Begin! Guild Arc!

At the depths of the forests strong aura can be sensed. Those who are fairly good at Magic Perception could actually feel it miles away. This battle has been happening for an hour now. It was a game of blocking and parrying where the first one who makes a mistake loses. It is a game of life or death.

For them, it looked like too much time had passed, but the endless clash was too fun for them and they lost track of time.

Well for the Black Blood Wolf it was fun. He, a ☆☆☆☆ Monster, haven't had this much fun in years.

But the Demon who had only just arrived on this world, this is a battle for his life.

- - - - -

I actually know of a plan to get out of this situation, but I can't execute it, I need proper timing.

' Hahahaha thy power is actually good, it was surprising for you to last this long in a battle against myself'

He's having fun. He's actually having fun. While I'm here, doing everything I can to not get hit.

" If you think this is fun it's actually not."

' Hahahahaha'

If this fight goes on I'll probably lose. I'm starting to get tired and I don't think I can last longer.

Hikaru is the plan possible?

[Answer: Probability is 37.66%]

Hmmm its risky huh. With that probability I have a 62.34% chance of my plan failing. And if it fails then I'll just wholeheartedly accept my fate from this beast.

My problem though is that I can't seem to find an opportunity to do it. I need to make that little time where I can safely do the plan.

The wolf charged at me, its a headbutt, but I dodged fairly well. We have been fighting for awhile now and I have memorized some of his patterns so it's now easier to dodge.

I sighed in relief after I though that I was safe, but no. After I dodged he followed up with a spell. He casted a ball of Mana and threw it to me as I landed on the ground.


It was a direct hit.

I don't feel any pain from my body. But in my head, I could slowly feel myself losing my mind.

It's a mental attack.

I think that spell targets my mind.

' Hahahaha did you like my [Mind Shock]? You should feel good that I had to take out spells just to kill you. Not every being had the power to last against me this long'

" This a-attack won't w-work on m-me!"

I need to endure it. I need to-

[Suggestion: Please execute plan now]

I was interrupted by Hikaru. Well I do think she's smarter than me so I'll better just follow.

" Come at me!"

I taunted him, hope it works

' Oho are thou already giving thy surrender to me? Very well I shall quickly give you a painless death'

Oh it worked. Time for the plan.

As he charged at me I used my trump card spell.

" [Demonic Inferno of Fear]! Taste hell you piece of shit!"

A magic circle then expanded on the location of the wolf. Just like with the boar it was fairly large and was following the movement of the target.

Confused. The wolf stopped on its tracks. He stood on the ground feeling the danger from big circle circling around him.

' A spell huh, useless [Statue]!'

The wolf stood still, unmoving and from using that skill he turned into some kind of statue.

Hikaru explain that skill.

[Answer: Unknown]

As the inferno began and purple flames danced around the wolf, there are no signs of damage to him.

' Hahahaha my [Statue] increases my defense to the maximum as long as I don't move! Thy spell is useless!'

This spell! It's, it's!

Just perfect

" Hehehehehe"

A smug grin can be seen at my face. This is the perfect time for me to do my plan. Hahahahahahaha

" [Divine Storage]"

I took out Keel from the Storage. And placed him in a safe location.

As the inferno was still happening, the wolf cannot see what I'm doing for the flames are blocking his view.

After a while the inferno subsided and no signs of damage can be seen at the beast.

But it was too late. I already casted [Divine Storage] under him.

' As I have told you your spell is usele- -'

Success! I transported him into my storage!

" I'm glad that nightmares over.

Hey wake up! We need to arrive in town before nightfall!"

I poured water over Keel's head, I have plenty stored in my Divine Storage, so using them isn't a problem.

Still, I didn't know I could use that skill like that. The skill Divine Storage has 3 dimensions actually, Hikaru briefly told this to me during the fight. One is for the consumables such as food and water. One is for the items and such like weapons and books. And the last one is for an individual, but instead of stopping time for that individual, it would only act as a dark prison for them, a shadow space.

" Huh? What happened? Is the wolf gone?"

Keel woke up, it looks like the pressure really did some mental damage on him. Can't complain about it tho, he's just a kid.

" Uhmm yeah it's gone, and it's getting dark we should probably get going"

" Yessir!"

- - - -

We arrived the gates of the town and it was already dark. I'm tired as fuck. I haven't rested since the battle with the wolf, I need some rest fast.

It looks like there's a fee for entering the town. And since this was only a small town there was no such thing as inspection, which is great for me.

" Wait a minute. It's the first time I've seen you around here. Mind to explain who you are?"

Shit! This is exactly what I was avoiding, I can't even look at him in the eye. I was wearing a hood so my horns were hidden. But still it would raise a problem if he caught me here.

" Oh it's okay, he's with me. He's actually a traveler and he saved me earlier"

" Hmm well if you said so, enjoy your visit in town"

The guard saw us off with a big smile, he's actually pretty nice.

" Thanks for that one kid"

" Call me Keel, I would really like that"

"Okay Keel"

And thus we arrived the Town of Asda.

- - - -

" Guildmaster, are you sure you should be slacking at this time? We're actually pretty busy so we must return to the Gui-"

" Relax Baru hahahaha we're just gonna eat it will be fine"

An important looking man was walking the streets, he was with his secretary visiting various food stalls.

" Well if you said so, but you should really head back, your paperworks are piling up very fast"

" It will be fine"

With a relaxed face he said those words to his secretary. The secretary tho had a face of worry and a face of defeat, he knew that there's no stopping the Guildmaster from doing what he likes.

They were walking by the West Side of the town, for this is where facilities such as food and entertainment is usually located.

" Baru you should try this! It's delicious!"

" No thanks, I'm already full"

" Eat it"

" No"

" I order you as the Guildmaster to eat this"

" Wha? But!? Fine."

Again. Defeat is clearly projected in the man's face. His superior is too cheeky.

" If we're done I suggest we he-"

" Shhh wait a minute"

" What is it?"

' Hmmm I could definitely feel it, there's something in this town, A demon"

" Oh its nothing, you should probably head back, I'll catch up later. I actually have some personal business to attend to."

" Are you sure? But promise me to return quickly, you're the Guildmaster so you should know your responsibilities"

" Blah blah blah, yes I know now quickly! Head back"

His subordinate just simply sighed and followed his orders, it seems the Guildmaster had some business to attend to

' It's at the North Side, I could feel this Demon, doesn't he know how to hide his presence? What kind of stupidity is that?'

And so while munching on some barbecue, the man known as the Guildmaster headed to the location of the Demon.

What will he do to the Demon tho?