Getting what you need when you need

Since he had arrived, it was less than 30 seconds but he had already immobilized 2 of the mercenaries.

the deep beasts maybe they fled from pain, or would probably flee at some point in the future, but that was not important now what was a priority was how to get rid of this person that they had in front, they think can flee from Uchiha Madara without know that he can follow them even with thousand yards.

they do not feel Profound energy from him, and that was the most difficult situation for the boss, he did not know the difference of power between them, even though the sense of danger that he had of him was even more than that of the Profound beasts Cat-claws of Blade level 10 elementary Profond Realm, so he would try to talk to him and create an opening to attack and at least let his brother be saved.

-Who are you? We do not have any enmity ...

-..., no need ... you are weaker than me so I can do what I want with you ... that's your policy, right?


the boss looked at this man, it was difficult to deal with, but he had to insist if he wanted to get out of it.

-If what you want is in my power then let's discuss, what you think? it will be easier for both ...

He advanced a few steps towards the guy of the mask of a cat, did not understand what had happened when his lackey attacked and the guy in the mask vanished but he knew it was some kind of trick.

-If it's money, I do not have much but after finishing this job I'll have something you say? 50 and 50?

-best to 90 and 10 ... obviously 10 for you ...

the mercenary chief sighed, after all, he had not killed any one of them, and it did not seem like he was after their lives, the one who could not feel his profound strength meant that he was many levels higher than him.


seeing that Uchiha Madara reach agrement and that he had come close enough to try the only profound art he knew! He circulated his Profound energy in his body and at the center in the palm of his hand, it gained a shade something dark as if it were granite, moved so fast that his muscles would hurt several days.



but as soon as he touches it, there was some smoke coming out and what touched his hand was a trunk which broke up with his blow, jumping splinters everywhere.


-Big Bro...


when the boss turned his brother hung from the neck of his robe and hung from the hand of the guy in the mask, when he saw this he felt his blood burn and threw himself without thinking more about anything.

-bastard, release it ...


Uchiha Madara released him instantly but in that, he received the brother in a positive way fist with fist.



the boss felt how his hand was twisted in a strange direction and how the pain spread all over his fist, but after that, it was only darkness.

Uchiha Madara stared at his hand, it was purple for the contact and with blood on it, this was not his, but he had to admit that the guy's fist was hard, and the Profound energy of his blow had tried to invade his body.

-It seems that this energy cannot be counteracted with only physical force ... I'll have to be more careful not to be attacked until I master the same techniques ...

Uchiha Madara had given him a hook to the chin and left him unconscious, the Profound Energy if it was annoying, obviously he had much more strength but the profound energy was like a worm in the marrow!

-he greatly reinforces it to be able to give a blow of about 800kg ... it sounds vague but that's right ... um? they are still in it ...

Uchiha Madara left the place and went to where the cats fought with the last 2 mercenaries, the figure of these was a shame to see.

the wounds came to the bone, not for nothing were called '' cat-claws of Blade '', seeing the cats that they were missing an eye to each, felt bad for them.

-I know your pain ...

Uchiha Madara shook his head and in an accelerating movement where they were, with the blade of his back, appeared under the largest and fit the blade just below the jaw direct to the skull, there was still bone to prevent entry to the brain, but to the bad luck of the profound beast, he had already calculated the possible location of this, he only gave him this attack, with a jump he kicked the arrow deeper into the eye of the Second Profound Beast.



both mercenaries breathed with difficulty and had low stays since they did not feel energized to be upright, seeing how easy he killed the beasts, they did not care that they could not feel the profound energy of Uchiha Madara, they knew that he was someone of great skill so they bowed their heads almost instantly.

-tha ... thank you, sir ... I'm Cheng Zhiqiang

-I thank you on behalf of the Cheng family for your assistance, we will pay you for your willingness to save the life of Cheng Zhiming ...

the tone of the mercenaries was respectful and sincere, kept their heads bowed as a sign of deep respect as if he was an ancestor.

-um, help me with the beasts, can at least do that?

-we can, we can do it ...

the brothers looked at each other and seeing the corpse of the third of them could only look at him with sadness and regret.


-..., was the third of us ...

-I see...

Uchiha Madara did not nod or say anything else, just continued his way, in that he touched a tree for a moment and slowly nodded.

the brothers did not understand but they followed him, seeing that the guys who had brought them here were all unconscious were happy about their good fortune, but even so they worried to know who was this man of great ability, all they could see was a strange red and white badge on his back, if they were not mistaken it was a fan, they had not seen a badge like that for the place, they did not know where this person was coming from.

Uchiha Madara had a body that tied the 4 prisoners he had, could pierce his diantian and cripple them but lose the sense as experimental subjects.

They walked about 20 minutes and came to a cave perfectly hidden between the grass and the thick forest, it was dry and without the presence of animals in it, so they entered yet the brothers were somewhat anxious because nobody had said anything along the way.

-Excuse adult, how can I not feel your Energy Profound?, I regret my baseness for not being able to see his greatness, but I do not feel any presence of you ...


Uchiha Madara turned around, but for them, it was a mask that had turned to see them, without saying much a few seconds in response.

-have a debt with me, no?


-After all, I save your lives out there ...

-Of course, sir, this junior is committed to paying his life debt!

-m, I see, do not worry about paying it ...

-But as sir, in this life, I never owed him to someone and less for saving my life so as not to return it.

