Hollows And Pluses

"You see your father couldn't see me as I am a Shinigami, only those with High Reishi Levels Can See me, meaning you do and that you are the target of the hollow called Fishbone, you see I came here in order to defeat it"

Ichigo then nodded as if he understood, he then said, "You expected me to believe that your a Shinigami, you gotta be kidding and since my dad didn't see you it means you are clearly not living or are somehow I'm not really sure, either way go play games elsewhere".

"Got it, little snot" Goku then ended his speech after saying this, he clearly irritated the woman as the woman's faces veins became visible and her teeth became razor sharp before she said, "Binding spell, the First Sai!!".

"Ker-Krack" Ichigo's hands became bound as if he was wearing handcuffs, and he fell down onto his bed face-planting himself. "Ow-ow-ow, yo what did you do my hands hurt so bad, you crazy woman" Goku for the Fist time in many many years felt pain and saw he truly had become human once more, no longer was he invincible but now just a mere mortal struggling with some handcuffs.

The woman started to smirk before saying, "heh it's useless to struggle as this is something you won't be able to break, what I used on you was Kido: The Demon Way, Something only a Shinigami can cast, and despite my appearance I have lived tens of Your lives and you call me 'little snot' normally I would kill an insolent fool like you however the Spirit law is Something I don't want to break so I won't kill you"

"This time I'll let you off with minor paralysis, be careful next time 'little snot' humph".

Ichigo was struggling with breaking the chains and he started grunting in the process. The woman then used the "Konso the soul burial"

She then explained what the Soul Society was an hell etc.

She then said there are two types of Souls:

•The 'Wholes' - are the normal types of spirits that Ichigo sees and tries to help.

•The 'Hollows' or the 'Hueco' - they attack and devour the living and the dead indiscriminately

And are the 'Evil Spirits'.

The explanations were sub-par whereas the drawing was as if it was a three year olds masterpiece, Ichigo did not say anything as he still couldn't move yet.

She then went onto say that the Shinigami gave two duties:

•First to conduct 'Wholes' into the Soul Society by means of Konso: the Soul Burial.

•Secondly to wipe out all rogue and evil spirits basically to kill all the Hollows.

After hearing this Ichigo quickly said, "Wait a minute you mean there are Hollows in my town, and you haven't vaporised it, yo what are you doing go do your job". When the Woman heard this she moved her had away in embarrassment before saying, "well the thing is, I haven't been able to sense it so far" with Ichigo saying, "Wait, why? Not".


"That, What is that noise, yo shorty what's happening outside".

"What do yo.. Wait your right there seems to be a Blood-Curdling noise outside- could it be a Hollow"


The woman, then thought, 'yes that was the cry of a Hollow, but how did He sense it before me it makes no sense. Ichigo then heard his sisters cry and immediately stood up trying to run to her. The woman stopped him saying, "I'm going out to kill the Hollow you stay here" Ichigo's response was unexpected, "NO, my family is in danger, I'm gonna help you out whether you like it or not. Also undo your spell now"

The woman just looked at him as if sighing before saying, "No you'll only add to the body count now stay here". She then headed out the room and Karin was on the floor and warned Ichigo of the monster, "Ichigo... Hurry... RUN... bef... before it finds you...".

Karin then fainted, when Ichigo heard what she said he "SNAPPED" and he rushed towards her, the woman, "No I'll handle this also she's not dead but fainted, no your trying to break out of the Kido, don't if you do break it.... your Soul...



Ichigo's hands were finally unbounded and The woman was in total shock, her face became an 'o' shape in shock and woe of what she had just witnessed, a human breaking Kido with just his raw strength- NANI?

She thought, 'Imposs...ible that cannot be, no this is not real, he is no ordinary human just what is he' she just stared at him running past her in shock, awe and frightened-ness.

"... Yuzu... Dad" what he saw was his house absolutely demolished, this made him turn stone cold into seriousness mode as his eyes and face became even more sharper than usual, with his vision placed on a monster, a skeletal... giant.

When Ichigo saw the skeletal giant, he was shocked as he thought it was going to be more human like as the Shinigami said it was an evil spirit. He saw his father and sister both on the ground bleeding out and his living room wall was completely wrecked with a massive gap showing off the Hollows head.

