Ichigo Kurosaki: AKA - The Soul Reaper

"But there is no time to ponder on about it or we will DIE!!!"




"Ichi-Nee... Run it's too dangerous please"

Yuzu said this while she was fainted as if she was having a bad dream. Ichigo then thought 'My Sisters, even when their hurt still worry and try to protect me...'. With this Ichigo's resolve was steeled into titanium- he was ready to do it regardless of any side-effects.


With this Ichigo asked the Shinigami, "Just give me the sword, I'll try out your plan and see if it works, if it doesn't we die!!"

With this the Shinigami breathed out a sigh 😔 as Ichigo had decided to go through with the plan, and then responded to Ichigo saying, "Not Shinigami, I am Rukia Kuchiki."

"Hahaha, so you finally decided to say your name, well I'm called Ichigo Kurosaki nice to meetcha and I hope this is not our last encounter"


While they were talking the Hollow in the background was rushing towards them while extending his jaws out to inhuman levels, "The Hollows coming... We must hurry... Quick."



"Ichigo then, are you ready for the Reishi Force to flow within you, in 3...2 ...1"




All the Hollow was seeing were the two humanoids holding each other by the shoulder desperately as if they were leaning in for a...

"Rrrr... Chh... Shh" a sword had just been penetrated through the males heart going straight through in an instant.

And then "💥...BOOM!!!" all one could see was a earth shattering blind of light ✨✨✨✨ covering the surrounding fields of vision from the visible eye. The Hollow was puzzled!? as to what caused this occurrence to occur this was insanely random and it didn't know what to do.



The Hollow couldn't even react and randomly his hand was cut off completely, and if one saw the scene clearly behind the layers of smoke they would see Ichigo Strawberry 🍓 Kurosaki with his sword near his spine just looking at the place at which he slashed Off from the Hollow.


The Hollows hand had fallen down to the ground in a splatting noise, while Ichigo was in front of the slashed hand with its blood oozing behind him, and his sword was behind him making for a cool pose and if Trunks saw this he would say, "Father, Please show me your ways."

"Wait... No what have I done... I was supposed to give him half of my energy but I gave him all of it, I'm sure I made no mistakes in the technique so how could this actually happen."

Rukia whispered to herself as she was staring in amazement at Ichigo's Serious face.

She then thought about everything that had happened, "My senses where jammed because of him, I couldn't read the Hollows Reishi but rather through a tinny sense, meaning that Ichigo's room was Full Of Reishi, meaning I only got confused due to the amount of Reishi he was leaking!!!"

'Never have I heard of a human who could see Shinigami! Never have I seen a human break through Kido!! And Never have i seen such a huge Zanpakuto after just summoning it, this human, no Ichigo just keeps on breaking down them barriers with his bare hands.'

Ichigo when he had felt his newfound power was ecstatic as he could feel this was no ordinary physical power but rather Astral Plane Power, and with one bound he had cut off the hulking goliaths arm off, now he was going for the legs.


And "Boom!!" He has sliced off the leg like sushi 🍣 and it fell down onto its knees before giving out a, "SKREE!!!" Noise as if I'd had deadly injured and tortured the fellow throughout the entirety of the fight.


And as soon as the legs were gone the skeletal giant had whooped down to the ground level of his face towards Ichigo- who had adjusted his sword stance to go straight through the Hollows body, "This is what you get for attacking my family, my father, Yuzu and Karin, it's time to die Fishbone- you fish faced freak!!!"

Meanwhile Rukia was thinking 💭, 'just what on Earth is this child' "SWAK... SWASH... SLASH!!!" with this final slash Fishbone the fish was no more but a pile of smelly dust catching up into the atmosphere.

After this I fell unconscious it seems it was because it was my first time using such a type of power that my current body could not withstand the impact and fell unconscious, I had clearly killed the monster, when I had woken up I saw my sisters and my dad like usual.





As usual Isshin tried to attack his son while in sleep 💤 but he failed horribly. "I your father... Have nothing left to teach you it seems, Ichigo"

Soon I had headed downstairs and saw that everyone was fine and no one had any injuries during the Battle yesterday, but I did see my houses wall was completely smashed up, when I asked what happened they said, "A truck had crashed into our homes during the night and had left the repair money on the spot so we could fix the wall".

