Aura?]


" Now!"

Keel put a blindfold across his eyes and also closed his ears.

I didn't say anything about ears tho. But now's not the time for that.

" Up you go"

I carried Keel on my back and went to the highest tree I could see. Even though I'm just a low level demon, my strength surpasses average human strength thus making me able to carry Keel easily.

We waited up that tree for a few hours before Hikaru sent me the signal that they were no long here.

She's such a helpful girl. Nice job Hikaru!

[Praise recieved successfully]

I think I just made her a bit cocky but let's just ignore that for now. What's good is that we had escaped the wrath of the wolves.

We can now go to town safely.

" Ok then time to continue the walk"

After saying that, it became practically silent in the forest. I looked at Keel and he said that he also doesn't know what has happened.

" Nani? "

The big tree was sliced in half just in front of us. Behind the tree a big figure could be seen.

[Detected: Black Blood Wolf]

Thus one of my most painful battles begun.