Gary: Hey, zero have a Pokemon battle with me, this young master will become champion of the Kanto league, you need to feel honored, you are my first opponent.
Zero: Yeah lest see how is a better training.
Dr. oak : you can use the space in the backyard, I will be the judge.
Zero/Gary: That is fine.
Dr oak: A pokemon battle between Gary and zero from Palet town. The rules are a 1vs1, no changes are allow, when a pokemon is unable to continue to fight or the trainer gives up the fight, the battle ends.
Zero/Gary: Charmander/Squirtle Go!!
Gary: I will attack first, Squirtle use tackle.
Zero: Charmander avoid it and use scratch
The moment Charmander avoid Squirtle, he use his claw to hit the shell but I cause little damage.
Gary, now Squirtle use bubble at near distance.
zero: Oh no Charmander quickly avoid it.
It was late as they were face to face, and it cause a lot of damage, Charmander suffer a lot of damage, and his fighting spirit was ignite, as it was clearly visible because the flame on his tail grew.
The battle made Charmander exited, and out of by instinct he released a fire out of his mouth hurting Squirtle.
Zero: Great Charmander you learn a new skill, let's win this battle. now use ember.
Gary: Squirtle use bubble.
Both Pokemon use their tricks at the same time, the impact of both skills cause a mini explosion which cause both Pokemon's to receive damage.
Gary/Zero: One last attack Tackle/ Scratch!!
squirtle and Charmander got close to each other and simultaneously release their skills and hit each other causing them to fall at the same time.
Dr oak: Both Pokemon are incapable of continuing to fight, the battle is a draw between Gary and Zero.
Celdric: Nice battle, this is your pokedex and your pokeball with this you can capture new Pokemon's.
Margo, Zero come with me, I will give you gifts that your grandparents sent for your journey.
Margo: Come Gary and Dr oak you can see our presents.
Gary: OK.
Celdric: Margo, as your dream is being a Pokemon breeder. your grandparents send you a Chensey egg and tools taking care of Pokemon's.
Zero; as you wish is to become a Pokemon master, your grandparents fear that you will visit dangerous places, they send you a Chensey egg and a Growlithe egg.
They will be of great help during your travels.
Zero: Thanks dad, Right, Dr oak by any change do you have Everstones?
Dr oak: yes, your father and me studied their uses but , the only use we found is to force the Pokemon to not evolve. do you need them?
Zero: yes as I'm going to train my Pokemon's to get stronger than their evolutionary forms before allowing them to evolve that way their strength will be superior to other Pokemon's.
Dr.oak: Well, be careful as it could cause them to stay at their forms as they could miss their best time for evolution.
Here, I will give you 6 as is the highest number of Pokemon's you can travel with.
Zero: Thank you Dr oak, now is time for traveling, lest go Margo.
Margo: zero I will wait for ash (blushing face) as I'm planning to travel with him.
Gary: That is interesting I will wait with you to make fun of him. zero: better you travel fast as I will get the 8 badges for qualifying for the league faster than any of you.
Zero: See you later, Dr, dad I will call you when I arrive at Viridian City.
Dr oak: Send me rare Pokemon's to study.
Celdric: Be cautious and run if you are in danger, life is the most important.