The Welcome Ball

As night falls, a ball was held to welcome Queen mother Aleksandra, Queen Viktoria, and Prince Ethan. Noblemen who were so bold to speak freely to the Crown Princess have surprisingly shut their mouth in front of the Queen Mother.

Usually, noblemen would only greet the Emperor and Empress, but this time, they have to greet the Queen Mother and Queen Viktoria.

The couple, Elizabeth and Edward were inseparable that night, they were the ones who went around to greet the other guests as the higher majesties seated in their thrones. Prince Ethan was merely a third party to them.

The ball was filled with men and women in their elegant and extravagant costumes.

"I am so glad you are here, cousin. I'll be bored to death here, with Edward always running around, I really can't keep up with him," Elizabeth smiled.

"I also want to be there when you are crowned Empress. Although that time might be very far yet," Ethan laughed.

Before they could even utter a word, it was announced that the Crown Princess of Peavell has arrived, which turned both men into frozen statues.

Stela was known to be fond of Edward, and Ethan was her fiancee.

"I need you to hide us," Ethan said as he pulled Elizabeth towards the giant curtains which made Elizabeth laugh.

"Why do you have to be so afraid? She's just a girl," Elizabeth said as she tried to pull her skirt from Edward's hands.

"She's a monster," Ethan said.

"No, she's a demon. We really need to hide. If ever they ask you about us, tell them you don't know," Edward said.

"Oh, but we are expected to stick close to each other, Eddie. What would I tell them if someone asks about you," Elizabeth said.

"Well, Ed, you have Liz. I don't have a partner so it's best if I only hide," Ethan said as he dashed off to somewhere.

Edward was left with Elizabeth.

"Love, why don't you become my guardian against the evil demon for tonight?" Edward said as he clung to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth gently patted his head and smiled at him after that, she dragged him back to the ballroom.

As soon as Stela entered the ballroom, her eyes searched for Edward. She was extremely mad at Elizabeth for being engaged to the man she loves. And now, she's also engaged to that Elizabeth's cousin whom she loathes so much.

As soon as Stela found Edward, he was already clinging to Elizabeth's arm like his life was on the line. Stela scrunched her forehead when she saw Elizabeth laughing with Edward. Her blood boiled to the point of exploding.

She stomped her feet toward the couple. Upon seeing Stela, Edward hid behind Elizabeth.

"Well, if it is the Crowned Princess of Vetrai. I'm impressed by how you got Edward for yourself, you b*tch," Stela said when she came face to face with Elizabeth.

Cordelia bowed first to Stela before speaking.

"Welcome, dear princess. I'm pretty sure you are still tired from all that long traveling. Eddie, go get the princess something to drink," Elizabeth said to Edward which he quickly followed.

"My cousin is here, you know. It would be bad for your image if you try and flirt with my fiancee. And Queen Viktoria and Queen Mother Aleksandra are also present. I suppose you don't want to tarnish your empire's reputation in upholding their words, right? Princess?" Elizabeth smiled sweetly at the enraged Crown Princess.

"Y-you ..."

Before Stela could even utter another word, Queen Viktoria approached them.

"Your Highness, such a surprise to see you here in our welcome ball," Viktoria said as she embraced Stela.

"Y-Your Grace," Stela said after Viktoria hugged her.

"My mother and the Empress would like to have a word with you. And I want to have a word with my beautiful niece," Queen Viktoria said.

But before Elizabeth could even speak, Viktoria already cut her off.

"My dear, let's go outside. I need a breath of fresh air," Viktoria said as she made her way to the huge balcony.

"What is it that you want to talk about, Aunt Viktoria?" Elizabeth politely asked.

"I'm not here to tell you what you did earlier was right because, in some way, it was also wrong. Yes, you did it for Stela to stop pestering your beloved fiancee. But remember, her empire is strong and flourishing. I will tell you this as a Queen and a mentor, not your Aunt, you will need her empire's help when you become the Empress. You are soon to be the mother of the Vetrai people, and you will do everything you have to for your children, even gulping your own pride," Viktoria said as she gazed at the people below the balcony.

"Anyways, don't think about it tonight, okay? Enjoy the princess title while you still can sweetheart, being an Empress or a Queen is tiresome," Viktoria said as she smiled at her confused niece.

She knows that deep down, Elizabeth knows what she was talking about. Elizabeth is smart and she trusts that intelligence.

"Let's get back inside. I'm sure your grandmother has given that Stela princess a piece of your mind. Edward might be searching for you," Viktoria said as she made her way back inside the palace.

When they got back, it was really true that Edward was looking for her desperately and Ethan was still nowhere to be found.

"Where were you? Good thing that little demon is still talking with your grandmother," Edward said as he relaxed.

"I was with Aunt Viktoria. We just took a small walk to the balcony. We had a small talk," Elizabeth said.

"Talk? About what?" Edward asked.

"Nothing. Just some girls talk," she said and smiled sweetly at Eddie.

Edward just shrugged at her words as he led her to some nice noblemen who actually have a heart for the country.

Until the end of the ball, Stela really didn't make trouble and surprisingly, she stayed away from Edward and Elizabeth and tried to avoid them. Some of the important guests ended staying in the palace for the night and some left really late. But the ball was in overall success.