Tragic Young Master Shan

The young master Shan saw the change in the smile of the girl in front of him, he did not know what it was but it gave him a bad feeling, so he threatened her that she make what he want.

-Listen, little girl, you better comply with everything I say but, I'll break your legs If ...

Just when he was going to say something else, Uchiha Madara activated his Sharingan of 2 Tomoe's and in a fluid movement like that of a cobra he struck with his knuckles the throat of the Young Master, but not only that but having his hand on his throat He took it by the neck, and with the other palm he put it on his belly, in that it seemed that the young Master returned in himself, but he could not make any sound due to the palm of Uchiha Madara in his neck and the powerful punch that broke her throat.

the hand that Uchiha Madara had on his belly grew a wooden spike in his Dantian and left him useless in his Profound Practice.

Uchiha Madara had used a field Ninjutsu to block any energy that could sprout in about 2 meters around it, it only worked to mask in case there was someone watching, even though it was too much, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

-lm ... I'm sorry Young Master ... hehe, what do you think of being treated this way?

the voice of the girl who had in front of him, change at the same time that the figure of the scary girl seemed to fade in front of him and a cold and unfeeling look was what appeared in its place, a wooden mask that could not be to say who it was.

-Ah? Do you want to say something? What a pity that your throat is destroyed yet ... so as not to raise suspicions you will have to play with me for a while, but of course before that ...

Uchiha Madara read the memories of the young Master for about 1 minute, but in the mind reading it was about 16 hours, because reading the information directly from the mind was faster, this depending on the mental strength of the person to whom information was extracted, the mental strength of Young Master Shan was of the weakest, he could say that the Young Master Shan was someone with fear of pain.

Uchiha Madara finished seeing the memoirs and smiled slightly, had the knowledge of where her father kept the money, plus he knew many more of his secrets and not only that but also the convoluted relationships of the renowned families of the city.

- there is still too much time to leave now, also in your memories you used to have fun for up to 2 hours with the girls, it seems that we will have to kill time as you usually do for more realism do not you think Young, Master Shan?

the young Master Shan's look of terror was more than obvious, he seemed to want to say something but Uchiha Madara did not know what it was, when he saw this he frowned, and taking the Young Master Shan by the neck he took him to a hook in the center of the room.

using a rope he tied his hands and after hanging it from the ceiling, on a table, there was a series of tools that did not seem to be for proper good health care.

Uchiha Madara smiled at the young Master Shan who slowly turned around while is suspended in the air, with his eyes full of terror as he watched as Uchiha Madara took different instruments that he had used in other people.

-this is your favorite, is not it? the whip, the weapon of every Master! perfect to tame the fiercest beasts! even so, we would be missing something to have more realism as the young Master likes.

Uchiha Madara walked slowly towards the Young Master Shan, who with each step seemed one less for his death sentence, a fetid odor escaping his crotch at this time.

-haha, it seems you're afraid Young Master Shan, do not worry it's just fun, now ... I hope you give me those screams that you like so much ...

Uchiha Madara put his hand back in the throat of the Young Master Shan and he healed him but contrary to what it was before, the sound would be more acute like that of the girl who was still unconscious under the bed.

-It is not that I like this more than you, I have to be professional with what I do besides ...

with a sigh, Uchiha Madara raised his arm where he had the whip and in a somewhat bored manner said when releasing the first whiplash.

-all be for the money ...


-AHHa !!!

the scene inside the room was most frightful and the screams of despair could be heard on the first floor where the Madam served a cup of tea to the guard of the Young Master Shan.

Even when the Madam she had heard someone scream in despair when they broke her legs and made her do the vilest acts, at least with time the intensity of these would go in decline as their lives escaped, but...

-um? what happens below?

-haha, it seems that the Young Master is particularly animated today ! so are the children of these days! do not worry.

The guard said while drinking tea and had a local girl on his legs.

Even so, both of them spent two hours, of truth that had the creeps, because the screams were more than heartrending, sometimes stopped for a couple of seconds and then returned to show that they could be even worse.

whatever happened down there nobody wanted to know.


2 hours passed and the young master Shan left with a smile on his face of disinterest, only that he had blood all over his body, it seemed that he had bathed in it.

Madam seeing this surprised but said nothing, it was best to remain silent.

-I'll take a quilt, I'll take care of the body myself, how much was the price for that one?

-..., it's nothing young Master ..., we're happy with your visit ...

Madam had a pale face, she did not dare to offend him to know the level of Sadism that could come, besides seeing how he was full of blood it seemed that the process went beyond what she knew.

