An Adventurer is Born

「I can't let a fellow demon get killed right?

But before that I'm going to take you under me for a bit」

『What do you mean take me under you?

I'm gonna work for you?』

This guy, is he thinking of like, hiring me for the Guild, well it wouldn't actually hurt but still I don't think I like it

「Not exactly.[ Sleep :Unconscious]」

『Hey what did you d-』

I felt relaxation after he casted the spell, its a sleep spell I assume. I can't resist. It seems like he drew some sort of enchantment on me, it quickly faded away.


「Hmm this temporary seal should help him for a bit

Now, it's dawn, I should fix this mess」

- - - -

「Hey! Open up! It's time to wake up!」

I heard knocking on the wooden door. It's Keel probably here to pick me up.

「Hey are you there?」

『Yeah I'm up, wait for me downstairs』

It's strange, I remember being kidnapped by the Guildmaster last night. And then he casted some sort of spell on me. I got unconscious and woke up here.

The window was left open

「Hmm what's this?」

A note was left for me by the window

" Meet me at the Guild today, if you don't do it I'll have Kaori hunt you down"

It's a death threat. Well do think he wants to discuss important matters, so I should probably go.

«Analysis was Completed»

Oh yeah, it probably finished in my sleep last night.

«Mystery Potion

Analysis: Dispel Potion

Dispels or removes all kinds of buffs and debuffs, Use wisely.

End of Analysis»

Oh that's it? I was expecting more but this is fine, I already know the recipe so that's why it probably didn't show it to me.

There nothing for me to Analyze so I'll leave it idle for now. Oh I also have a question for Hikaru.

Oi Hikaru why don't I get skills and resistances as fast as before?

«Answer: Summoned beings have a 3 month buff where skills and exp are easier to get»

I guess that's that, I did get a handful of skills I think, it will be slower to gain new ones but it's better than nothing right?

And so I readied myself and went down to Keel.

「Are you done? I brought breakfast for you」

『Oh thanks Keel, that's pretty nice of you』

Keel smiled at me. Yeah I have a really high trust issue of this kid is a boy or a girl, his actions are not boy like!!!

And so after eating breakfast we went outside.

- - - -

「You're leaving town right?」

『 No I want to visit the Guild, I'm gonna ask some things there』

「 Oh are you sure? Then that's a good thing, because that's where I'm headed this day」

We traveled to the east side of town, that's where the Guild is located. Weapon shops and armouries are scattered in this are. Even merchants are very populated here. I think this is where the monster materials are traded.

In the distance I saw a big building, it can be easily distinguishable from the other building due to its size and the big sign that's says "GUILD"

Keel and I entered and was greeted by a lovely lady in the counter

「 Goodmorning! Welcome to the Guild may I help you two?」

Yes. That's the typical isekai receptionist. I should have expected this from the start. I think my life is like a transported to another world novel or anime right now sigh.

『 Uhh yes I'm here to meet the Guildmaster』

「 Umm sorry can you repeat that?」

『I want to meet the Guildmaster 』

「 I'm sorry but one cannot easily meet the Guildmaster without an appointment」

Well it's worth the shot, farewell Guild.

As I was about to exit the door, a man shouted from the second floor.

「Hey wait! Stop!

Let him go to me. I wish to speak with that man」

And thus I was quickly lead by the lady to the upper floor where the Guildmaster's room was located.

「 Take a seat there, everyone please leave the room, and you there kid, go speak with the lady downstairs, she's gonna have to ask you some questions」

He made everyone go out of the room. Keel was also guided downstairs, he was about to be questioned about his quest a few days ago.

『 May I ask what's your business with me?』

「Oh right. I want you to stay in this town and work for me」

I knew this is what he was about the say. I refuse though, I'd rather explore this world, I think that's what my heart is telling me to.

『I refuse』

「Great! You can start work- what?? You refused?? Why?」

『 I just didn't want to do it, I want to explore this world that I'm in』

He showed a thinking look, he was thinking about something

「 Are you sure you don't want to? It's pretty safe even for a Demon you know?」

It is actually safe I suppose, I mean, their current Guildmaster is a Demon, and no one notices it. Still though, I refuse

I also need to get stronger, Alice told me that the Fallen God's can start to locate me again soon, I need to get power to fight them, working as a Guild Employee won't help me.

