Ryu vs Black Blood Wolf

The Grey Mountains is a fairly large area covered by a thick forest located at the Human Country. Due to a great war between the Gods that had happened 700 years ago, this place being one of the battlefields now has high concentrations of that Mana still lingers beneath the ground.

This leads to the occasional birth or spawning of high powered monsters that reach the ☆☆☆☆ rank.

(you will learn about monster ranks soon. This is read as 4 stars duh.)

One such monster is the Black Blood Wolf. Born many years ago due to the high Mana concentrations in the forest, this monster is now regarded as a myth or a local legend.

Covered in black fur complemented by a crimson glow that paints the color of blood. Fangs sharp as blades and strong as steel. This monster is considered as a high level theat in this great forest.

Only few are unlucky enough to witness the appearance of this beast, and almost no one has returned alive due to the encounter of this. As such, there is no record of this beast and information about it, but only stories and legends.

One of those unlucky few however is Ryu, a demon who was summoned in this world due to the orders of the Godess. It is now up to him on how he will handle this situation, for he still has a promise to fulfill to the Godess.

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Nice one. This is clearly the situation that I wanted. I wonder what I will say to Alice.

In front of me about 10 meters away a wolf the size of a car stands.

[Black Blood Wolf]



Great. I can't even appraise his level. No matter what I do my body is telling me to get away from it.

Hikaru how would you suggest how I kill that thing.

[Answer: Impossible, Massive Power Gap Detected]

As I expected I don't think I can even kill this thing. Keel had already fainted from the pressure the wolf emmited. It would be hard to fight with the kid like this, should I just leave her as bait and run away? No I'm not that kind of guy.

[Solution: Divine Storage has room for 1 person in its shadow space, suggestion for the boy to be placed inside]

As usual Hikaru had told me something I didn't know before. So I followed it and activated my storage, Keel was placed inside safely.

After I placed Keel inside the storage the wolf had made its move, it walked closer until it had reached the distance of 5 meters.

' Are thou prepared to meet thy death?'

This beast talks?! Its telepathically but still, it can talk?!?!

" I've never heard of a talking beast before. Simply amazing"

' Ahahahahaha I have lived for many years thus I simply learned how to communicate with beings such as you'

This pressure, I can't let it overpower me.

" May you be so kind as to let me be great wolf sir? I don't mean any harm."

' I apologize but it was an order to myself from this one's god for me to befall those who dare set foot in this forest'

" Hmmm you wouldn't believe it but I was actually transported here by some Godess. I am actually headed to the Demon Country so would you kindly let me pass?"

' I apologize but I cannot, this one only acknowledges orders and circumstances from my superior'

So he has not plans on letting me go, that was sad. The beast talked very formal and it seems that he was not to disobey his God's order.

And thus I readied for my battle stance. This is foolish but its better than dying without a fight.

It was me who made the first move and charged at the wolf. I quickly activated my primary close combat skill and headed to him straight on. This is provably suicide but its all or nothing.

Purple aura began to cover my shortsword, I felt its mass had changed drastically.

' Useless'

I tried to attack its legs with my sword but was quickly intercepted by him.

A quick whip with its tail had made me fly a few meters away from him. It wasn't painful tho, because I quickly blocked it using my sword but as expected from his power, I was still knocked away.

" You're pretty powerful for an animal"


No words came from him, he was calm and was only standing still. So the part where he cut the tree was only for show?

" If I may, can I ask your name?"

' A beast such as I doesn't contain a name, I am nameless until my master had named me'

None huh. Vale would fit him perfectly. I quickly rushed back to him, again activating [Heavy Blow]

" Take this!"

He tried to hit me with his tail again, but I had dodged it. The same thing won't work on me twice. I hit him as hard as I can then suddenly, my chance to win this fight shattered. *break*

My sword broke.

And I don't even think it damaged him.

" Well shit"

' Thy weak weapon is not enough to inflict pain among me'

This is annoying I think he's just playing with me. Am I really that weak?

(author: ☆☆☆☆ beasts are hard af boi)

As I was quickly trying to make distance he slashed at me with his claws. Covered in red aura those claws clearly screams 'DANGER'.

I had made some distance. But as I thought at I was safe I can see a small shallow cut in my chest.

' Activate [Blood Frenzy]'

Then as he said those, intense pain began pulsating at my chest, the pain was too great, I'm losing my fucking mind!

' Did you like that? [Blood Frenzy] will inflict insane amounts of pain based on how much blood my opponent as dropped'

The pain had stopped, I only dropped very few amounts of blood from his slash, but still that pain, no signs of pain can be felt my be anymore. As I expected, that attack can break the minds of his victims.

Fighting without my sword, I am hopeless

But then I remembered.

" Materialize! [Akuma no Muramasa]"

Crimson smoke suddenly errupted from around my arm, and I felt a sword materialize in it. That was my sword, Akuma no Muramasa.

It seems different than I had last summoned it, did it change because I grew? Anyways I'm still haven't mastered this sword.

' What's this? I sense great power from thy sword perhaps you can now inflict pain on me'


' such tricks won't work on me'

Even my fireballs don't work huh? During my charge before I quickly chanted Fireball and compressed it enough to the size of a pea. Its power won't change though but as a result, it's output will be greatly concentrated which leads to more penetrating power.

" Hahahaha how the fuck does that fur work?"

It's too strong, if I can't even damage him then this fight is useless.

' Perhaps it's my turn to make the first move now'

I didn't notice it but he quickly arrived in front of me, using his crimson claws to wound me.

I quickly blocked it using my katana

' Oho nice reflexes for a human such as yourself'

" I'm sorry but I'm no human, I'm actually a Demon"

I removed my hood that was covering my horns, showing it to the wolf. He was a bit surprised but he quickly continued the battle.

For quite some time we clashed. He was focused on offense while I was greatly focusing on my defense, I tried to block almost every swing he made.

I am actually in the disadvantage here. A few shallow cuts had already covered me and blood had dropped from all of them. It will be death if he activated his skill.

But I don't think the pain can kill me, I think that he could kill me as I was weakened from that pain.

I can't let him activate his skill.

" Please just don't"

' Fufufufu what's this? Begging from a simple wolf?'

I admit, this guy is very strong. I don't even think I can beat him. It's a good thing my sword wasn't getting damaged.

[Acquired Skill: [Demonjutsu]]

What the fuck kind of skill name is that? But as I got the skill I suddenly felt techniques and movement styles entered my brain, and thus my performance with my katana increased.

Hikaru. Skill. Explain. Now

I told her to explain the skill as I was still busy with the wolf.

[Answer: [Demonjutsu] increases skills and techniques when using a Demon Type Weapon. Akuma no Muramasa is a type of those weapons. Fighting styles and techniques are quickly input to the brain.]

Is it only one level?

[Answer: Once certain criteria is reached Demonjutsu would evolve to a new skill]

Well I think this great and all but I should really end this fight fast.

Then suddenly an idea popped within my head

I'm so dumb why didn't I think of that?
