There were roads to travel, plus if it were at maximum speed could easily reach what was New Moon City, but before going to a place like that preferred to go to the nearest little pond and be a big fish, Cyan Forest Town after all was not far away from there and wanted to clean things a bit that there were too many vagabonds who used to walk around the place, bad for them he was going there.
Uchiha Madara was in need of information and experimental subjects in which to test his theories about the use of Chakra to enhance the resilience and characteristics of profound veins.
It was a medium-term project so before that he needed more information, the memories of Hai Min were nothing more than irrelevant garbage.
being about 50 km away it took almost 5 hours to get to the town, mostly because he was avoiding some beasts of the place.
from a branch in the highest tree in the vicinity he looked at the place, it was not much of a city well his name said it was a town
even though the rural environment was high, even so, it seemed quite populated,
Perhaps more than 20,000 people lived here, considering that in the Middle Ages a town of this magnitude could be considered a major city in many places in Europe, he realized that the background of this world should not be taken lightly.
-as it is a place of hidden tigers and dragons ... interesting.
Uchiha Madara said with some mockery and extended his hand, using his wooden nature chakra put a finger in front of his nose a few centimeters, after that the wood extended from his finger and formed a mask similar to that of the troops ANBU.
he had been wearing the same clothes for about 1 month so he also wanted to get more clothes, although for that he would need money, but no problem! here people carry a bunch for him.
he adjusted the hairline and used his sense of perception as a sensory ninja to be able to feel his surroundings, thanks to the fact that he had been developing the techniques of the Yamanaka clan as well. He could get more out of his powerful ability, also thanks to being in a forest I could communicate with the trees.
It was a skill a bit difficult to use because the trees did not speak and they had to interpret the messages they gave him.
In short, it was not something that anyone would even understand, why? they had no logic.
to understand them, was a real mess they said basic things like a 2-legged beast, auch my branch, the worms eat me inside! Or things like that.
even so, it was relevant information after all with touching a tree these could communicate several kilometers away more than their perception.
his style of perception could only cover something of 2 km with a good definition, after that he could only differentiate his powers in about 5km, and in a matter of 10km only if they were human or animal, thanks to the trees he could perceive something of 20km as long as there was vegetation.
Without many struggles, he discovered a group of people who seemed to be battling with some creatures.
nobody seemed to exceed what was Elementary Profond Realm so it was not a danger to him with it decided to go to look they had value.
in only a matter of a minute was closer to be able to perceive better, was a group of 4 men of good health and considerable strength that had 3 more weak in the front fighting against 2 beasts that their physique could say they were cats but ... these were almost 2 meters high and their strength was greater than them, but it seemed that they were using the others as bait to get tired the beasts.
-ehh, using cannon fodder ... not bad, they must have a good money with them, no?
Uchiha Madara laughed with disdain and jumped again to see with their own eyes the process in which they fought.
-We should go to fight now?
-ah? Of course not, wait for them to kill one and lower their guard, is it that you do not think? is a Level 10 Beast Elementary Profond Realm with your base level 5 elementary Profond Realm will really rip you apart in an instant!
a young man of about 19 years old said to another who seemed to be the boss, this boss had a big scar on his face and looked fierce he looked like almost 30 years, while the young man looked a bit similar if he did have a scar from the ear to the nose.
-tch, boss your brother is useless ...
-What do you say about my family? perhaps you want to die?
-ah! no boss, just said that how promising he is, surely in the future will be a great profound cultivator.
-umph, if you trained your profound force as your language sure you would be in some sect ...
-haha, but the boss that with this language of mine we got the novices
a man with a treacherous look was speaking to the boss, this had an aura a little more than the young but not by much alone would be a thing of 1 or 2 higher levels even though his age was clearly higher.
-shut up, do you not know that the boss brother has 12 profound entries? in a thing of, nothing will leave us down ...
-Ahh !? 12 ... 12 you said!?, How did you not say that before, stupid? ...
the look of the guy looked at the brother of his boss in a treacherous way, he thought about how to get rid of him.
-Miau !!
the terrible angry meow of both cats interrupted them, it seemed that the cooperation between the 2 animals was higher than they thought, the volunteers who had invited were only 2 of level-6 Elementary Profond Realm and another one was level-7 profound Realm, his boss, on the other hand, was level-9 and the 2 assistants were level-7 Elementary Profond Realm.