But what about yesterday's battle I remember clearly getting a few cuts and wounds but when I felt my face I felt it and saw that clearly I had no injuries, prompting me to ask myself was the Battle even real? Yes it had to be real I can feel that Reishi thing they were talking about yesterday's battle meaning this happened and is not some illusory dream.

Karakura 1st High School: 10:43 am:

A girl with orange like hair was gently humming

"Da-Dee-Dum" while rocking back and forth on her chair, looking towards the ceiling as if she was day dreaming.

While the girl was doing this her friend came over called Tatsuki and said, "Stop That. Don't waste your Youth daydreaming." When she heard this Orihime the orange haired girl snapped out of her trance and then said, "Tatsuki... Ichigo's Late!!!".

When Tatsuki heard Orihime, she said, "Oh, so you were thinking about him all this time, Orihime a girl with your boobs can do much better in the market, why are you so fixated on him, I don't seem to understand what's great about him."

With this Orihime started to blush, and gained some rosy blushes upon her face and put her hands on her face while recalling Ichigo's Scowling Face, "Aah Aah, just thinking about Ichigo's scowling face I get so happy, he's so funny 🤣, ... Hahahahaha!!"


"Well Orihime, it seems he's late today" said Tatsuki with a hand on her face as of saying this girl is crazy.

Then Mizuiro came and said, "Well you see I came to his house in the morning and what I saw was a pile of destruction it seems a truck driver was drunk and destroyed their family Clinic, I heard from the neighbors that... That... Ichi... Ichigo is dead, man I never knew he would go out like that. It brings tears to my eyes!!"


When Mizuiro finished his sentence he was "WHACK!!!" By Ichigo and said, "Ouch!" After this Ichigo said, "Sorry to disappoint... But we all survived Mizuiro you little womaniser."

When Orihime saw Ichigo, she started to become flustered and started to twiddle her fingers, "Ichigo... G... Good Morn-ing."

After this Ichigo sat down in his seat, he put his hand under his chin and thought, man it's been so long since I've actually lived a human life, going to school and all that. "Son of a gun... Your Kurosaki San!!" When he heard this Ichigo thought the voice was familiar and when he turned he was right it was "Rukia?? What are you doing here!"

When he said this, Rukia wrote on her hand showing Ichigo, (Make a scene even slightly then your Dead!!) but Ichigo continued to make a scene, before Mizuiro said, "This is Kuchiki Rukia she started here yesterday, it is an unusual time to join but it seems it was because her family had to move and so she was accepted in."

Rukia gave out a dazzling grin towards Ichigo and said, "Kurosaki san no I'll just call you Ichigo, I'm new here and haven't bought any textbooks would you mind sharing some books with me, K✨!!"


Karakura High Rooftops:

"So Ichigo how far are we going, in such a secluded place in the school, don't tell me you want to..."

"Rukia just shut up it's a bit annoying with you trying to tease me and it going nowhere, so tell me no explain why your still here and not back to the Shinigami Realm."

With this Rukia got a bit ticked off saying, "Well I Could Have Gone Back seeing as you don't seem to like me But you took all my Reishi meaning I can't go back."

She then said, "I can only do a few low-level Kido's and I have to rely on this "Gigai" a faux body that allows Humans to see me. Ichigo nodded in acknowledgment before saying, "So what does a powerful- pardon my mistake I mean a powerless Shinigami want with me?"

With this Rukia became surrounded by ✨✨ and said, "Here it is the point. Due to you taking away all my Reishi, until I regain my power you have to take responsibility for de-powering me and do all my work and duties as a "Substitute Shinigami"

"Huh? I need to do your duties and you'll train me, well sure I'm all up for it Rukia-Chan" Rukia was not expecting such an answer, "You'll have The powers of a soul reap... Wait you accept, no I'm sure I've heard you wrong can you repeat your answer again Ichigo."

"Rukia I appear to do your duties as long as you help me master my newfound powers and teach me sword play." With this Rukia was a bit surprised but happy that he took responsibility and she then put on her special Shinigami glove capable of taking ones soul out their body and "HUWAH!!" Ichigo had become his Shinigami form again.

And due to instant mastery he had already adapted to his soul form as well as Reishi extraction and retraction. When he had done his out of body experience he quickly jumped up and down, seeing how high he could leap and all.