Queen Viktoria Goes Home

It was already over a week when Queen Viktoria and Queen Mother Aleksandra arrived at the Riku Palace when a messenger arrived.

"Alik, where were you? You left a few days ago, where did you go?" Elizbeth asked when she noticed Alik entered her room.

"I escorted your father back to the Carleston, my lady. He said he has left something of value there that he will have to retrieve it himself. But, he is back with me, my lady. Don't worry. He is in a meeting with the Emperor. He said he will see you after the meeting," Alik said.

"Oh, okay. I missed talking to him. How is he, by the way?" she asked.

"He's doing fine. He solved some farmer trouble back on Carleston when we were there," Alik said as he sat down on the nearest chair.

A knock was heard on the door so Alik stood up and opened it.

"Your Highness, Queen Viktoria would like to speak with you in her quarters. She would like to see you immediately," Queen Viktoria's lady-in-waiting said.

"Tell her I will after I tidy myself up, thank you, Lorraine," Elizabeth smiled as the lady-in-waiting left.

Elizabeth brushed her hair and put on some perfume that her Aunt has given her on the day they arrived. There was something off about this talk that she will be having with her Aunt.

"I'd like you to check on Qeillith. I haven't seen her for 3 days. Ask her for her whereabouts. I will go see her after I talk with my Aunt," Elizabeth said as she left.

When she entered her Aunt's room, Queen Viktoria was pacing back and forth like she was distressed and grandmother was behind the desk, writing something.

"Aunt Viktoria, Grandmother? Is there any problem?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes. One of the most powerful noblemen wanted to take over Taskia. He is currently preparing rebellion against your Uncle. And your Uncle is still busy with other affairs since I am not there," Viktoria said.

"If that's the case, you should go Aunt Viktoria. I will be fine here. Take Ethan with you, Ethan is Uncle's most reliable son," Elizabeth said.

"Don't worry about anything, child. We're just here to tell you that your Aunt Viktoria will be leaving for Taskia immediately. But I will stay here and ensure your safety and your ascend to the throne," Queen Aleksandra said as she puts down the pen.

"Give this to Edmond, after that he'll know what to do. Don't worry Viktoria. Everything will be alright. Now, go now. Don't worry about Elizabeth," Aleksandra said.

Viktoria nodded and quickly wore her cape and left.

"Let's go to the Emperor and Empress and tell them your Aunt has left due to an emergency back home," Aleksandra said as she stood up from her chair and led her way to the Court of Royals.

As soon as they arrived at the court, the Emperor and Empress looked surprised.

"Your Majesties, I have come to apologize for my daughter-in-law for leaving so early. There is a slight problem back home and her presence there is needed," Aleksandra said.

"It's alright your Majesty, we completely understand. Will Prince Ethan go with her?" Empress Natasha asked.

"No, he'll stay here," Aleksandra said as she sat down on her side throne. "His fiancee is still here, so he will stay here. Am I right, Ethan?" Aleksandra said as she turned towards Ethan who was beside her.

"Yes, Grandmother," Ethan said as he pitifully looked at Elizabeth who had a straight face.

"Then, if it is all settled. I'll take my leave, your Majesties," Elizabeth said as she bowed to them.

"Wait, I'm coming too," Ethan said as he rushed to catch up with Elizabeth.

When they arrived at the Dragon Garden by the West garden, they saw Edward tending to Narlene and Qeillith was resting under a tree.

"Where's Navyss?" Elizabeth asked, referring to Ethan's dragon.

"Oh, he's somewhere out there. Don't worry, he likes to appear and disappear at the same time. And he knows when I'm in trouble," Ethan said as he sat down beside Edward.

"Oh, okay. Qeillith, how are you? I haven't seen you for days?" Elizabeth said as she sat down beside Qeillith.

'I am fine, my lady. I went to the mountains to hone my skills so that I may serve you better in the future," Qeillith said as she rested her head on Elizabeth's lap.

"I have a feeling, a very weird feeling," Elizabeth said out of nowhere after staying silent for a few days.

Edward who was listening to them, suddenly felt like Elizabeth's words were true.

"What kind of feeling?" he asked.

"A bad feeling. Like something bad is going to happen in the future?" Elizabeth said as she gently stroked Qeillith's cheeks.

Ethan, seeing the Crown Prince and Crown Princess' worried face, decided to light up the mood.

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's just that. A bad feeling. Nothing would go wrong," Ethan said as he threw an arm on Edward's shoulders to help him calm down.

Elizabeth thought about it, and thought, maybe, it is a just bad feeling. She smiled at them.

"Well, maybe I'm just over thinking," Elizabeth smiled.

"Don't worry, Grandmother's here. She will make sure that nothing will happen bad, okay? Don't worry so much," Ethan said.

"And I have you and Eddie, I won't worry about it too much," she smiled.

Elizabeth looked up and realized a storm was coming, dark clouds were forming above them.

"Come on, let's get inside. It's going to rain soon. We don't want you to get sick," Edward said as he helped Elizabeth up.

When the three of them was already inside the palace, the rain started to pour like there was no tomorrow. Even though Elizabeth decided to abandon that weird feeling, she just couldn't stop thinking that maybe this storm was a bad omen, nonetheless, she will prepare for it. She has been meticulous about her weird feelings ever since she was still a kid, that's why she was always prepared on all bad occasions.