Grudge of Xia Qingyue

Uchiha Madara had climbed into a carriage, this one headed to Floating Cloud City, his clothes were a typical black Kimono of the Uchiha family with high neck and with the logo of his clan on his back, he did not know the materials of which it was manufactured, only that it was one of the many that had found in the treasure room of a family, had ordered to do 10 in this design, according to the details that Su Yanier had given each one of them had a value close to 800 Profound coins purple, he did not have a sense of money so he did not know how much of this kimono value, he only knew that this was to his liking.

while looking at the landscape passing in front of him, he looked at who took the carriage this was Blood-Tiger who in these months had finally advanced at a good pace and was a Level 4 True Profound Realm Master, although of course Uchiha Madara being a Jounin beat him would be simple like fighting a child.

At the moment he wanted to hide his identity as a ninja, if he remembered he could remember that since he came to this world he had not done more than kill, the number of people who had fallen into his hands was about 2,000 maybe more, because Who keeps track of things like that?

-a new place and a new life... it seems that I have not learned to relate to others...

Uchiha Madara muttered to himself because his character outside the battlefield was still as introverted as ever, he did not look at it as a problem but one could say that it was difficult for him to make acquaintances, besides that the people with whom he thought as Someone nearby had always been counted with the palm of one hand.

He gave a slight sigh and enjoyed the quiet ride, the road was somewhat difficult but he was in a good mood and it was not a bother for him.

After more than 10 months of arriving in this world, he felt that he had a new beginning again, even though he missed a bit the two realities that he had left behind, because he did not leave anything behind him and everyone would continue a life happier without him, that was like giving up his existence in those worlds.

but now he was here, going to the house of someone who had known by the circumstances, even though he had not known Xia Yuanba for a long time could say that at least he had some esteem.

-I wonder what that big guy is doing ...

Uchiha Madara thought aloud while remembering the little boy of barely 14 years of high size, the number of things that had happened in the sewers had not broken that boy and having in front of an Earth Profound Master either, so he had some respect for him.

- Confront an enemy of a magnitude of that level in spite of fear ... no matter where humanity will always do stupid things ...

Uchiha Madara said but could not laugh at him because even though it was a stupid decision and ended up rescuing him, Xia Yuanba had fought more than against an Earth Profound Realm, against his fear of death, something that could be given almost for sure, remembering this he smiled slightly.

-seems to follow someone in his stupidity is not so difficult, being stupid is our humanity main quality.

Uchiha Madara nodded with conviction at the fact of leaving the shadows for the first time, something that was stupid since he was a Ninja, the shadows were his refuge and home, but in this world of powers beyond his understanding, living like that was not different from the life of a rat, even more so when it was a feudal era and the respect won over others have a heavyweight.

fighting against the contradictions of his heart he decided to make himself known in this world in a more public way, he would not be confined to the darkness and maybe having a challenge that would pressure him would make him grow faster, because he lacked the sense of deadly pressure that It will bring out the potential of his person, even more so now that he was young again and needed something like this.

this is how a legend from another world would begin to write a new story that would eclipse any myth that had ever been narrated, the beginning of an era in which in a few years it would be a sacrilege not to know in the endless planes of existence of this world, the beacon of a new light would rise from here and a rivalry that would last for eons would be known by the universe, who would say that it would start from a common and undistinguished point in a lower plane?.


Xia Yuanba had not stopped training his body in addition to his Profound energy, thanks to having more open Profound entrances his speed was not slow but it was only a matter of level 5 Elementary Profound Realm, with the physical strength he managed to reach something of 2 tons with what was comparable to someone from level 10 Nascent Profound Realm, although after going through the experiences in the sewers and fighting alongside Uchiha Madara his technique had grown to a large extent his body strength grow much more low because the quality of the regeneration of the body was completely different an Uchiha Madara who was nearly a monster in this aspect.

defeating someone in Level 2 Nascent Profound Realm he could do it with some difficulty, he had trained with devotion in his house, even though he missed Uchiha Madara a little bit since almost 6 months since they had separated and taken different paths, even when Uchiha Madara had said he would come, he still had no clue as to when this would happen.

while he was training he heard how someone was coming to the training yard that was in his residence.

- Young Master, I'm sorry to disturb you... there's a person in the entrance who says he knows you... he's wearing strange clothes and he calls himself Uchiha Madara...

Xia Yuanba listened attentively to the servant who was in front of him, hearing that it was Uchiha Madara, his eyes shone and he smiled with great joy as if he was an 8-year-old child.

-Aniki! Hurry up! take me to where he is!

Xia Yuanba out of happiness slapped the servant which contained enough force which almost dislocated the poor man's arm, this one could only endure the pain and lead the way.

