Uchiha Madara in front of him had a table which stretched for about 6 meters of distance, even though it was not the big banquet table, it could be seen that it was used by the family for special dates and only among the direct members of the Xia family so was even closer to the family.
the food that he had in front of him was quite varied and rich in flavors and tastes, it seemed that Xia Hongyi had had to gather a good group of chefs to satisfy the appetite of his son, rather than being a rich man, one could say that he had been forced to be someone wealthy, if not to know where they would be with someone who ate like Xia Yuanba.
Xia Hongyi with a smile watched them eat, not used to have many guests who were friends with his children, after all, they had chosen the path of cultivation and had no one to inherit his business, even though that he supported them in what little he could.
-then Mister Uchiha intends to attend my daughter's wedding?
-If I'm invited.
-of course! After all, my son has you in such high esteem, thanks to you I can see that he matured at a good pace.
Xia Hongyi said with pride to see how Xia Yuanba behaved with more seriousness, even so in front of him at this moment Xia Yuanba had noodles in his mouth while sorbing them giving an image that betrayed the statements of his father.
-It's nothing, after all, he's my friend, covering his back is not a nuisance...
-haha well, well if so, this son of mine does not stop worrying his old father... with respect to your name, I had not heard before that surname, perhaps you come from afar?, I would like to hear more about your life and the story that brought you here!
Xia Hongyi applauded and a young girl came with 2 jars of high-grade alcohol, in addition, she said something to Xia Hongyi's ear.
-the young lady said that she could not come, Master ... she said that she felt a little indisposed physically...
Xia Hongyi only nodded a little serious but did not say anything else, the girl bowed her head and left the alcohol while a man who attended the table distributed the drinks, Uchiha Madara had heard what he said but did not complain about the lack of a family member at the table.
-Well, let's drink while we hear something from you, Mr. Uchiha!
Xia Hongyi said sincerely, Uchiha Madara, when he heard this, left something blank thinking what was to be said about him.
There was more than one story but it was a bit confusing to narrate, seeing the emotion of Xia Yuanba's face to hear from his life and the firm face of Xia Hongyi, he sighed and drink the alcohol in front of him, in one shot he empties the cup.
the face of Uchiha Madara was calm and his atmosphere could be seen that he was reverential as someone who told the anecdotes of his life after having reached a point of no return, even so, you could not see sadness present on his face.
-where I come from... I can never return...
Uchiha Madara's words were heavy and with great certainty, after this he told the servant to serve him another drink, Xia Yuanba did not understand anything so he asks with some doubt.
-but you have no family where you come from?
Uchiha Madara took the alcohol to listen to this only bowed his head.
-hehe, where I come from is strange to even get beyond the 30...
when hearing this father and son were surprised of this, it could be said that even when Blue Wind Empire was a place where the power was revered, the expectation of life while not getting into the wrong people was at least 60 or 70 years old.
dying at least 30 years old was something strange, what kind of place was it that made people live less than 30 years a general rule?
-but how?...
Xi Yuanba said a bit surprised.
-it is different from here ... here is reverence to the powerful and the wars pass fast, but where I come from could say that we do not use Profound energy, unlike here, wars do not end in a short time, the Uchiha family fought for generations ... the blood rivers of the Uchiha family were countless!
Uchiha Madara said with a sour smile and continued drinking, he took the bottle and served himself, he did not use to let off steam in this way, but he was in a good mood for it.
-they 'were'? that means that...
Xia Hongyi watched as Uchiha Madara drank alcohol undeterred and had the feeling the Uchiha family had not had a good ending.
-hehe, that's right, they 'were'... the last thing I remember was that the people with the blood of the Uchiha clan could count on one hand ... and here I'm, in an unknown place! I can only start building the clan again from scratch...
-..., a toast for the fallen...
Xia Hongyi could see that, Uchiha Madara even though he did not seem affected by what he said was deeply wounded by all this before he had met someone who was not from this place and he believed that even she was not from this planet, Uchiha Madara gave him the same feeling.
-Well, I'm sorry to bring sad topics to the table...
Uchiha Madara lifted the bottle and drank the remainder of the alcohol, his physical was by far that of a normal human so he did not get drunk by the alcohol.
-then Mister Uchiha Think of laying roots here? and lead a quiet life? After all, there are no wars that last for generations.
Xia Hongyi continued but now thinking about talking about future plans.
