Ethan Ravenscroft, a former S-class hunter, meets an unexpected end but awakens in Fairy Tail with bone-controlling abilities. Two years in, he joins the guild, navigating a world of magic and camaraderie. As Ethan explores his newfound powers and bonds with the guild, he strives to leave his mark within the legacy of Fairy Tail.
It's douluo dalu fanfic, definitely 5 stars from me. Hope you don't drop it. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
The narration of this story is kind of pale, it lacks the depth of the narrative, everything is somehow superficially served. At the moment, there is completely no emotional component in the characters. They (characters) look like soulless dolls, dialogues, behavior are simply made according to a template (boring, monotonous), this story looks like a draft or as if AI is writing. I do not recommend reading it, for so many chapters there is no clear plot, no elaboration of characters here. If you only like peering with Mira, then you can read. Otherwise below average at the moment. The reviews are also strange here, this time is not informative, it looks more like a cheat, and some even relate to another work.
I like your story beside you came from indonesian too. So, i think your writing quality is good enough and i hope you don't rushed the story because it can make your story full of chaotic...
Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued Sweet continued
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Authour please continue it................... ..................... ........... .......... .......................................................................................................... .....................................................................
When i first saw this novel, I was under the impression that the author was playing a permanent game of hide the chromosome and could spell or write. Luckily I was wrong, not only was the author fully chromosomed up, but the grammar of the story - which was initially mediocre - slowly developed into something good. I was able to get engrossed into this novels story and speed read it in two days.
hey do you know when are you going to start writing again for this novel and keep up the great work....?????????????................................