I also can't danger this town, it might end up in trouble from those Fallen Gods if I stay here too long, it's better to go out and explore

『 Sorry but I refuse, I can't stay here for too long』

「 Then how about this, I actually acknowledge you as a good Demon, so just stay in town for a bit and I'll help you in controlling your aura」

『Do I have to give something in return for that?』

「Not really, simply doing Quests are fine. I can register you as an Adventurer late』

I'm going to be an Adventurer huh, what about my horns tho. I looked at him with a blank face and pointed at my horns

「 Oh right about that. I guess I can cast Illusory Magic on it. Only I can do it though, Illusory Affinity is pretty rare actually」

『 It's fine I have that Affinity, I just don't know the spells』

He looked at me with a surprised expression.

Hikaru is it really rare?

«Yes. Illusory Affinity is a rare one»

Oh so that's why he was pretty surprised. Anyways I should probably learn some spells from him.

「Then I should teach you some spells that can help you out there」

Oh now that I think about it, he does have spells that can turn people to sleep, is it part of the Illusory Magic?

『Can I also turn people to sleep like what you did with Illusory Magic?』

「 No. Those spells are not Illusory Magic, but they are of the Hypnosis Magic Archive, a sub-affinity of Illusory Magic」


What are those? I haven't got one of them yet. I just know that I have Fire and Illusory Affinity.

「Oh you don't know? Since its very rare for an individual to wield two or more affinities, there are things such as sub-affinities. Basically if you have mastered an affinity, like if you have devoted so much of your time and research on it, it will give you a sub-affinity. But in my case though, it was given to me due to a certain ancient scroll I opened many years ago」

So I can't have sub-affinities yet huh, i haven't mastered any elements yet. I should probably do that if I have some time. I also probably won't tell him I have two affinities, it might shock him.


「Quickly! Wear your hood」

The Guildmaster whispered to me. I quickly did what he said.

「Who is it?」

「 It's Kaori, I have urgent news about my secret quest」

「 Urgent huh?, You may enter, also don't mind the guest」

Kaori?!? That's the girl who tried to kill me last night, isn't it dangerous???

The girl entered the room and stood beside my chair, she took a glance at me with a perplexed look.

「Have I seen you before?」

「 No Kaori, this guy just arrived town yesterday, please don't make him feel uncomfortable」

「I apologize. But is it ok to report with a guest in here? It is a secret quest after all」

「 It's fine don't mind him, he's actually a friend of mine from my old place」

「If that's what you think then I shall begin them」

I think she got her memory erased. That's a relief. I was actually pretty scared for a second there. Maybe I'll just keep silent here for now.

「About the secret quest you gave me」

「Yes what about it」

Should I even listed to this conversation? It is a secret after all? Anyways this tea is good, I wonder where he bought it.

「The tracking spell I had placed on the Black Blood Wolf has been removed. Its possible someone had already slain it or it has gone missing」

I spew my tea out in hearing that news.

「Are you okay?」

『Yeah I'm fine I just need to clean myself』

I was the one who beat that beast. Its going to be a bigger commotion if I tell them I have it captive in my storage.

「I'm sorry my friend but we must continue our discussion at a later time」

He escorted me outside and chanted a spell near my ears.

「 [Grant Illusion: Transparency] [Grant Illusion: Ghost], these should last you for a few days, so I think you should probably register for the Guild for now」

My horns turned invisible and I can't seem to feel them anymore, is it because of the ghost thing? It's now safe to remove my hood in public for three days, if it runs out I can probably just ask him to redo it for me.

Keel was waiting at the counter for me, he was drinking some kind of juice, is that orange juice? It seems like he already got rewarded, he was carrying a pouch of coins and he greeted me

「 Oh you're done! Ready to leave town?」

『I'm not leaving town yet, I will stay for a few more days. I have some things to do』

I need to register for the Guild now as an adventurer.

『 Uhh can I register as an adventurer?』

「Certainly! Please fill out this form!」

I was given a sheet of paper where I must fill it up with information about myself, Name, Class, and signature.

「 Huh? When I registered I wasn't given anything like that」

「 It's the same so don't worry about it」

Keels registration seems to differ a little from mine.

But name huh, should I include my last name from my other life? Nah that sucks.

Then I'll use Alice's last name. Wait does she even have one?


(Author: Mizuki means beautiful moon in Japanese)

Oh thanks Hikaru

After a few minutes my guild card was given to me

Name: Ryu Mizuki

Class: Mage

Adventurer Class: Bronze

Town of Registration: Asda

The receptionist told me the basics of the class system or ranking of the adventurers.

And after that I paid the requirement of 50 silver.

This is the start of my life as an Adventurer.