clash of gazes with the beatiful woman!

The carriage was advancing at a good pace, they had stopped last night in Cyan Forest Town to spend the night, there was nothing new in a place like this so they only went to the house they had in the place.

Uchiha Madara rests in this place and the next day he had continued his trip because they were more than 100 km away between the Floating Cloud City and Cyan Forest Town.

before arriving he could still feel the Divine presence that was clinging over Floating Cloud City, besides that with his Sharingan it was possible to look at the eye of great magnitude that in this place was.

only that now he did not notice the huge dome that had once been on top of the place, so he could breathe a sigh of relief and go to Xia Yuanba's house.

while the carriage advanced Uchiha Madara looked at the sky sticking his head out the window, the Eye was still there but it seemed that he was too concentrated to bother with the presence of him, because the closer the time got to the contraction of the dome it seemed that more attention paid to this.

-seems that other mortals are just insects for something of those proportions ... even the sage of the 6 roads was not even close to the feeling of danger exuding that damn eye...

Uchiha Madara looked at the sky with a broad smile, could say that it was something beyond his understanding and the magnitude of power that he could understand, is like trying to understand the power of a Supernova with a point of comparison of a nuclear bomb They just are not in the same dimension.

but as he himself had said, doing stupid things is the greatest quality of the human being, this was the most dangerous place but at the same time it was where he could get the most profits in a short time, even he could reach a great advance with little effort, even more now that he had started a new path, this time as a fighter in Profound energy.

Uchiha Madara after a while he stopped looking at the eye that was hanging over the city and went to meditate and exercise his Profound energy, taking a Pill that he had made, he began to practice, he had made refinement of medicines since he had so many memories in his head and thanks to the Divine Tree could see them again as if it were a film, he could only enter his sea of consciousness for a couple of breaths but it was more than enough, thanks to that he could perfectly imitate the skills of doctors and alchemists but he preferred to develop his own system from scratch because the skills of the doctor in the empire in his eyes were quite poor.

the doctors of the Empire could not even open Profound Entries! What he had learned in just nine months with a considerable investment of lives they cannot do even in all their lives, he could only doubt the capabilities of research in this world and the transmission of Knowledge.

Before he realized it, they had reached the entrance of the city, from here he could see that the dome was more clear and in comparison to before it covered the whole city, now it was only in the outskirts, it was currently located in the north next to an area with some mountains and rivers.

-Blood-Tiger, when you have time I want you to investigate which family is located in the northern area in those mountains ...

-as ordered Master Uchiha ...

Blood-Tiger said with all due respect, he knew that no matter how much he trained, he could not even touch the steps of Uchiha Madara and he had many things to thank him since he had saved him from the Arena at the betting club.

After entering the city they went to one of the most opulent residential areas, although of course it was not a surprise to enter a place like this, as he had seen exorbitant palaces in the capital of Blue Wind Empire, which they were not minor to some buildings in the ancient history of the Earth they were even bigger than some of this.

without taking more than 1 hour they arrived at one of the houses which of the residences with bigger size, the design was simpler than the others but it could be noticed by this that whoever was the owner of this residence was someone with their feet on the land and with a sense of ownership better than many who sought opulence as a sign of their social position.

-residence of the Xia family...

Uchiha Madara looked out the window and in front of the hunt was a large wooden double door at least 4 meters high on one side had a door for the servants' entrance and a servant with a spear was standing guard between them.

When he saw Uchiha Madara's carriage, he took a few steps forward and asked in a firm voice.

-Do you have any business with the Xia family?

-I come to see Xia Yuanba, my name is Uchiha Madara, please tell him I came.

Uchiha Madara answered by himself from the carriage and threw a coin that shone a Cyan color, could have thrown a Profound purple coin but for a servant that amount of money would be a sin.

the servant to see the coin shone his eyes and taking it went inside to inform the servant who attended Xia Yuanba, this servant of Xia Yuanba ran quickly because he had heard the name of Uchiha Madara.


Uchiha Madara did not wait more than 2 minutes before listening to the heavy steps of Xia Yuanba, in an instant in front of him was the boy of almost 2.20 meters high who looked at him with emotion and with a childish smile.


