The tribulation of the young Masters

Uchiha Madara was taken to the treasure room of the Shan family, being the Young Master of the Shan family it was not uncommon for him to enter this, even so, if he was to took something when he left he would register with an old man whom they had in the family this was someone of great skill a level 2 Spirit profound master

Uchiha Madara went alone to the treasure room and rubbed his hands, it was worth doing this quickly, so he used his normal Clones to start taking things, while he made copies of transformation with wood the clones will carry them to their place.

it was somewhat tired but thanks to the fact that he could recover his Chakra in just a matter of a couple of minutes it took no more than 20 minutes to replace each object here for copies made with wood and molded with Chakra, they would last for 7 days before returning to be pieces of wood.

-Um, this is what can be called a perfect operation ... now we just need the next step ...

Uchiha Madara smiled as he left the treasure room and recorded only a pair of True Profound Realm swords, after which he left the mansion until now no one had noticed the change of his Young master, not even his own father or the elder in the treasure room.

- (what I need now is to get rid of the body and start the series of events)

Uchiha Madara thought to himself as he climbed into the carriage which was under the control of his guard Guo Yi, with the voice of command of the Young Master Shan he shouts at his guard.

- Take me to the Golden Rose Palace!

-But Young Master Shan ... do not you remember that the last time you went, you had problems with the Master Cang? He even forbade you to come back to that place.

the guard seemed somewhat fearful, of course, Uchiha Madara knew about it, because of everything

of that was in his calculations.

-ah? Are you telling me what to do to me?

-do not...

the Guard cold sweat, remembering the cries of the girl yesterday and just obeyed by taking him to the Golden Rose Palace amusement center.

-snort, know your place ...

the Young Master just said that and did not speak again, Guo Yi did not notice the scroll that his Young Master had on his chest, Uchiha Madara had left the job of reaching the place a Shadow Clone, while he went ahead to fix a good show at the Golden Rose Palace.


Uchiha Madara had the memories of the Young Master Shan so he knew the appearance of Master Cang, this was an obese guy of about 25 years of age, just as the Young Master Shan was the heir of a prolific family, and even though his reputation was not so bad was not any saint, drink bets and women was the bread of every day for this Master Cang.

The Profound energy of him was not much more than just a Level 10 Nascent Profound Realm, and it did not seem like he would surpass this level for the next few years with his lifestyle.

Uchiha Madara did things quickly with this guy, using a Wind Ninjutsu He slit the neck of the fat boy from the shadows when he was about to enter a girl's bedroom, he did not even notice when Uchiha Madara lurked in the shadows.

-futon: wind blade

the blade of wind in conjunction with the katana was the most deadly, it could be said that cutting rocks by itself with the strength of a normal person was no problem, it was even more powerful in the strong hands of Uchiha Madara and that was the element with which he had more affinity.

Uchiha Madara cut him the neck of the Master Cang but did not snatch his life immediately, because he had to steal his memories before he bled to death.

in less than half a minute he knew enough and let him go to the other life, as for the blood he had to use Ninjutsu techniques of subterfuge to make them disappear.

-Suiton: Clean Trail.

This was perfect for clearing battle traces or for when they are under persecution because it eliminated all traces, that he had been here.

Taking the image of the master Cang left the room, the body had deposited it in another roll, when leaving the girls of the place they looked for the sponsorship of the Master Cang and they rubbed against his body, it seemed that the Master Cang was quite generous with his money in this place and gave a good sustenance to the girls here.

Uchiha Madara did not have much of a problem for killing him you could say that Master Cang was not a bad guy at least not the worst, after all, he defended the girls of guys like the Young Master Shan, even so for him, the Master Cang was a good for nothing and still doing bad things, what mattered was that he served him more dead than alive and he did not even know him to feel compassion for him, his work is to kill people and that is what he do.

-Master Cang, want more wine?

-If you want wine, could you drink in my rooms ?!

the girls seemed to fight to see who was going to serve him and get money, but hey, he did not detest these girls, but he had no intention of being with them, he preferred to be two currents that did not cross, with this class of lewd public girl, but even so he sit and flirt a little with the girls, he knew how to deal with them.

At that moment a carriage stopped in front of the place and a pedantic Young boy got out of the carriage, the people of the place recognized him, he was the Young Master of the Shan family.

his reputation was the worst and was known to be overly violent with girls and was a sadist of the worst.

since the master Cang had thrown something 2 months ago had not stopped here, but nobody knew it was what happened to him today that he had come even though Master Cang was still present

-ugh, how do you dare to come?

-tch, that scum, I heard he was going to the slums to do all kinds of misdeeds ...

