Yamcha The Desert Bandit and Mount FryPan

While near the desert the trio were walking on however Oolong and Bulma felt tired beyond belief, Oolong then asked , "so why exactly are we near the desert what do we gain by coming here"

Bulma replied, "we came here as there's a Dragon Ball here, if you collect all 7 Dragon Balls you can make a wish for anything you want " Oolong so , "what do you want to wish for you seem to have it all wealth genius mind technology everything"

Bulma, "there's one thing that I don't have, that is the Perfect Boyfriend", 'do I really need it don't I have Goku now that I think about it, it's quite useless, no since I'm so close might as well make a wish for a lifetime supply of strawberries'

Soon enough a few hours had gone by Bulma and Oolong were resting on a bone pillar in the shade hidden from the sun Bulma had fallen asleep. Suddenly a loud howl like a wolfs was heard I saw who it was, it was actually Mr Canon-fodder Yamcha with Puar, Puar said to Yamcha, "hey Yamcha that Pig over used to bully me in shape shifting school now I think it's time for payback"

Yamcha soon came over to Goku and said , "hand over that pig or else I will crush you in the burning sands of Diablo Desert"

Goku had just opened his eyes and saw a rough looking person somewhat handsome but also animalistic it was Yamcha the one who got killed by a Saibamen, Goku recently found out about his ability to copy and paste others abilities bloodlines etc Yamcha was the perfect target, he wanted to see if he gave him Instant Mastery how powerful he would become.

Personally Goku hated how weak the Humans became after Dragon Ball to start of Dragon Ball Z, personally he really thought if Tien was a saiyan he would achieve higher power levels than that of Vegeta due to how hardworking he is, but no they just sent him off to some unknown area to be a dojo master to weak slags who only had a battle power of 5.

Yamcha was his guinea pig to see if the humans efforts at Training would surpass Raditz, Napa, Vegeta even Frieza Battle Power.

Yamcha suddenly made his move and went to the back of Goku and used Wolf-Fang Fist on me however it did nothing as our power levels were too different he was probably only 09Bp

Whereas I was 500,020Bp. As soon as he used his attack I activated my copy and paste ability I copied his Wolf Fang Fist however I pasted him the Rapid Growth ability and how to manipulate energy

Instantly his body fell down to the ground I could see his outer skin peeling off revealing a pale layer of skin underneath.

I checked his battle power and it seemed to increase to 109Bp It was much higher than when i was born anyway, After 1.5 hours he woke up but immediately ran away saying, "Don't think that's the last of me I'm going to train and defeat you next time, just you wait Son Goku"

I hope he will no longer be the canon-fodder that everyone knows him for I wonder what would happen if I made all the Z-Fighters Saiyan's they could be my very own Saiyan army and due to Zenkai they will constantly improve in power, the future threats to the earth won't even happen as by then they'd all have become Super Saiyans.

However The only Characters that truly help in the story would be Piccolo and Krillin everyone else becomes irrelevant, I would first give Krillin a Normal Saiyan bloodline and and Piccolo an Ancient Namekian bloodline, the only thing I'd give the others would be Rapid Growth and maybe Zenkai.

The trio made their way through Diablo desert

And into the Ox-Kingdom ruled by Ox-King he was said to have killed any who dared to try and take his items and treasures.

Oolong recognized that they had arrived at the Ox-Kingdom and immediately started shivering afraid to think about his terrible end brought upon him by these 2 goof balls

"Hey don't you know the Ox-King kills anyone who tries to take his treasure, I'm outta here"

"Pii Pii" suddenly Oolong comes back with his face contorted in pain due to the laxatives he was fed. Bulma then said , "it doesn't matter Goku is here he will easily dispatch of the Ox-King"

A tall and bulky man wearing Ox clothing spotted the trio stopped them and said, "Who dares come and try to take my treasures"

Oolong quickly replied, "no sir we're not going to take any treasures" before Oolong could finish however the Ox-King attacked with it connecting extremely well however he seemed to be hitting the air each time and missing Goku's body.

Suddenly Goku stopped dodging and said to the Ox-King , "Uncle I am your senior apprentice brother Gohan's grandson"

Instantly his eyes become clear clearing away the rage within and asks, "I'm sorry for that I didn't mean it however how's Gohan"

I replied, "Oh Grandpa is fine he's doing quite well", Ox-King , "So why have you come to see your Uncle" I then replied, "no actually we're looking for a type Stone ball it's orange with a few Stars" Ox-King , "Don't worry you can have the orb however even I can't get into that flame filled house" Goku instantly replied with "I have a solution"

Goku instantly pushed energy in his throat and used the move, "Wind Release: Breakthrough" this is essentially a gust of wind from the mouth that clears everything in its surroundings. Soon the fire was gone, "you truly are Gohans Grandson with such power already I'd thought I had to call Muten Roshi Sama, but I was wrong".

