Forest training

After leaving Dr oak institute, zero walked towards the forest.

zero: come out Charmander


zero: Hello Charmander, I'm zero. Let's be friends.

My dream is to become a Pokemon master, and I need strong Pokemon's, do you want to get stronger?

char !!!( Charmander moving the head up and down )

zero: We will have to train Hard to meet our goals.

Come here charmander (taking an everstone from the backpack)


Zero: This is something called Everstone, it will help us to train for you  become stronger than you evolutionary form. when you get strong enough, I will allow you to evolve.

Now is time to train. We have almost half a day before Ash come to the forest so first lest train your skill for avoiding, ember skill to laid a foundation for learning flamethrower and gain combat experience.

While traveling through the depths of the forest, Zero and Charmander fought against many weedle, caterpie, ratata, ekans, spearrow, and pidgey. as they make sure to knock down the spearrow before they call for help and move towards different places, Zero avoid being attack by Spearrow like Ash. 

It has been three hours since the beginning of their training, and Charmander has made a lot of progress as now is capable of avoiding spearrow and pidgey attacks easily, While the color of his flame has become deeper and more condensed.

Zero: Now charmander is time to take a break. during the time I make food I would like for you to meditate, I will teach you how to do it, it requires time and patience.

char ( looks confuse) 

Zero: It is an experiment, but don't worry it won't hurt you. according to my hypothesis it will help you to get familiar with you energy, comprehend new skills, and increase the power of your energy. 

We will begin with the most simple method, What you need to do is to take deep breaths and feel the energies in your body, next you need to move the energy as if you will release ember. at that time tried to get more familiar with fire energies, your goal is to increase the power of your fire, and be capable of control it easily.

Zero: "System scan Charmander"

Ding!!... Scanning


Ability: Blaze 




Development before evolution: 25%

Recommended:  Food that raise speed, atk, and sp. atk 

Zero: "system explain the last thing"

Ding! host should make pokefood  for your Pokemon with the recipe provide by the system as they need to use carbos, iron, protein, zinc, and calcium as they increase certain statistics in the game. the advantage with adding them to cooking, it will be a lot faster to assimilate and get their effects. 

Other important aspect is that the maximum of stats to increase are 3 types, and once selected they are permanent, other type of stat can not improve through food. lastly because they  are medical food, it requires certain time for the effect of the medicine to wear off.

Zero: Good thing that I ask my sister Rose to get me those materials as she works in a poke center, I'm glad that I was planning to use them as in the game.

Zero: First let's try to make each of them, that way I can  practice all the knowledge from the system, good thing that I could collect more berries while training, it saves me a lot of time with the system scan to find them.

Zero: Good thing that the system notifies of each failure product, and that we are in the forest as the food is not wasted, giving them the food is a good reward for training with my Charmander.

Zero: system show me the development of Charmander.

Ding!!!.. Development: 28% 

Zero: It seems that his energy got stronger, it seems that my method works; and he is very talented for progressing 3% in only 1 hour.

After a meal, Zero took Charmander into his pokeball as he was planning to fish in the waterfall where Ash found Misty in his first day of travel.

After some time while moving towards the river,  Zero immediately hide behind the trees and bushes as a young women with orange hair got into his view.

The reason why he hide, is that she was wearing a swimsuit and made him want  to see what is she was about to do.


Misty perspective.

Misty: now that I had fun before fishing, I should change my clothes as they would get wet if I wear them over my swimsuit.

When  undressing, she did not notice a pair of green eyes that glow behind the trees not so far from her.

First, she dried her hair with a towel as her hair was loose and long, which cause delight to zero as he could see how a part of it cover her butt cheeks which had a good proportions, then by an accident, she drop her towel which made her bend . At this moment zero saw the most exiting thing in his 10 years of life. a full view of misty honey comb with a touch of orange hairs, making zero's rod  threatening to make a hole in his pants.

As it seems that the heaven was not satisfied with the size of his rod.  Misty made a complete turn as her backpack with her clothes was behind her, then she start to slowly dry herself with a towel that barely covers anything as her pussy was on zero full view.

 After that, she start to dry her collarbone, follow by a slow and seductive move towards her breasts as she took special care of them, by doing massages in circles, often escaping  seductive moans. Perhaps she was not satisfied with his suffering (imagine a naked beauty in front of you and not been capable of doing anything) as she move her hands towards her slime waist and plain belly which highlight her figure to finish at her treasure vault, making her shivering all the times her fingers make contact with it.

zero, While trying to control his breath, thought (it seems that her breasts and pussy are sensitive)

After that misty got dress and zero has to wait some time to talk with her as his little brother was so naughty trying to escape from his pants.

After some time zero was able to approach misty who was already fishing.


Approaching misty from behind

Zero: Hello  lady, I'm zero from Palet town, would you mind if I fish together with you, this is my first time and as I see, you are a professional at handling a fish rod.

(Misty perspective): 

while turning my head to know the boy who is calling me, the moment I saw his face I got momentarily stun as he is too handsome.

Misty: (smiling) pleasure to meet you, my name is misty and I'm  from Cerulean city, and I have no problem teaching you to fish.

(Zero perspective)

After getting familiar with Misty. Some time later after catching and releasing Pokemon's, the rod moves violently , even though it moving very often, i could easily lift the Pokemon, as I got stronger than many people as I train seriously since my 6 years old.

The moment the Pokemon was in view both Misty and me got  stun as a golden Magikarp jump out of the bait. 

Zero: wow Misty, is a shiny Magikarp, would you like to conquer him?

Misty: No, I don't need this Pokemon and it is your catch. 

Zero: Thank you misty, Magikarp I'm going to conquer you.

Charmander go, scratch 

char, After hitting magikarp it tries to attack charmander by splash to tackle him, but it fail as charmander training in the day was effective for avoiding. after some time magikarp got weaken and I easily capture him. 

After thanking charmander and encouraging him, when I was about to ask for magikarp information, a gyarados rise from the river causing the Pokemon's nearby to run and misty got scared.

Zero: It looks Magikarp's friend, don't worry misty I will protect you.

Misty: thank you zero, insects and gyarados are my greatest fears.

Zero: Charmander please help me against gyarados, we can defeat him.

Use ember, after charmander use his skill it was counter by a water gun as fire is at disadvantage.

Zero: Continue using ember and move around to avoid being hit by his skills. 

After a continuous use of skills, gyarados got angrier as his skills did not hit that tiny insect and he was hit several times causing him to suffer pain, it cause gyarados lose his mind as use hydro pump towards misty.

Zero: Not good, charmander fast move toward the front of misty and use ember at full power

char char,  charmander obey his trainer order and move at full speed to save misty even though he was already exhausted, as his energy was running out, he tried to move his fire skill in a way that could block that gyarados water skill. 

Zero and Misty got surprise as charmander create a flame tornado which block the skill of gyarados and even hit him, making the wild gyarados to panic and ran away.

Ding !!.. charmander learn fire spin

Zero: great charmander you defeated a Pokemon who was stronger than you, we have to let working hard to keep winning. Eat this and drink this juice it will help you recover. 

Misty: thank you for saving me charmander.

After that incident Zero, and Misty continue fishing.

Zero: system, scan magikarp:


Magikarp (shiny)

Ability: swif swim 




Development before evolution 80%

As they talk in front of the river, suddenly Ash jump out of the river , scarring Misty and stealing her bike. 

Misty: I have to recover my bicycle.

Zero: Misty, for the moment I can't go with you, I need to do something in this forest. I will see you later at  Cerulean city 

Misty: sure.