A Demon's Stalker

Ryu and Keel had just arrived in town. Although its just a small town, it actually fairly big and is divided into four sides. ( For reference search up town of Axel from Konosuba)

- - - -

After entering the town, Keel immidiately told me to go eat with him. He was very hesitant on me, I just hope I don't get caught in here.

I could actually see some people by the street with hoods on like me, I think I can blend well with this surrounding. I shouldn't let my guard down tho.

「Keel where are we headed? You should probably head home quickly」

「We're going to get dinner Ryu! We're headed to the West Side of town, that's where most of the shops are located」

So the town is divided to sides huh. Guess I'll just have to follow Keel here, I can't get lost till I find a map of this town.

«Analysis Complete»

Oh. What's that

«Heavenly Dragon Cookie

This cookie is baked using God Tier ingredients. Due to God Tier ingredients being unknown for now, only 4/9 ingredients are analyzed.

- Divine Mountain Water

- Fire Bird Egg

- Salt

- Demon Spice

- Unknown

- Unknown

- Unknown

- Unknown

- Unknown

Procedure not analyzed. Needed for completion: Full Ingredients List

End of Analysis»

So that's why it tastes so good! It has God Tier stuffs on it. Its also probably why the Analysis took too long? I should probably ask about it from Alice the next time I visit heaven.

Hmm. Hikaru Analyze the mystery potion I have that I can't seem to appraise?

«Analysis Initiated»

«Waiting Time: 5:32:36»

The analysis time is fairly lower than the cookie. Is that the effects of the ingredients? Anyways we just arrived the West Side.

「We're here!」

The vibe here is very different than the North side where we entered. It's very lively here.

Taverns can be seen surrounded by adventurers. The smell of food is like a massage to the senses, as the wind blows the smoke those cooking. Various food stalls could be seen with their owners happily serving their customers. It can be said this part of town has an adventurer town like feel to it.

Anyways but that's not the only thing I noticed. I have noticed someone has been following me since I had arrived in this part of town, so I marked his presence using Hikaru.

Keel brought me to a place that he had told me that it is his favorite place.

「Oh! Keel! It's been a few days since I've seen you around here! Your grandpa has been worried about you!」

「I'm fine Aunty, this man actually saved me as I was about to get killed」

「Is that so? Then that man shall receive a free meal from me!

Quickly the two of you, take a seat」

Keel lead me to a wooden table inside the shop. As the lady opened the kitchen strong aroma of food gushed forth outside to the customer area. This is probably due to the work of spices that they were able to achieve this kind of fragrance. In food its very important to have its aroma good, so to further increase the appetite of the customer.

「Keel what are we gonna do after this? Should I leave town?」

「No. The gates are probably closed by now, I will bring you to an Inn, and I'll probably just pick you up in the morning」

I guess it is unsafe to venture during the night. I don't have money tho.

「Lemme see what the money looks like around here」

「You don't know? But money is the same for all the Kingdoms?」

「Oh yes I know that! It's just that I thought that it was different in this town hahahaha」

I nervously made up un excuse, I was almost caught. I guess I can't learn this information for now.

Hmmm but I'm very hungry so I'll just wait for the food for now, I don't want to create anymore trouble for me that will get me caught.

- - - -

(Guildmaster's Perspective)

My name is Juzo, even though I don't look like it, I'm actually the Guildmaster for this town. It's a hard job you see? But is actually very fun and exciting.

As I was eating with my colleague, I sensed a fairly good amount of Demonic Aura in the North Side of town, that's where I'm headed right now.

「Oh why it isn't Guildmaster Juzo! What are you doing in this time of night」

I met an adventurer who was also a friend along the way.

Her name is Kaori, an archer class girl. She is very friendly and is very efficient in her quests. Although she mostly does low level quest which are too easy for her power, I think it's good that she knows how to keep safe, but I do hope she starts doing quests of her level.

「Kaori it's you. I'm actually headed to the North side. I'm just gonna check something out」

「 Is that so? Then can I come too? It's so boring I can't do anything hahaha」

「 Yeah thanks but I can handle it myself. You could help me by telling Fuze that I'm not going to be back at time, and say that he should probably be the one who closes down the building」

「 The East Side is too far awayyyyy」

「 Don't be lazy, it's an order from your superior now get going. I'll promise to treat you to food next time」

「 Okay okay. Goodluck on your thing」

I quickly bid farewell to Kaori.

So continuing my walk, I had arrived the North Side of town. I quickly began to analyze the surrounding and find out who is emmiting that Aura

Doesn't he know that it's easily noticeable? Such foolishness. It's a Demon from the looks of it also.

「 There you are, found you」

I sensed the aura from the man, he was wearing a hood so I can't see his face, but I can distinguish him from the others due to the aura he emmits.

Wait. Is that? The missing boy a few days ago? I don't know his name, but a search and rescue request has been done for him. I think he was with two more adventures that time. What's he doing with that Demon?

I played safe and made some distance between us in observing, I followed them trying my best not to get spotted. I don't want to get spotted because the aura is fairly strong I think. I have knowledge on how strong Demons are. This is an idiot for emmiting this kind of Aura.

Oh I think they're headed to the West Side where the food shops are.

And so I followed their every move and stopped when they had entered a shop. I hope he still doesn't notice me.

Because I have to wait for them to finish eating. I stayed on the cafe just in front of the shop they were at and sat down on the outside tables.

「 May I take your order sir?」

「 I'll take a cup of coffee and some pasties you guys have, just choose for me what you think is best」

「 Please wait for a few minutes. Thank you for your patronage」

As I was looking at the two that I was stalking a friend of mine suddenly sat in front of me

「 Hi! It's you again」

「 Oh Kaori, what are you doing here?」

「 My mom owns this place, don't worry I had already told Fuze about your situation, he just sighed with a sad face and went on with your paperworks」

Oho that's good, he was doing my paperworks hahahahaha

「Yeah thanks for that Kaori, I'm actually still ongoing my investigation」

「 May I ask what you are investigating about? I may be able to help」

Is it safe to tell her? I hope she doesn't get reckless and confront the Demon.

「Okay come here I'll whisper it you」

Kaori lend her ear to me and I quickly told her the details of what I'm actually doing.

「 Hmmm so that guy is actually a Demon? Don't worry I won't get in your way」

「 Yeah thanks for that, if you want to help me, you could just come with me later. So that I can make sure that when he may rampage in town there is someone who can fight him with me」

「 Fight? But you don't have equipment?」

「 My fists are my equipment」

She probably forgot that my class is that of a Monk, who are very good at martial arts. That's why I don't need equipment, my skin can be as hard as steel and my fist can be a weapon of mass destruction. Its this class that helped get power enough to let me have this position in the Guild. Its sucks that I'm not matched with the other Guildmasters tho.

「 Oh they're leaving, we better get going to」