The Guildmaster

I was sitting with Keel waiting for our food. The place isn't really that crowded so it's a good thing because it's a lower chance of me causing a trouble. Most of the customers here are old people, but I do see some young ones ordering at the counter.

「Order up! Eat it while it's fresh. It won't taste good if it cools down right?」

The lady placed the dish in front of me.

It looks very simple if I would describe it. It's a bowl of rice with fried fish on top, it is then glazed with sweet sauce made by fruits grown on the mountains. They also served me some vegetables on the sides.

Well without wasting time now, let's eat up.

At first I didn't tasted anything, I thought it was because of my demon tongue. But after I gave it a few seconds flavor began to kick in.

It's delicious

I'm too shy to say it to them but this is actually delicious. I think the one that really helped was the glaze or sauce made by the fruits, it wasn't particularly sweet nor was it too sour either. It was a perfect balance, its harmony.

「Did you like it Ryu? It's good right?」

「Yeah, it's good」

Keel was also cheerfully eating in front of me

Hikaru can you analyze this sauce?

«Cannot Analyze Analysis in Progress»

Oh yeah I forgot about that, that sucks tho. I guess I can return here? But I know that it would be hard though

「「 Thanks for the meal 」」

Both of us finished eating at the same time. We left the establishment shortly after saying thanks to the shop owner.

Hikaru is he still around?


That guy is still following me, I better watch out. I feel a tense aura from him.

「Keel how about we find a place to stay the night, it's getting late right?」

「 Oh right, then I suggest you stay at Iron Inn, I think they are the best Inn for you if you want a cheap one with good service

Problem though is that I'm short on money」

He showed me his pouch that only contains a few money, I think he gave most of them to the shop lady cause he said that's where he always stash his money, because the lady is more trustworthy than the bank.


Those coins.

I think I have some of those in my storage from what I picked up when I first went out of the cave.

「You mean these? How much do we need?」

I took out about 5 coins from my storage, I have about 7 more of the same kind in my storage.

As I showed him the coins, Keel stared blankly at me, its the look of confusion

「Well...with that money you can actually afford the most expensive Inn in town.」

I think these coins have high value, Keel didn't even look surprised anymore

「No thanks, I'm fine with the Inn you suggested」

「Well if you want to do that we should probably exchange that money at the bank」

- - - -


I now know the reason why Keel had that reaction.

I had exchanged the 5 gold coins into silver and copper coins. Even the banker had a surprised reaction.

So I learned also that the way the currency works in here is that

1 gold coin = 100 silver coins

1 silver coins = 100 copper coins

So now I'm sitting with 7 gold coins, 250 silver coins, and 25.000 copper coins.

In short I'm rich as fuck.

「Keel, its getting late we should get going」

「 Okay, follow me」

I hid all of my money in my storage, I also figured out that my storage acts as a mobile ATM machine, it brings out the exact number of coins that I tell it bring out.

- - - -

Finally, we had arrived at the Inn. We were welcomed by the owners and was lead to my room after I payed the fee. Because I'm rich af I rented the second to the most expensive room. It's very spacious and there is also a bathroom too.

Keel went home and promised that he'd pick me up by morning. And so after a long day, I finally went to sleep.

- - - -

「 Hey!

Wake up!


A loud voice woke me up, and I felt something is binding my body.

「Oh you're finally awake, good for you」

As I checked my surroundings I was not at the room anymore. And I was also tied up to a chair.

「Who are you and what do you want?」

「 Relax there, I'm not here to hurt you」

「 If we see you make any strange movements we cut off your head!」

「 Easy there Kaori, we shouldn't get too violent」

I heard the voice of a man and a woman answer me. Isn't this kidnapping?

「If you want my money, then just take it, just let me go!」

I can't get off these ropes, I can probably escape using my spells but the girl named Kaori was holding a knife up my neck.

「Didn't you know that your presence was noticeable? You, are, a Demon」

I kept silent after he said those words, it's useless though because my horn can be see protruding from my head.

「 So tell me, are you an enemy of us Humans?」

「Answer his questions!」

「 Relax Kaori, I just asked the question, give him some time to speak」


This is bad, they might kill me here.

「No. I'm not an enemy of Humans, I'm actually headed to my country」

「 Is that so? Then tell me what you were doing with that boy」

「 I saw him in the forest, he was about to be attacked by two men he was with, I saved him and treated his wounds, and he was also the one who told me to go here」

It's no use in lying in this situation right now, if I'm lucky they might spare me.

「Hmmm okay next question is wh-」

「Can I ask a question too???」

「No Kaori ill handle this, you just try your best to threaten him」

「 Awww fine」

The girl was pouting as he said that, but I quickly looked away from her as she looked at me with the eyes of a predator. Those eyes, too cold lady!

「Okay continuing my question, what were you doing on this country, a Demon can't casually enter the territory of Humans in the middle of a war right?」

Hmmm. Should I tell him I was summoned here by reincarnation from a Goddess? Hikaru your thoughts.

« I suggest not»

If even Hikaru sensei is against with it then I should better think of a good excuse

「 Uhmm actually I don't know my self, I was just doing everyday things then suddenly I fell unconscious and woke up in a cave」

He checked his magic item again, it was an amulet that had a shiny gem on the center of it. It would probably glow if a lie is detected. I did heard he was the Guildmaster, so I guess that item is suitable for him.

「Okay. I shall let you go. There are no lies in your words. You are not an enemy of Humans」

「Really?! Then let me out of thi-」

「 Excuse me but I'm against your decision even if you are my superior, we can't simply let a Demon go in the middle of our war, they are our enemies, I shall kill him right here right now!」

「 Oh sorry Kaori I had forgotten about you for a bit」

「It's okay, then I must kill him right away」

「Go ahead then」

Oi. This wasn't the plan, fuck you lady.

As she was about to stab her knife on me.

「[Sleep Paralysis: Memory Erase]」

She fell to the ground, unconscious. The man had casted a spell on her.

「I'm sorry Kaori, but I'm all for against violence」

「Thank you! You're very kind」

「I'm not done with you, you are an idiot for walking around while releasing all that Demonic Energy」

I was doing what? So that's why he found me.


He wasn't done with me he said

「 [Dispel Illusion]」

「 What the actual fuck?」

As he said those words, horns began to form on his head, this guy, he's, a Demon.

「 I can't let a fellow demon get killed right?」