-I see you've worked hard while I was not around...

Uchiha Madara said in a warm way even though his grave voice did not seem much warmer in front of the servants of the Xia family.

Uchiha Madara had not used his perception to scan the house after all doing something like that was a bit discourteous on his part.

Xia Yuanba took several steps and he gave him a big hug, Uchiha Madara felt dissatisfied with this but Xia Yuanba was effusive by nature so he gave him a few pats on the back to let him go.

-haha, Aniki I've been waiting for you all these days, how was your trip?

-all right...

Uchiha Madara smiled a little mysterious and exuded his Profound energy which was that of someone from Level 3 Elementary Profound Realm Xia Yuanba to see this was even more joyful.

-haha, well I knew you were not a cripple after all!, Aniki perhaps you have also the cure for the Profound veins broken!?

Xia Yuanba was struggling to breathe from the excitement, if he could cure something like that then his brother-in-law could also cultivate and not suffer from abuse in the Xiao family, but ...

-ah? something like that I do not think I can at the moment, besides I only cure my acquaintances, other people are not of my interest...

Xia Yuanba was somewhat surprised and calmed down, he knew Uchiha Madara and knew that he was someone warm with whom he considered his friends but if they were not his friends he would not hesitate to turn his gaze elsewhere, proof of that was how he had treated Su Mengyao during all this time.

- (I'll be presenting them on the wedding day! The temperament of my brother-in-law is warm, so being Aniki friend should not be a problem ...)

Xia Yuanba's thoughts were to gather them at the wedding after 2 months to see if they could get along, Uchiha Madara did not despise people for their cultivation or their disabilities, so he had the certainty that They 2 could be friends.

Xia Yuanba left the subject and began to guide Uchiha Madara around the house while narrating the time he had been here in addition to the specialties of the city.

Uchiha Madara listened attentively, but he could not help noticing a look that could not be said to be hostile or that had malicious intentions towards him, but he could say that it was not a friendly look or that of someone looking for the first time at a stranger.

Uchiha Madara while walking with Xia Yuanba who did not realize anything, turned to where the gaze originated, but unlike what was expected he took a no small surprise.

Uchiha Madara felt as if time was extended at that moment, it was not because of the danger but his brain had stopped to admire the image that he had in front of him, it seemed an image out of a fantasy story, a girl of enormous beauty directed him a cold look could feel almost palpable this cold atmosphere, his eyes were like 2 trails of light that forced him to stop thinking, even describing her beauty with words was difficult.

the features of the girl were the finest and delicate yet you could not say that they were weak features but on the contrary you could see that she had a strong character and a great sense of virtue, the look of the girl seemed to analyze him with great certainty, it had been a long time since he felt that he was analyzed in this way.

Uchiha Madara felt his blood running through his body and his heart gave a start, which was more strange because being an elite Ninja among the elite, surprised by the beauty was one of the biggest taboo, if that happened in the field of battle you could give for dead.

Uchiha Madara after only a few fragments of a second was composed and smiled slightly at the girl, even so, his smile could not be said to convey a good vibe, at least he was not the kind of person whose smile seemed sincere even when his intention It was like that.

it was only possible to see that Xia Qingyue was frowning a little more and she narrowed her eyes at the same time that her look was several degrees colder as if they were enemies for generations.

Uchiha Madara could only be saddened by the fact that he seemed not to be pleasant for this girl, he gave a sigh and looked away, the girl was not a danger besides that they were in the house of the Xia family and he did not think she would attack him at the moment if that was her intention, he could also see that the girl was quite strong and he did not want to cause a disturbance.

- (it seems that I still have a world to know ... if I had not trained so hard in my 2 lives I would probably have gone to be a lap dog of a girl with such beauty ...)

Uchiha Madara continued to listen to Xia Yuanba who still told a thousand and one stories with passion, he had not noticed the exchange of glances between his sister Xia Qingyue and Uchiha Madara his Aniki.

-Does anything happen Aniki? your face is red beside...