Quite far behind The Trio Yamcha and Puar were observing them it seemed like he got stronger after the fight with Goku and also found every time he's beaten when he heals up he become much much stronger his BP was already 154 in a day gaining so much strength, he found he could make manipulate his Qi and shoot it out or use it for defence.

When Yamcha saw Goku use the "Wind Release: Breakthrough" he felt like he knew it and somehow performed it at a lower level but it was like he mimicked Goku as he did the exact movements he felt like he could incorporate this in his "Wolf Fang Fist "

Making it the "Futon:Wolf Fang Fist"

After everything was resolved we soon went to find the Last Dragon Ball.

The trio then travelled to the next direction due to Bulma not able to sleep outside Oolong had to reveal his motor home he got scolded a lot due to him not revealing it sooner, as soon as they went in Bulma took a bath, while Oolong and Goku were getting along Oolong gave Goku a cold coke (it had a high dose of sleeping pills in it) however it didn't affect him as he was too strong.

Like in the story they talk about the Dragon Balls and Yammcha who heard it planned to rob the balls from them so he could have his own wish, the wish to get rid of his fears of the opposite gender Females.

In search of the last Dragon Ball they came to Mushroom Island, oh right this is where that Rabbit guy is, when they arrived they saw 2 people with bunny ears for some reason,

Oolong asked, " Who are those Weirdos"

Rabbit one , "Who are you guys don't you know this Is Monster Rabbits Territory"

Rabbit Two, "quick get them we'll take them to master we'll see what he does with them"

Goku instantly attacked and gave R1 a neck chop while R2 ran off to find the Great Master

The great master appeared and said, "I'm sorry for what my underlings did can you please find it in your heart to forgive them "

While saying this he stretched his hand and Goku gave him a hand shake suddenly Monster rabbit says, "wait why is my power not working what are you , you monster"

Goku then replied, "it's because you're too weak and now off to the moon you go"

Goku used his Telekinesis and flung Monster Rabbit into the moon with his underlings.

After awhile Yamcha 'coincidentally' rode over and found them . He also gave a car capsule to the trio and said that it was his fault for looking for a fight earlier on and he wanted to make up for his mistakes. He even offered to join them and 'assist' them while locating the Dragon Balls.

Bulma and Oolong were suspicious but decided to go with it as Goku can handle any problem they have. They soon entered Pilafs castle and followed the red arrows and got trapped there, Pilaf got a robot arm and tried to pull Bulma to him with however Goku broke it with a flick of his finger, "Clang"

This is the final part before Oolong made his wish, Pilaf had heard of Goku's strength and immediately used the sleeping gas it didn't work as Goku used Wind Release: Breakthrough and immediately took Pilafs Dragon Ball and summoned the Dragon as no one really had a wish Yamcha screamed "I wish to no longer be afraid of women" Shenron's eyes glowed red and it said, "Your wish has been granted, farewell until next time"

Goku quickly caught the 4-Star Dragon Ball and put it into his inventory. Yamcha now felt like his strength his fear of women made him hold back and now he could use his full strength. The Full moon however appeared but Goku was not affected by the Blutz waves as he had mastered The Oozaru Transformation.

Goku then thought the next part of the story is where I finish off the Red Ribbon Army.

Goku's clothes were quite dirty and ripped due to everything going on so he used Magic

Materialisation and "poof" his clothes were anew again, while this was happening everyone looked on in shock thinking that Goku was Kami or something.

Bulma then asked, "Goku are you Kami or something" Yamcha, "Goku that was amazing, how do you do that"

Goku was surprised at this reaction because if they could shoot laser beams equal to nukes with just their fingers what was Materialisation nothing.

Oolong suddenly said, "so you could have made us house capsules and motor homes all this time time and you didn't"

Goku replied by saying, "Yes with Magic Materialisation I can make complex and simple items, for example I could make a tv and use my Qi as energy or I could make some animal meat, fruits and veg it's quite simple actually"

Bulma then said, "Goku are you coming to West city with me or going somewhere else"

I replied saying, "I'd love to go but I got to find Kami and train under him, don't worry I'll come and visit though"

Suddenly Bulma said , "Goku do you have anyone you like... the truth is I fell in love with you throughout this whole journey I really enjoyed finding the Dragon Balls with you"

Goku seemed shocked as even in his past life he wasn't confessed to or anything similar he didn't know what to say, after a while he, "I've never really dated anyone before, but if you want to try dating I accept it's my first time so I hope your okay with me"

And so Goku and Bulma started dating, however to protect her and make sure she didn't get hurt he gave her The Majin Buu Bloodline, so she could also train with him if she wanted, she seemed to be really fascinated about the use of Qi so I had taught her the Son Family Martial Arts, she found it incredible that you could do so many things with Qi as it had multiple ways of using it you could convert it into all different elements it could even be used as a sustainable energy source that doesn't harm the planet rather it makes the earth stronger.