-I say, do not worry about paying me, I'll charge ...


the brothers did not understand, they only saw a trunk fall to the ground and smoke around them, they did not see on their backs how 2 palms with great power went to their necks ...


the first to wake up was the head of the Mercenaries black palm, had his head dazed and remembered something diffusely that someone asked him questions, it was a nightmare, he still remembered how this person fit wooden spikes all over his body if he did not answer clearly, the pain was unspeakable, even worse sometimes buried the wooden spikes and felt as if they were growing in your body!

When he could open his eyes wide, he looked at his friend ...

It was dark as the night, he could not see anything, besides he felt immobilized of the whole body.

-Uh ... what happened ... right! brother!...

-shut up!... I'm busy you're not supposed to wake up yet ...


the boss hearing this serious voice was surprised then in front of him, the type of mask was right on the body of his brother who had a face of extreme pain, meanwhile, the guy had the plaster of his hand on the belly of this.

Even worse, those who had been his lackeys were dead with wooden spikes embedded in the bodies everywhere, the amount of blood that was in certain parts of their bodies was easy to say was not a quiet death.

but when looking at his body underneath he took away the horror of his life ...

every part of his skin had been removed, even the muscles reaching the tissue that covered the flesh, under the layer of Fascia tissue could see his organs, wanted to scream but could not, it was just too horrendous to see.

-you ... are from some demonic sect ...

the voice of despair was difficult to contain, there was no hope in his voice, not with his body in that state and his brother would be the next victim ... could say that, but it's not like that.

-then ... why did you do this to me ...

-ha?...ah! you speak of your flesh, I wanted to see the location of your organs in addition to your Profound vein structure.


a deranged ! it was a total deranged! How was it that he had run into someone like that? He had to get out of here as he wanted ...


-Don't think about leaving here ...


-After all, you can not use more profound energy ... a pity I thought that could open the third profound entry but it was a failure, haha as they say the experience does not make the master? just keep trying!


the boss did not know what this madman was talking about, but he seemed to have no way out, he could only embrace his destiny.

-although, the experiment with the attributes was interesting, you know?


-It seems that the Chakra can be infused into another person's body to cultivate it, but in comparison with the benefits of the Profound Energy, not many would choose it, even if they could train the 2, but 1 dog can not serve to 2 masters, perhaps only my case it's unique?


-The problem is that the cultivation time would be too long, but mainly ... I cannot lead to know anybody how the Chakra works since it is my trump card and no one else can use it!

-y ... what did you do to my brother ?!

-ah? It's your true brother! nothing important, try to create a mapping of meridians with different

attributes that were not yours, was a failure but, draw a good amount of data from it, the field of medicine, requires a huge accumulation of knowledge!


-Thank you...

the guy with the mask turned to see him, his eyes were terrifying, his words of gratitude did not praise him the least, the last thing he thought was that he should have a terrifying smile under that mask.


the Cheng brothers woke up only to see with their eyes how the guy in the mask killed the guy with the scar, they hated him with all their being, but now they did not know what had happened, how they were here without being able to move, but when they could move the neck and see the situation of others in the room, the blood and soul left his body.

They immediately turned to see their bodies to see if they were not skinned alive, they could sigh in relief to see that they were complete.

-what have you done!


both brothers were waking up at the same time but Cheng Zhiqiang was the one who talked about them 2, in fact, the other hard and had a presence.

-A bit of research, the profond energy is more coarse than I thought, my mistake to underestimate it, it is not inferior to the chakra at all ...

-and that's why you got us?

-Want to return the favor, no? right now I need experimental subjects !, it's not something that anyone would do, so I thank you from my heart ...


the voice of Uchiha Madara cooled their hearts, it was someone without compassion ...

-Don't worry that will not kill you ...

-ah? What ... what did you do to me!

-hehe, guess ...


-seems you do not want to play but ... remember the Yellow Foot town?


the look of hatred that was directed at that moment dissipated and they had great fear running their back for it.

-You sought out their position as disciples in training in their sect, and raped the women between you and your 5 brothers, of course, you did not expect someone from the nucleus disciples to come from that forgotten town ...

-how ... how do you know that, are someone contracting you from Silver Falcon Claw sect?!


Uchiha Madara shook his head and approached him and raised his shirt showing that his half of the body had disappeared and his upper body and lower body was only joined by his spine and what appeared to be his profound veins.

-what!! what did you do to me!

-I moved all the unnecessary meat to be able to take a closer look at the profound veins ... it's a wonder how they work, you know?


-Now ... I had paralyzed your nerve receptors of pain, but since I look unpleasant, and what you did in that village ... that's why I'll let you die of a shock by pain ...

Uchiha Madara just took a wooden spike from the vertebrae of this and the sensation of his body returned but with it a pain that degraded what he knew could be felt.

-AHHH !!!

-ugh is annoying ...

Uchiha Madara saw that it had ended here so he can leave the cave, torture people it's not his hobby but when he needs to do it, he will do it, and no one of them was a good bird.

With a Ninjutsu of earth he close the wall of the cave, the amount of Chakra used for it was something excessive, since he had not practiced the Ninjutsu: earth wall, besides that the height of the wall was less than expected but it was enough, nobody would find the place in a good time, also in these days I was thinking of returning.

taking some clothes he put it on and went to Cyan Forest Town.