While Xia Yuanba was leaving and passing through the main house, a girl with out-of-this-world

beauty characteristics saw him pass by the place, the girl's gaze was cold but elegant and majestic at the same time not only that but was full of knowledge and could be seen that her IQ was not low at all, but more than her cold and elegant character her features were most charming, her skin was white like finest porcelain and of a texture like the most luxury jade, her nose stood proud and prideful as fine art, and her look was like the stars of the sky that illuminated the raw and cruel reality of infinite space.

Even though one could see that she was a young girl, one could say that it was a beauty that even the highest goddesses would be envious of her excellence and beauty.

-what happens now?

Xia Qingyue frowned a bit and speak in a low voice her voice was like the most charming music in the world when she frowned far from wrinkling her skin and giving her features that would be unpleasant, even this action could be said to be the most beautiful in her.

Xia Qingyue had been training with her teacher Chu Yueli for over 4 years, when it was her wedding day it would be the same day she would leave her family to the great Sect so she spent as much time with them as she could now, but this brother of her just did not stay in one place.

about 8 months ago he had gone out with the father and in this trip he meet someone unknown in a short time he gave him much confidence, he had spent the 2 weeks after he had been returned to the house talking about him when he finally came back, she was a little jealous to listen to her brother who had adventures outside, even so, she did not say anything and listens to him even when he told the adventure in a betting club, a place so vulgar!

she did not think her younger brother went to that kind of place, but after hearing all the details she could only sigh, after all her brother's cultivation was nothing compared to hers, even her teacher had said that she could not help with that.

she had to train even harder in the future to defend this family that could be said she would be the only pillar that would keep the family in the future, and also her goal was to reunite her mother with the rest of the family until now she only remembers the place where her mother was.

but that was a goal to the far future now his brother kept repeating the same story over and over again, and he only talked about that guy who had forced him to fight to the death with other Cultivators!

when she heard this part she wanted to go and look for this Uchiha Madara and give him a lesson

by herself, but after thinking about it more calmly she let that pass, she knew that she could not protect her brother all the time and had a little gratitude by Uchiha Madara about this, even so, she had resentment for making her brother a murderer at such a young age.

So much so that she even consulted with her teacher at some point, Chu Yueli did not pay much attention and told her that when before it was better for him, besides that, Xia Yuanba could be more serious in practice, so that she stopped worrying about it.

but after that, Xia Yuanba had gone back to that guy place and this time it took more time for it was almost 3 months out, when her brother returned from this trip he had a totally different air

Her brother had not changed but she could see that he had matured in leaps and bounds, he had the same friendly atmosphere but he was a little more reserved even with her, when he told her the story of the sewers this time he did it in a calm tone and contemplative, unlike the last time that seemed more the story of a child on a trip.

when she finished listening to the story and experiences of Xia Yuanba in the sewers she had remained silent...

she felt that she was short of breath and unknowingly creaked her teeth.

- (that damn, Uchiha Madara again ... putting my brother at risk without even thinking about it, even fighting with an enemy of Earth Profound Realm! When I see him he will not get away from this one easily)

Xia Qingyue only smiled and had not said anything to Xia Yuanba, but the anger calmed down a bit to see that during the next 6 months Xia Yuanba trained hard and seriously, in addition to it you could see how he stopped being a child to become a man, only in front of his father and she would behave as he always did, the servants had more respect than before and had stopped mocking him for his size and his childish side.

so she was surprised to see the face of Xia Yuanba who looked like an infant to the return of his parents on his first day of school running to the entrance of the mansion of the family, his father was in the house so it did not make sense for him to behave like that.

-Only ...

Xia Qingyue gave a dismayed look and felt that she remembered something, there was someone else with whom her brother would act like this ...

-impossible! 2 months to go before the wedding, he would not have to come here...

Xia Qingyue got a little pale, the person outside of her family with whom Xia Yuanba could be that familiar was only Xiao Che!


Xia Qingyue's face was strange, even though she was getting married in less than 2 months she did not know her husband more than from others words, she knew that he was someone shy and educated, so she did not think he would come at this time.

While she had these mixed feelings a strong voice could be heard in the entrance where thanks to her good hearing she could clearly hear the strong voice of her brother and what he said with enthusiasm and a bit of affection.


-I see you've worked hard while I was not...

she also listens to a Profound but young voice that answered to Xia Yuanba in a somewhat cold but could be noted that it was a familiar and friendly tone.

-Aniki? what does that mean?

Xia Qingyue did not know the term but quickly she came to a conclusion and remembered the story of Xia Yuanba who would have heard more than 100 times, that term only smoothes it to refer to someone and that was the person she had the interest to see to resolve the anger that It had been fermented for 6 months, that name could only be one...

-Uchiha Madara ... snort, let's see how hard you are...

Xia Qingyue said in a cold tone, even though it was a tone that could captivate the heart of more than one gentleman, Uchiha Madara still did not know that even though he did not know Xia Yuanba's sister, she already had an account with him.