Xia Yuanba saw that Uchiha Madara was somewhat blushed and seemed to walk somewhat uncomfortable, Xia Yuanba did not understand why of this.

-It's nothing, let's continue walking ...

-all right! my father will be happy to know that you came, he said he would prepare a big banquet when you came, I will certainly introduce you to my sister later, she is super strong!

Xia Yuanba said with great adoration when talking about her sister, even though he did not tell Uchiha Madara that she was a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard Sect, after all that was her sister's secrets, just as he did not talk about the Secrets of Uchiha Madara with his family.

-Well, I'll be looking forward...

Uchiha Madara could only imagine Xia Qingyue with huge arms and legs with great musculature like Xia Yuanba, but when he tied the ropes, he stopped for a moment ...

-It may be that ... (remembering the girl from a moment ago and the clothes she was wearing, maybe it would be her ...)

Uchiha Madara was greatly surprised, after this he sighed with discouragement after all the sister of Xia Yuanba was a committed woman.

- (...)

Uchiha Madara's thoughts were confused, the beauty of this girl had certainly moved him even though he was not someone to be carried away by appearances, he thought that maybe he could steal her but that would be too silly and risky besides it was not the behavior of a gentleman and Xia Yuanba was his friend, after a lot of thinking he let it go.

the future would already say so, it could be said that it was more his masculine instinct than his reasoning that told him to appropriate this beautiful girl.


While he arrived at the main house where Xia Yuanba's father was, Xia Qingyue reviewed what had happened a few moments ago.

she had listened to the conversation of Uchiha Madara with Xia Yuanba from the beginning, he had not said more than 100 words but seemed to listen with attention, so she had gone to see the appearance of this man.

from behind one of the doors that ran on the way to the main house in one of the empty guest rooms, she looked at who walked with his brother, he had long and rebellious hair, the features of his face were sharp and masculine, his gaze was sharp like a hawk's and you could see that he was an extraordinary combatant by the way he walked without making a noise, the subterfuge was enraged in the innermost part of this man's being.

the clothes he wore was a bit strange, even though you could see the great cost of the materials, but the design was simple and nothing ostentatious as you would expect from the quality of the materials, the first impression she had of Uchiha Madara was better than what she expected.

He seemed to be the kind of calm and reserved person even said he seemed somewhat introverted, but his face broke with all this because his features seemed to be quite wild and rogue...

- (snort, no matter how polite he is, even so, I have some things to tell him about the risks he put on my brother...)

Xia Qingyue thought and looked at Uchiha Madara going away from she was to the main house, she was analyzed and went to the railing, but she was a little scared to see how Uchiha Madara turned his gaze to where she was, to see that she had no exit decided to stay where she was and see the reaction to see him.

most of the men who looked at her for the first time had a reaction of the most basic and primitive, it was quite annoying to see for her, everyone would be watching her with desire and lust, even when they tried to hide this was so.

but the look of Uchiha Madara at the beginning, unlike others, was a surprise and more surprise, it seemed that he did not expect to see her and her beautiful face, after this he could see something confused and with some internal struggle, because he was no different from other men who looked at her with lust.

although she noticed that it was more than anything an instinctive lust and it was not something deliberate, it was simply the most natural desire in the world that a man could not avoid seeing a woman of great beauty.

When she saw this, she cooled her gaze even more and looked at him somewhat haughtily.

- (Hum, no man is a good bird ...)

Xia Qingyue thought but after that she got a surprise, because Uchiha Madara smiled to her even though his smile seemed a little gloomy she could see that it was mostly a nervous smile and with a bit of an apologetic tone, like when you look something that you should not and the only thing that remains is to smile.

Uchiha Madara only did this and continued his way, leaving Xia Qingyue a little surprised by this reaction, she did not know why but her anger only increased seeing that he gave her the back and continue listening to Xia Yuanba, it was the first time someone looked at her face and ignored her so blatantly.

Unknowingly she had a bit of curiosity about the kind of person Uchiha Madara was, even though he was only a Level 3 Elementary Profound Realm, the senses of her they told her that he was someone dangerous.

For her misfortune, women's curiosity is only a few steps away from interest and interest to others a few steps away from liking.