Ichigo instead of grabbing any weapons he charged at the monster as he knew with his abilities he could handle it no sweat, and then activated his Super Saiyan Transformation instantly amping his 10 Battle Power to 500 Battle Power and launched multiple Qi Blasts at the monster before heading in with a direct punch on its mask.




And he then stepped back after this, and a huge curtain of smoke covered his vision before, "Tada!!!" The monster was fine, it seemed that the physical attacks didn't seem to work upon the hollow, as after the smoke was cleared the hollow looked perfectly fine, "Great now what am I supposed to do now"

Said Ichigo mumbling about his failure.

Finally the Woman stepped in and tried to attack the Hollow, but "Th-Wak!!!" She was slammed the opposite direction as she was too focused on Ichigo and she hurt herself, and Ichigo saw that the non-living woman managed to hurt it slightly, but if she can why can't I.

He saw this and made a hypothesis, maybe only the dead can attack the Hollows as both are spirits in some way shape or form, so only the same kind or category can attack and defend against each other.

The woman had landed on her legs before whispering, "I failed to guard my flank... How careless, shameful" but then as if a sixth sense she became serious again and turned her head to the Hollows direction.

Ichigo had once again appeared in front of the hollow and confronted it, he wanted to see if his energy attack affect it, and so immediately he started moving closer and closer to the hollow dodging each and every attack and also moving back a few metres each time while doing this the Hollow got used to it and I teleported behind him and began to bombard him with a new technique called, "Spirit Gun- Gun version of Spirit Bomb" and I thought it had taken damage but I was wrong it took nothing.

"That's Wait no... Shunpo ... No a mortal cant use it what am I on about but what was that, I can't seem to get my head around to anything nowadays, First Of all a Reishi High Human, Who could break through pure Kido and could still manage to fight against a hollow while being injured by it.

Rather I had further irrigated it as well as enraged it even more, as it came directly towards me I had no time to dodge and my eyes had become squinted, "Shink!!!" The woman blocked my offensive and then "Shriekk!!!" The woman had been bitten by the bone Goliath and started to spew out blood from each pore on her body.

"Whu-Ump!!!" She had gotten out of the Hollows teeth and fell to the ground in pain, "Yo Shinigami are you alright, I'm sorry for this I didn't mean for this to happen" The woman then said to Ichigo, "... You Fool... Did you think you could attack with just human force- no you need to use your Reishi to attack the Hollow, or else you will just die, escape quickly before you add up to the body count"

Ichigo at this moment just fell down, 'Its all my fault, Yuzu Karin dad their going to die, because of me!", not bothering about the monster hovering above him ready to devour flesh and souls. When the Woman saw this, she felt somewhat guilty and felt some remorse and contradictions about whether to do it. The woman said, "Do you wish to save your family?"

When her sound was uttered Ichigo became flustered before rising up and turning his head towards the Shinigami saying, "...Really... Tell Me I'll do anything... Please". The woman was aghast at Ichigo's Eagerness at his will to save them all and his resolve to protect.

"There... Is a way, rather I should say that, there's only one way..."




The Shinigami then began to unsheathe her Katana, and slowly she unsheathed it out, before she said the unexpected, "You... Must... Become a... Shinigami" when she said this all hell broke loose as Ichigo thought she had gone mad from the intense pain, and said, "What... What're you talking about... I can't become a..." Before he could even finish his sentence the Woman then said, "You Can!".

"Place the point of my Zanpakutó- my Katana over your heart... And I'll then infuse you with exactly half... of my Reishi" the Woman said this in absolute serious and stated at Ichigo waiting for him to do what she was saying.

"You will temporarily have the powers of those of a Shinigami's as to give you a slight chance at defeating the Hollow".

Ichigo then began to contemplate. Before he said, "Are you, sure you are capable of such a thing?" The woman thought before saying, "I don't exactly know, but you've been an anomaly this whole time, you could make your physical human power multiply by 50 you have such high Reishi and you broke out of my Kido.

However he chances of success are low and if we fail... Then we DIE!!!"

"But there is no time to ponder on about it or we will DIE!!!"




"Ichi-Nee... Run it's too dangerous please"

Yuzu said this while she was fainted as if she was having a bad dream. Ichigo then thought 'My Sisters, even when their hurt still worry and try to protect me...'. With this Ichigo's resolve was steeled into titanium- he was ready to do it regardless of any side-effects.