Uchiha Madara gave a face with some doubt while looking north after a few seconds finally answered.
- At least for now I think I will stay here, I do not have much of a plan for the future, my ultimate goal is to return my clan to glory ... hehe for that I need a good group of concubines, no?
Uchiha Madara said lightly as he devoured the food in front of him, his manners were poor but he did not care to be seen in this way, besides that he felt somewhat in confidence within the Xia family.
-well, you can stay the days you like in this your home, within the Xia family will be well received ...
Xia Hongyi answered calmly and a warm smile, Uchiha Madara just nodded and spent the next time talking a little but mostly listening.
While they were in this, Xia Qingyue was listening to the conversation from beginning to end between her family and Uchiha Madara.
When she learned that Uchiha Madara's family was dead, she felt a little guilty for having a grudge against him, but she would not forgive her brother for taking unnecessary risks.
- (no matter how tragic your past is, I'd better tell you not to involve my brother in your disputes, maybe next time you will not be so lucky and Xia Yuanba will end... besides what kind of person says those things in a table... a group of concubines hum)
Just thinking about losing a family member Xia Qingyue resumed strength and with more decision would go to say one or two things to Uchiha Madara, even though she did not realize that thinking about him no longer did so with anger.
Uchiha Madara had been talking for several hours almost until nightfall, the amount of alcohol they had taken was surprising, more than anything was what he had consumed that what Xia Yuanba and Xia Hongyi.
after this they had led him to one of the side residences for the guests of honor, this was a good size with a courtyard in the back that overlooked a forest garden.
Uchiha Madara looked at the moon that was in all its splendor in the clear sky of the night, when watching this he remained contemplative with his mind empty of any idea.
in his hand he had a ring which was a spatial ring, he was somewhat surprised by the ease of using it, saved himself having to unwrap the rolls of parchments in order to get something out, besides it was more convenient than the scrolls.
sliding his hand over the floor he took out several Profound plants and some seeds, seeing them he smiled faintly, from his hand you could see a green glow that came out of it.
-Wood Release seems to be more useful than you can imagine in this world...
Uchiha Madara was using his Wood release to improve the plants, this was very useful because it kept the plants with great vitality, they were even better than before being cut!
the plants seemed to look for the emission of chakra as if they were small birds just coming out of the shell, they re-greened and were more exuberant than before.
while he did this with great devotion he noticed that someone was in the place, even without using his perception he could notice around him in a matter of 50 meters so it could be said that it was almost impossible to attack him by surprise.
-in front, you can go out, not there need to hide I already found you...
Uchiha Madara without raising his eyes and while he moved his hands said to the vacuum but nobody answered...
-ugh, 37 meters to the center-left of my place, on the ash tree, you can go down, the night wind can collapse your health...
Uchiha Madara said the location of this person which seemed to be alarmed a bit because it was immediately heard as someone moved among the branches.
-how did you discover me?
an almost ethereal voice came to Uchiha Madara's ear, he only smiled but did not look up.
-It is not difficult to perceive after being on the battlefield like me, otherwise, I would have died the first time I entered in a real combat...
who had been spying on him was Xia Qingyue who was looking for a time when she could have the initiative to speak and show him that she was not inferior to him and that he should listen to what she said, but ... with this she had lost any opportunity of her to surprise him and she had given all the initiative to him, even worse, he had never lifted his face to look for her as it was possible that he had found her from the beginning?
Xia Qingyue remained silent looking at Uchiha Madara with an inquisitive look, also because she could not perceive the Profound energy that he had in his hands and that made the plants have great vitality, she did not ask about it because that was not for what she was coming
-You should stay away from my brother ... you are not a good influence on him...
Uchiha Madara stopped doing what he did and sighed.
-It's your brother's business and mine if he says that then I'll take it as fact, a girl should not get involved in these matters if she's not willing to take the risks and responsibilities...
Xia Qingyue remained silent once again and with some surprise, after this, a cold atmosphere could be felt around her.
-Are you threatening me?
- hehe, threatening a lady is not my style, just say that as his sister I doubt very much that you teach him properly what the outside world is to your brother, girl you should thank me that it is I who will teach him this now that he is still young... it's worse to repent later...
Uchiha Madara remembered Uchiha Izuna when talking about brothers he could still feel great sorrow for the loss of his brother ... even though Marline's soul was dominant, he did not know what having a family meant for what the Uchiha family was most important to him than anything else.