When they had been near the den of the beast cat claw of blade they had sent ahead, they had tried to resist but nothing useful, they took advantage of their greatest power and sent them in front.
generally, when the talent of a cultivator was unsatisfactory, it would be sent to do hard work for the sect, but this was only those of the third class or upper-level sect's, those of the fourth or fifth class sect's obviously could not afford so many slaves ... ahem, that says, workers.
with this they had to go to earn the profound products to cultivate by their own hands, with it making groups of mercenaries or hunting rewards, they used to enter the wild and scratch with their own nails, others used to call them loose profound cultivator's or wild profound cultivators, those of the great sects called them vagabonds.
the plaintive cry was from one of the sad combatants who had been forced to fight, this resounds in the dark forest, to leave this place is what mattered to the unfortunate cannon fodder.
one of them bled profusely from his belly while with one hand he held his entrails, even though he has so much pain he flip off, but that had not prevented the other beast from biting his head and doing a bloodbath in front of the other 2 profound cultivator's who were trying to free his brother, this It was the end of many peasants who wanted to pursue the dream of Profound cultivation.
the young boy brother of the boss looked at this with some fright, he had seen cruel deaths but not something like this, it was the first time he went out to the field for real, inside the city there would be one or another who mourned to mess with the wrong person, but he had not seen a profound beast killing in this way.
he could not believe that his brother did this ...
his brother would provide him of the Profound Drugs to be able to cultivate faster, he had something of almost 6 years cultivating thanks to his brother, thank's to that he was able to cultivate in 4 years to enter in Elementary Profond Realm, and in 2 years he had done at level-5 Profond Realm, he did not know where his brother got the money from, but most likely it was that way.
the two assistants of his brother looked at him with disdain when he saw that he could not avoid looking away from this, for them that compassion was a weakness.
-Brother we are not going to help them ... the profound beasts are already distracted! ...
his brother turned to see him with a cold look on his face, he had not seen this kind of look on his brother never.
-It's their fault ...
-It's their fault for being weak ... if they were not weak they would not be defeated by those profound beasts of Elementary Profound Realm, if they were not weak we would not take advantage of them if they were not weak they would be in a sect and would not need to be in this place ... that's their crime, remember with this image Little Brother ... weakness is a crime ...
His brother's words were solemn, even his lackeys had been silent and did not dare to make fun of him, it was the basic rule in Sky Profond Continent, it was unmistakable and marked in Celestial Steel.
the leader of this group of nameless mercenaries took out a bow from his back and being about 40 meters away he threw 2 consecutive arrows, while the cats entertained themselves by biting the guy, both arrows came to their faces,they are biting the prey preventing them to do something , the arrows fell into their eyes, that even when they had more energy than the arrow, they could not mobilize their Profound Energy in time.
giving with it the loss of one of the eyes of each beast, a pity that did not reach their brains.
-Only the strong is the winner, that's why I tell you ...
-you are right only strength rules, in a place like this, if you do not have the strength, hehe ...
a profound voice reached the ears of the 4 mercenaries looking backward never heard anyone coming behind them, at the begin, they frightened for this.
but when they saw that he had no Profond force circulating in his body, they took lightly the match which was a serious mistake in front of Uchiha Madara, even though the leader did not seem to lower his guard, because not everyone could approach them like that in the forest where they had been hunting for almost 4 years.
-You interrupt the boss? hehe, it seems you would not mind being cat food right?
-Xan Te you eliminate that trash, tsk and think that for a moment I thought I had run into someone dangerous, ah bring me the mask of him, may be worth something, remember if blood stains you can not sell it ...
the kind of malicious look said with arrogance and little interest in the man in the mask
but the laughter of the person with the mask did not stop here when seeing the guy with serious face Xan Te take out a knife, he hid behind a tree preventing him from throwing it.
-small worm ...
the type of name Xan Te followed him behind the tree, but after he got behind the tree, he disappeared leaving only some leaves to fall, and he disappears in the place, the other 3 were somewhat surprised, things were not so simple as they believed.
-what the hell! where is it...
-as you say weakness is a sin, tell me are you willing to pay for your sin?
-ahhhh ...
again the Uchiha Madara appeared behind them, the cry of the beasts and the other 2 mercenaries served as background music for this strange subject.
-bastard how did you get there? go dead!!...
-don't take it lightly ...
the man with a mischievous look said as he launched himself with his profound strength involved in a sword of 90cm long, the leader tries to give advice but the other man don't listen to him, you could see a liquid of amber color on his blade, it seemed that his pod had poison and every time he took it, this substance will be in it.
-careful in your sides!
the chief remembered him but ... he did not pay attention, he would not have looked at a bastard without profound force, when he saw that he did not move from where he was, he smiled with joy and malice.
- (haha fool, the poison of my blade will make your skin fall off in 7 days and 7 nights! I love how they cry at the beginning ...)
his blade crossed the type of the mask but ... he felt no resistance to the contrary, there was no entity, after crossing more than half this disappeared with smoke and what he received was a leg that did not know where it came from the back of his head, Uchiha Madara did not have profound strength but his speed was terrifying,
the man did not have time to cover himself and his face hit the ground losing consciousness.
a pity for those who did not know about the existence of the Ninjutsu, it was a Ninjutsu E-Class ninjutsu: bushin (clone), for someone as carefree as he, was more than simple to fall into this, plus the mastery of Uchiha Madara in this was not little.
the 2 brothers seeing this, finally saw that they really were in trouble but leaving this would not be an easy way to escape for them.
under the mask, you could only see the hollow of the eyes that had no shine, was a void that seemed to devour them.