-Master Cang, do not let him come near me, if you throw him like the last time, I will not charge you all week!

the girls of the place did not receive well the Young Master Shan, while some others wanted to take advantage to look for a benefit and be favored by the Master Cang.

Young Master Shang entered and insolently stared at those present who were murmuring when he entered.

-snort, they are just toys for me! how dare you talk about this Young master?!

the face of fury and the look that seemed to want to tear their clothes and make them suffer, make tremble more than one girl.

-Where is the person in charge of this place! This Young Master comes to sponsor them and they do not even receive me properly?

Young Master Shan walked into the place, seeing a girl who was scared, he smiled and took her by the hair while he smelled her neck, the girl was terrified.

-Haha! just what this Young master was looking for!... a good toy!

all could see the look of madness and excitement that exuded his eyes, Master Cang could not stand more and with a calm and weak voice, but that reached all present said ...

-Did not I tell you that I would kill you if I saw you again around here?

all were silent to see the MasterCang get up from his seat and caress both girls had with him to go and take the wrist Young Master Shan, the breathing of the peoples seemed to be spaced to see this.

-Who do you think you are? just for being ...

Before he said anything else the Master Cang did not wait for it to end, and forcing him to release the girl who was holding him, he threw him against the second floor.

Gou Yi to see this sweating cold, knew that something like this would happen, was going to hit the Master Cang but a man of great size was crossed in front of him, was the guard of the Cang Family.


Gou Yi could only grit his teeth and run to where his Young Master Shan was.

-snort, that garbage took away the desire to have fun, let's go back to the house ...

Master Cang barely looked at this and left the place, it was a bit strange because they thought he would stay to argue with the wounded Young Master Shan, but the scream coming from the second floor gave them the answer to why Master Cang had left.

-no, Young Master Shan! You can not die like that! Please do not do that to this dirty dog!

Gou Yi's scream was heartbreaking, his arms had the body of his Young Master Shan who had his chest pierced by a wooden stake that hit the wall had pierced him right in the heart.

the lifeless eyes of Young Master and the blood that came out of his wound was more than certain of his death.

Meanwhile, the Master Cang had already left the place.


being in the treasure room in front of the Uchiha Madara smiled to see the treasure room of the Cang family, this had even more treasures and money than the Shan family, plus it even had a Profound core of a beast of level Earth Profound Realm, for a family really fallen out of grace that was surprising.

He repeated the process that in the other vault and soon he had emptied it, without waiting any more he left it and returned to the streets, the rumor that Master Cang had killed the Young Master of the Shan family was spread like fire and soon the things would get worse, just like he wanted ...


Only a few hours later Uchiha Madara was in front of another corpse similar to what had happened with the Young Master Shan and with the Master Cang.

- (well now it is only to disperse that chain of events ... a pity for the families that fall in these days)

Uchiha Madara thought to himself while murdering the third Young master with whom Master Cang had old quarrels, his plan was to pretend that this new Young Master, assassinated the Master Cang in revenge for the death of his best friend the Young Master Shan, after that would be a chain of revenge and assassinations orchestrated by him from the shadows.

Uchiha Madara did not worry about being discovered because after a while they would stop worrying about who really had the guilt and hatred would consume the minds of these people.

-It is really easy to manipulate the hatred of people ...

Uchiha Madara sighed as he looked at the new face with which he looked in front of the mirror, using the same manners that the new Young Master he replaced, left the room to make a new show with Master Cang, with it the chain of hatred would grow to unsuspected limits ...


the situation in New Moon City had deteriorated in just 3 days, nobody knew why but a war had been formed between the different families of the city, the worst thing was that it was not one, but more than 18 families!

They had started to kill each other for no reason, at first, it was just some Young Master who had killed each other, but over time, some had begun to suspect their enemies and before they killed them they would kill them first.

at a certain point Uchiha Madara did not have to do anything ,he had only detonated the wick that in this city had so much unburned, the quarrels of different families had generations and the balance between them was precarious, one could say that he had only been the one he had a match in his hand, and throwing it into the pasture had caused the current situation ...

-Uh? Is it that it got out of hand?

Uchiha Madara watched from the top of the shadows as a group of one family entered another to make a bloodbath, this image was distributed throughout the city, not only that, but many took the opportunity to plunder in places with more money, soon the merchants had been affected by the chaos.

even so, Uchiha Madara looked at the side of his body where he had more than 30 or 40 space rolls filled with the treasures of all those families, the amount of money they could get after generations of savings was quite large, the money he had now was a thing of almost 450,000 Profound Purple Coins.

-I do not care...

Uchiha Madara said coldly and with little interest, while leaving the place, now what he had to get was those experimental subjects, everything was ready to receive them