-..., hum, that's what you say, but even so, you put my brother at risk...
she blushed a little because it was true that she could not teach him something like real combat to her brother and also could notice that Uchiha Madara seemed to suffer to remember something of his past, knowing that his clan had perished could not recriminate him more about this but even so she will not leave the theme so easy so she takes a different approach.
-And ... you do not even look at someone when you speak, is that perhaps your sincerity?
Xa Qingyue felt a bit offended since Uchiha Madara had turned his face away, not that she was egocentric, but she had absolute confidence in her beauty.
-little girl, do you know how lethal your face is? and even then you ask me to look up? being at night you are not afraid that I can not stand and assail you at the moment?
-Tsk, well my teacher says no man is a good bird, you blame me for the low instincts of you and your gender?
Uchiha Madara did not say anything else but looked up to see the girl who had little by little approached within a couple of meters, the proud figure of Xia Qingyue seemed to devour any point of attention that the surroundings offered, the curves of her body that could be seen with the light wind were the most charming.
for a girl of just 16 years and having this figure was the most surprising and charming, there was no doubt that in the future there would be no one who could resist her charm, Uchiha Madara was a little intoxicated to see her until he coughs a little.
-cough cough, are you happy now my lady?.
Xia Qingyue she looked at him coldly and only snorted, she could see that Uchiha Madara looked at her with desire but she could not see that he had any intention of approaching her, this a little hurt her self-esteem of her, because even when she had a great intelligence was still a girl of just 16 years, her experience was not comparable to Uchiha Madara who had the knowledge of 2 different lives and not only of that but different ages, where the information that he could gather was by far the one I could get here.
-I only tell you not to put my brother more in risky situations, I can see that you are sincere when worrying about him, but even so ... I do not want to lose someone in my family ...
Uchiha Madara could see the grief of the girl, seeing her face giving an expression of pain felt as his heart was accelerating and had the urge to comfort her in his arms, even so, he endured this impulse and sighed.
-my Lady, your beauty really dulls everything I've known so far, and see that I'm not the kind of person who gets carried away by things like this or who have not known the world ...
Uchiha Madara shook his head, someone rational as he would not be driven by impulses only that the beauty of this girl really was something otherworldly.
-snort, who was the one who until recently was talking about having a group of concubines to have many children?
Xia Qingyue's look was as cold and contemptuous as if she saw an inferior life form, Uchiha Madara just scratched his cheek with a little doubt.
-My lady ... I do not understand what that has to do with the other, I'm just admiring her beauty is that perhaps you are interested in deepening a relationship with me ...
-snort ... who would like that...
-do not misunderstand me, your beauty is surely as big as the sky above us, even though it does not mean that my interest is equal to it.
Uchiha Madara said with a mysterious smile and returned to lower his gaze to continue with the revitalization of the plants, Xia Qingyue she was not sure what it was but she got even angrier, she could not help but ask what he meant.
-What do you mean by that?
-I only say that your beauty is worthy to admire even if your character lacks the necessary charm then it is a waste ... after all every woman is charming in her own sense...
-ah? that's the kind of thing you would expect to hear from a vulgar guy!
XIa Qingyue she regretted coming to talk to him for the moment it seemed that only the image she had of him would fall more, even though she wanted to hear Uchiha Madara explanation, she had not met someone as mysterious as him, so her interest was even greater than before and not only because of his brother.
-I tell you not to misunderstand My Lady when you learn to love a person even their faults are part of what you love so I can deduce that even when other women do not compare to your beauty with the appropriate character they will not be far about it ...
Xia Qingyue was thinking a bit about Uchiha Madara's words and her face was even colder.
- (Ah? Is that perhaps implying that I have a bad character? as you dare if we do not even know each other!)
-Snort, just stop putting my brother in dangerous situations, if not ... the consequences will be serious ...
Xia Qingyue turned around and with a quick step disappeared from the place, while Uchiha Madara, he smiles with his eyes closed, in his hands the plants he had were covered by a thin layer of frozen water droplets and vibrated to get closer to his hands in search of salvation.
-I am Uchiha Madara, my lady! and do not forget the manners!
Uchiha Madara said a bit strong, so Xia Qingyue could still hear when she left.
- (Ku, now even question my manners? Who do you think is to give me lessons !?)
the anger in Xia Qingyue's stomach only increased, as she returned to her bedroom she threw herself to the bed with courage and pressed the pillow to her chest.