-snort, just do what I tell you! here you have 50 Profound purple coins, do not know how to do something right ...prepare clothes i will take a bath in that place!

- Immediately I bring you what you asked Young Master Shan ...

Madam ran and in less than 30 seconds she already had the quilt with her.

He took it and put the bundle of meat inside it while looking at the guard.

-your take it and wait for me here if you move I will tell my father to cut you in 2 !, I will enter the room to take the belongings and destroy them, she was never here you heard me?

-..., I do not know who you refer, Young Master Shan!

Madam was more scared and seemed to forget what had happened, after that he went into what had been the bedroom of the girl, which was still unconscious under the bed.

the Young Master sighed and got rid of his ninjutsu:Transformation besides forming a barrier, he look for the girl under the bed and using a shadow clone that had learned to use to go out of the building without anyone noticing, with It eliminated all traces of what had happened, the corpse outside was a clone of shadow just like the one that had left for the moment could only do 3 of them.

-tch, acting like this guy, it's a pain in the ass ... besides, I just used some of the torture techniques of the Earth and he was screaming worse than a pig.

Uchiha Madara had returned to his previous appearance and had several rolls on his back even though they were not big, just about the size of his palm, he had space of more than 8 square meters in all of them, inside one of them he had what was the corpse of the true Young Master Shan.

- At least, until I have emptied that treasure hall ...

Uchiha Madara again took on the appearance of the young Master Shan and exuded arrogance in addition to being able to simulate the Profound energy with his chakra was not perfect but as long as there was not someone of a Sky Master level they would not discover the difference, after all, the chakra was the energy of the ninjas, if he could not even do that he did not need to call himself a ninja.

when leaving the room they had new clothes which for him, he was shameless with the girls of the place, even when they saw him naked because this body was not even his, he did not forget before leaving to burn the girl's belongings to make it even more real.

-Well let's go, I'll take care of these things, if someone asks, say that I just came by and went to drink in the central avenue ...

-as you command Young Master Shan!

the Madam came out to say goodbye and his carriage was already outside, his guard went up the body which dripped blood, even when Chakra was cast this was the most real and it became real, it was like when you use Water element Suiton, she stayed in the place, he was not surprised by it, because he had already seen it, but if it was only Marline he would be surprised because that did not happen in the animation.

about it he could only truly sigh that if instead of coming to this world he had gone to earth, he would deal with his author, for everything he did, but ... he preferred to think that both worlds had Easter eggs and were independent worlds, since both memories overlapped, he could not think of any world as an illusion or fantasy.

-go, Gou Yi! perhaps you think we have all day? this young master has a tight schedule! we go to the slums to throw away this waste!

-as ordered by Young Master ...

Gou Yi meant dog one, young Master Shen used to list and call his servants throughout his house in this way.

the servant went to where the young Master told him to the outskirts of the city where the poorest people were, if someone here died or disappeared no one cared, he could even pick someone up and sell him like meat, in these places Things like that were not rare.

When they were well into the region, the Young Master ordered Gou Yi to throw the body into an alley and after that, they left.

but just as they were moving away he felt with his perception something that was approaching from the bottom of the floor to where his Clone shadow was, the jade in his belt seemed to have a reaction and the thing that was close to his Clome shadow seemed to have an aura between beast and human, but more putrid and disgusting, he would not know how to define it well.

he would not activate his Sharingan because it would be a risk to do so, even though he could use the shadow clone to see what was happening.

-Return to the house!

-yes, Young Master.

the guard does not get angry because of the despot scream and he took him willingly, the money that the Young Master gave him was the best! being his dog was the best!

The more Uchiha Madara walked away the less reaction he had the jade but he could feel that whatever that thing was, he had taken his corpse.

Meanwhile, the return to the house of the Young Master Shan and simulate the life of this for the remainder of the night, at dawn came the memories of both clones of shadow.

the first had given the girl to Xi Mei as her assistant in the work even when she did not take care of anything, for this, he had made a change in her face and although he had not brainwashed him for lack of chakra and time, at least he had told her a story about a fairy tale and that now it would be good to work for Xi Mei and him.

as for the other Shadow clone, it was something totally different, he only remembered how they had apparently taken him by catacombs under the city and what had led him could only be described as a putrid demon, or rather they were similar to zombies but more intelligent , he just remembered how he fought with them and the smell that these beings gave off was the most disgusting.

- Besides, the Jade reacted with those things, it seems that some things are destined to link not?

He looked at the arrogant face that he had in front of him and nodded, so when he left his room he asked to be taken to the treasure room, on his back he had wooden logs in the space of a scroll.